Open the bamboo piece, engraved with words - hunting!

The word 'hunting' occupies the entire bamboo slice, and one character equals Xia'an's entire bamboo slice.

The second child held the bamboo piece happily.

The so-called 'hunting' is Li Yang's next move towards the guards and throwers.

At present, the only duty of the guards is to patrol the perimeter of the territory.

Throwers have no other tasks for the time being except for training throwing!

Outside the territory, a second guard tower has been erected.

Li Yang added a new training for guards and throwers, which he called 'hunting'!

The people of the previous generation, without mentioning other civilizations, just said the same thing-the temper is 'wild'!

In the previous life, the human race did not say that they were ruthless, but they dared to fight for the front line in terms of survival!

If you are cruel to others, you should be the same to yourself!

Nowadays, the clansmen are ignorant at birth, and they can live a stable life after learning a little knowledge, but they lose a kind of wildness in happiness.

In Li Yang's previous life, as a commoner, he had never been involved in military affairs, and was more of a hearsay and forum gossip!

Even so, he also knows that in order for his tribe to survive better, he must be as vicious as a lion and a tiger in addition to having enough to eat and live in peace!

It is difficult to gain a foothold without fierceness.

There are many races in the wild, and none of them is weak.

The addition of hunting and killing beasts to the guards and throwers is to train their bloodiness and courage.

For example, the second child, when he faced Hei Fenghu for the first time, he was fainted by a mouthful of poisonous smoke from Hei Fenghu, and he was not vigilant about the surrounding environment in his heart.

Now that the second child is in the territory again, he is very vigilant in his heart, lest he be unable to react in time when encountering an accident.

The development of internal construction needs the protection of strong external force, and Li Yang does not want to build a gorgeous but fragile high-rise.

Rather than this, he would rather build the territory into a lump of concrete.

It is only a superficial division to assign several people to be responsible for the clan members according to their parts.

The details need to be discussed further.

At present, Li Yang is supplemented by building the location of the house, training the guards and throwers, and communicating with the logistical problems to solve them!

Again, it is impossible for him to deal with so many things one by one, and he may not be able to finish them even if he is exhausted.

Even if he is an innate human race, his energy is limited.

Even if he has unlimited energy, he only has one person to deal with things after all, which is not as good as many people.

Everyone is gathering firewood and the flames are high. At present, Li Yang is pulling his clansmen forward step by step. In the future, he believes that there will be clansmen walking side by side with him.

"Xia An, count the construction team and make a reasonable arrangement. I want the detailed number of how many houses you can build every day!"

"This task is much more difficult than counting the number of our people, I believe you can complete it!"

"If you still have the energy, try to bring as many assistants as possible! Xia Yong and Xia Ning are very good, they can help you very well here!"

Compared with the second child and the others, Xia An's task is more urgent and heavy.

And log house construction he has not yet learned.

For example, wood processing, narrow width of planks, thickness of wooden posts and chiseling of grooves on wooden posts!

These need to be divided among the clansmen, and let them carry out the mid-term processing separately!

Li Yang asked Xia An to think about the team arrangement first, and he focused on Zhu Meng.

"Life collection is not just food collection. The wood needed by the construction team is also provided by the collection team you are in charge of! You must do a good job in connection, I don't want to hear Xia An say that the wood cannot be supplied!"

Li Yang just assigned Zhu Meng the team that used to be in charge of collecting, or in other words, put all the collected wood in Zhu Meng's place and let him arrange it.

"I know that your best place is to skin and remove the fur of wild animals, which makes it difficult for you to collect food, but I don't want you to be a butcher forever!"

Li Yang's current situation is that no one is available. It is not a short-term training of talents, but now they are used while teaching.

In fact, as long as you take the first few steps and get better, even if things get more complicated later, Li Yang will still be available!

"Your collection team should also pay attention to team allocation, picking wild vegetables and peaches, digging taro stems, fishing and digging traps... Digging traps, second child!"

"It's up to you to dig the trap!"

When the second child was involved, Li Yang explained in detail what the second child was responsible for.

"You took over the trap from Zhu Meng. In addition to training, you also need to protect the collectors who go out and build guard towers!"

"The other point is to go out and hunt wild animals outside the territory! You can make a number of people according to what I said!"

"Xia An, Zhu Meng, you guys also list the numbers yourself for me to see!"

Li Yang asked a few people to count, he wanted to see what numbers these younger brothers could count?

The sum of several people should not exceed the total number of people, right?

Help the three of them sort out the direction and let them know a little bit about what to do in that direction.

A Xi and A Tao are left.

The two are in charge of logistics, and the task is naturally not small.

The innate human race is biologically divided into genders, but job assignments do not need to be divided.

There are female tribesmen in the guard team, as well as in the construction team, and there is no distinction between the two.

The logistics of the territory can be unified, but Li Yang let Axi and Atao each be responsible for a part.

There are too many logistical chores, and it is easy to be in a hurry when one person comes.

It is not only necessary to deploy the logistics of the construction team, but also responsible for the logistics of the collection team, and even the logistics of the guards and throwers must be included!

A Tao is inferior to A Xi in terms of overall knowledge, Li Yang only let her be in charge of the later stage of team building.

Axi is in charge of the later two parts.

"Atao, let me tell you about the specific logistics responsibilities of the construction team. The first is food guarantee, so that the clansmen can eat! The second is safety guarantee. If the clansman is injured, heal the clansman as soon as possible! And yours Don't leave the pottery side either!"

Even if it is divided, there is not much to do. Now the construction team only needs to eat enough to continue working!

Building for one's own house is not a black heart.

In terms of pottery making, even Ah Xi can't compare to A Tao, Li Yang naturally won't let her leave the pottery cellar behind.

"I know, big brother!"

"Axi, you are responsible for the logistics of the second and Zhu Meng, supply and repair of stone axes and bamboo baskets for the collection team, weaving and repair of fishing nets, supply and demand of spears for the guards and throwers, and may add bows and arrows in the future!"

The logistics are messy and chaotic. The clan team has not expanded, and it is only chaotic at the beginning.

"As for how to subdivide the team, you and your assistants will discuss and decide! After discussing, give me the specific numbers!"

Li Yang let a few people go to work, and left Xia An alone!

Xia An was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by her eldest brother, and her heart was heavy, and she lacked confidence in whether she could do well.

"Big brother!"

"You saw the process of building my small wooden house yesterday. It's very simple to build, as long as you match them in order and secure them!"

"Let me tell you what 'accessories' they need, how to process these 'accessories'! And how do you assign the clansmen to process and learn!"

The two words 'accessory' were not engraved on the inscription tablet, and they were unfamiliar words to the tribe, so when he said these two words, he would write them out specially.

Every time there is an unfamiliar word, he will write it out.

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