I'm tired, break up

Chapter 32 Hiratsuka-sensei's Monster Invites

Fujiwara stood on the jogging platform between the first floor and the second floor, with his hands in his pockets, looking around.

There was a bustling crowd under his feet. For the first time, the first-year students rushed to the atrium without the moment the lunch break bell rang. They gathered in the corridor in twos and threes, holding blank papers as drafts in their hands. Some were beaming, while others were frowning Puzzled, murmured conversations like restless bee swarms.

Today is the academic ability test for the first grade of Zongwu High School.

Although he is the core figure in various rumors of Sobu High School, Fujiwara Yuki is actually a low-key person in school. After all, the reputation of being a scum is too widely spread, which is not good for girls. If it is not necessary, he will not take the initiative into the public eye.

But this time he did not hide his whereabouts, but stood in the most conspicuous place under the sun, which attracted a lot of attention to him, the hottest one coming from the right side, wearing a first-year uniform The girls gathered there, looking at this handsome senior with an expressionless face from a distance.

"No matter how many times you look at it, whether you look at it from the front or the side, Fujiwara-senpai is always handsome." A girl sighed and said, "I really want to try dating Fujiwara-senpai."

"Are you crazy? That's Fujiwara-senpai! Sobu's tall stallion messing around!"

“It’s not a big stallion messing around! It’s an emperor penguin made for love!” retorts another girl, clearly the “know-it-all” of the group, with the Ministry of Information badge on her chest. "Our news department has conducted surveys and interviews, and all the seniors who have been with Fujiwara-senpai have said that they have never regretted dating their seniors, and 90.00% of them are open to the matter of getting back together with Fujiwara-senpai."

"Isn't there 5.00% left?"

"No, the remaining 5.00% have transferred to another school. We couldn't interview them. I heard that the reason is that Fujiwara-senpai can't bear to flirt with girls other than myself."

"The results of this investigation really make people wonder what expression to make."

"I can't help it. After all, girls are born animals that die for love."

At this time, someone in the crowd suddenly asked: "Is there anyone willing to strike up a conversation with Fujiwara-senpai?"

The noisy girls suddenly fell silent. The girls looked at each other with blushing faces and gently pushed each other, but none of them dared to step forward.According to the rumors, Fujiwara is a bottomless lake, and the girls are thirsty deer. They are eager to taste the sweet lake water, but they can't help being afraid of the beast hidden at the bottom of the lake.

And at this moment, sweet and greasy shouts suddenly sounded from behind the girls, from far to near.


A figure leisurely passed through the crowd, flaxen hair floated past every girl's sight.

The girls froze suddenly.

Amid all kinds of gazes, the flaxen-haired girl approached Fujiwara-senpai with her hands behind her back. The expression on her face was somewhere between a cat begging for food and a puppy meeting its owner. Go to "Please Feed" and "Please Touch Your Head".

The girls stood together, they looked at the girl's back, and exchanged dark eyes with each other.

"Who is that?"

"I know her, she is a girl of the same level, her name is Yishiroyu."

But Fujiwara Yuki neither fed nor reached out to touch Ishiroyu's head. He nodded to the girl, motioned her to follow, and then turned and stepped on the second floor.

On the eve of leaving, Yishiyu turned his face slightly to the side seemingly unintentionally, and licked the corners of his mouth at the girls behind him.

The atmosphere in the crowd was terribly oppressive.

After a long time, someone spat softly.

"Tch! What are you proud of?"

The pace of both of them was not slow, and not long after, Mr. Hiratsuka's staff room was already in sight.

"How was the exam in the morning?" Fujiwara Yuki asked lightly.

"It's easy!" Yi Caiyu, who followed behind him like a small tail, was all smiles. "Senior's tutoring is really powerful, and those topics have become easier."

"Very good." Fujiwara nodded, and warned: "Don't get carried away, and you should go all out in the afternoon."

"I will!" Yishiroyu nodded vigorously, then blinked. "Will the seniors in the afternoon exam continue to cheer for me?"

Fujiwara paused, glanced at the girl, suddenly quickened his pace, left behind his bulging cheeks, and came to the door of the staff room alone, and opened the door with a "crash".




"Senior?" Isshiki Yu looked at Fujiwara Yuki who was standing still at the door, and tilted his head in doubt.

After so many days of being familiar with and understanding the scumbag senior, Isshiroyu can already claim to be an excellent "satisfactory expert", but she has never seen Fujiwara Yuki like this.

Senior scumbag stood up straight at this time, the arm that was holding on to the door was muscular because of excessive force, it was a vigilant posture, as if there was a monster hiding in the staff room in front of him.

At this moment, enthusiastic greetings suddenly sounded in the staff room.

"Oh! It's Fujiwara! You're finally here! Come in, come in! We've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Is this Hiratsuka-sensei's voice?

Yishiyu couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

what happened?Why is Hiratsuka-sensei suddenly so excited?Didn't she always want to keep a distance from the scumbag senior?

Thinking like this, Isshiroha glanced at Yuki Fujiwara's back strangely.

Could it be that senior scum added something strange to yesterday's eel rice, right?

But Fujiwara Yuki still didn't reply, he stood there quietly, like a statue made of cement.

Isshiroyu finally couldn't hold back her confusion, she stepped forward with small steps, grabbed Fujiwara Yuki's school uniform with both hands, and looked into the staff room.

Looking at it at a glance, Yi Caiyu couldn't help but gasped.

At this time, Mr. Hiratsuka was sitting proudly in the meeting area in the corner of the staff room—two couches facing each other, with a glass coffee table in between.Sitting next to Mr. Hiratsuka is a pink-haired girl with a dumpling head. Isshiroba has met her a few times before. Yuigahama Yui-senpai, a second-year student, is a very nice person and the cookies she bakes are also delicious. delicious.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether it's the sofa, the coffee table or Yuigahama Yui, the point is the person sitting opposite Mr. Hiratsuka!

It was a girl with long black hair. She was sitting quietly on the sofa, holding a book in her hand. The girl had a dignified appearance, and her side face was as delicate as white porcelain. Cool fresh snow.

——There really are monsters! ! !

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