On Nine Heavens, Wa Palace.

Buzzing buzzing, the monument vibrates.


Fuxi took out the writing tablet and found that there were two more characters on it!

Whenever there is a vibrating sound from the writing tablet, a few more words will appear on the writing tablet!

Fuxi was so shocked that he had some auditory hallucinations. When he was meditating, he always felt the vibration of the writing tablet in his ears from time to time!

He took it to look at it, and found that the writing tablet lay quietly in his arms, and there was no writing on it.

Fuxi thought about it, and threw the inscription tablet aside on the stone platform in disgust.

He wants to review the 'Four Arithmetic Operations' taught by that human Li Yang, he needs to study hard.

Fuxi calmed down and sorted out the knowledge he got from Li Yang. He just couldn't study a formula, and he always felt that the text tablet was shaking!

He took it and looked at it, the inscription did not shake!

It's an auditory hallucination!

Fuxi shook his head and put the inscription tablet back on the stone platform, then lowered his head and continued to study the formula.

Before he finished studying a column, he seemed to hear the vibration of the text tablet again.

Fuxi took the writing tablet again, but it was still an auditory hallucination.

Putting the inscription back on the stone platform, just as Fuxi withdrew his hand, a white light brushed the inscription on the stone platform and disappeared.

Fuxi looked up.

"younger sister!"

Nuwa glanced at her brother.

"Since you have the inscription tablet, you don't want to practice every day, just go and look at it from time to time! It's there and it doesn't run away, why do you have to look at it every time?"

"Cultivate hard or study your formulas, I will take this inscription first!"

Nuwa took away the tablet, closed her eyes and said nothing.

Fuxi: "..."

Forget it, let's study the columns!

Before studying the formula, Fuxi lowered his gaze to the human territory.

Human territory, in front of Li Yang's house.

"Accessories, you have to keep these two words in mind. In addition, it means the integration of things to build a wooden house!"

There is not much reason to count one as one and two as two.

And put it in words, one life two, two life three...

Thinking of this, Li Yang wondered if Taiqing would be kicked out if he came over to teach Taoist thought, and tell his clansmen about life and death.

Just like when Fuxi came, the second child thought that she was a woman with her long hair in a daze.

Fuxi suddenly felt that it was a good thing that he met Fuxi last time, if the unknown visitor was a grumpy person, he would really kill the second child.

Words carry their meaning.

Li Yang can still speak mathematics!

Chinese, even if he is an out-and-out liberal arts student, he can't tell why.

This is probably the reason why many students in the previous life did not do well in the Chinese test, but they were not too bad in the test?

"Wide plank? Narrow plank? Column? Polygonal prism?"

Yesterday my brother only taught him how to assemble it, but he didn't introduce those things to him at all!

Xia An is a little confused, what are these?

"Didn't I tell you yesterday?"

"Brother, you said what you said, but you said it again and again to build a house, I can't remember so much!"

Li Yang raised his forehead, he thought that Xia An's calm and composed appearance thought he understood.

Is it because you don't understand for a long time, so you are more calm?

This is a bit like the second child. When learning knowledge, I am afraid that I will not learn well and make mistakes, but when I don’t understand, I am very bold!

"Come with me first, I will introduce these things to you first, and teach you how to write characters by the way!"

Xia An doesn't understand, and it's even more impossible for the rest of the tribe to understand!

Fortunately, there was some leftover wood from processing yesterday, otherwise he would process it again today, and it would take tomorrow for Xia An to learn.

"This is a wide plank, and this is a long plank. How do you compare the two?"

Li Yang stacked two planks together.

The lower one is wider, the upper one is slightly narrower.

He realized that the end of the four-diamond calculation might just be the beginning.

Xia An and the second child should not understand a lot of knowledge that he knows subconsciously.

Getting along in such a world, even if I behaved strangely, the second child and the others should not feel strange.

In their eyes, probably they should be like that!

There is another possibility, that is, they think they have not mastered that knowledge or have not taught it themselves!

Leading the development of the tribe is really a long way to go, and it needs to be done slowly.

Li Yang taught three people in this class, Xia An, Xia Yong, and Xia Ning.

For the rest of the construction team, Li Yang was going to wait for the three of them to learn what wide planks, narrow planks, and columns are... and then they went to train their own teams!

"The cylinder is like this, a bare one, I make it a cylinder!"

Li Yang did not introduce the length, width and height, but directly wide planks and narrow planks...

Can length, width and height represent distance or space?

Li Yang felt ashamed that he was a liberal arts student. He thought he was a liberal arts student, so he didn't know much about science.

Who would have thought that if I really use my liberal arts students' knowledge, I don't seem to understand it?

At present, it does not involve what is meant by space, Li Yang directly lets 'length, width, height' represent distance.

After teaching mathematics, there is still writing to be taught.

When Li Yang created distance units, he used half of his middle finger as a centimeter without a ruler, ten centimeters as a foot, and a hundred centimeters as a meter!

The unit is determined, and the Tiantian ruler is used to become a congenital spiritual treasure.

"Get to know these accessories first. They are all needed to build a house! In addition, you should use these to build a house according to the needs of the tribe. It is not a small house, and the space is narrow and difficult to live in!"

Seeing Xia An's troubled face, Li Yang was puzzled.

"Can't understand?"

Xia An's eyes slightly opened, should he understand?

"Brother, what is space? What is that small and big?"

"Brother, I should know all the words you said one by one on the tablet, but when you put them together, I will..."

Li Yang patted his forehead.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly remembered that when he was talking to them, they were stunned for a long time.

He narrowed his eyes: "Xia An, tell me the truth, did you understand what I said before?"

He wrote down the words, and in the past few days he continued to teach the four calculations to the tribe, thus neglecting the word.

The clansman should be able to understand some simple things and actions, but it should be difficult for the clansman to understand too complicated things.

It was his negligence.

In the past, I made gestures blindly so that the second child and Xia An could understand, but in fact, I made things easy for them!

In addition, many of what the tribe learned was imitation.

Whatever they do, they follow their own behavior and do it one by one.

For example, when the clansman was digging traps at the beginning, he said how he looked at the clansman with a wooden shovel in such a similar posture!

Realizing the problem, Li Yang felt much relieved.

In addition, the second child, Ah Xi and the others should be the same.

If they don't understand, they should just guess and do it!

"Forget about space, small and big for now! Remember the wide planks, narrow planks, and wooden rivets I mentioned!"

Li Yang was worried that several people would not be able to remember this, so he pointed to these things and asked questions back and forth.

Wide plank, narrow plank, long plank, short...

Li Yang pointed out that the three of them recited it, and they all finished it in less than a moment.

"These are log house accessories. I'll teach you how to make them into a log house! I showed you yesterday, and I won't do it today!"

"I told you to do it!"

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