I'm tired, break up

Chapter 33 The Transparent Man Game

Isshiroba looked away from Yukinoshita Yukino, and cast a strange look at Hiratsuka-sensei who was happily sitting on the sofa.

No wonder Mr. Hiratsuka, who was terrified of the scumbag seniors a few days ago, suddenly became so enthusiastic. It turned out that he had invited the tiger-fighting hero.

"Are we going to retreat? Senior." Isshiroha lightly tapped Fujiwara Yuki's shoulder and asked in a low voice.

This is a rational suggestion. The enemy has strong support and is in full swing. At this time, rushing into the enemy's line will not be worth the loss.

Fujiwara shook his head. "Isshiki, wars are not won by retreating."

"But" Isshiroha wanted to say something more, but Yuki Fujiwara had already taken off the backpack on his shoulder, and stepped into the staff room with a normal expression.

Yi Caiyu had no choice but to hold onto the corner of his clothes, and followed him with his head down, like a little mouse biting its mother's tail and going out.

But soon, the little mouse was taken away from its mother.

"Student Isshiki! Good afternoon!" Hiratsuka teacher Shi Shiran got up, strode over, maybe it would be more appropriate to pounce, she dragged Isshiroha away from behind Fujiwara Yuki without any explanation, and let Isshiroha follow Sitting with Yuigahama Yui, the three of them filled a sofa.

Fujiwara Yuki stood at the edge of the reception area in silence for a moment, and finally sat down beside Yukino Yukino.

The sofa that Yukinoshita Yukino sat on was a two-seater, smaller than Mr. Hiratsuka's. After Fujiwara Yuki sat down, the two of them inevitably came into contact, but whether it was Fujiwara Yuki or Yukinoshita Yukino, they were the same. With an expressionless face, the former put his backpack on the coffee table on his own, while the latter was still reading a book quietly, as if the surroundings of each other were just a cloud of air.

Yi Caiyu looked at the two almost identical cold faces opposite him, and felt that he had become a baby seal in Antarctica. In front of him, two large icebergs collided brazenly under the push of ocean currents, and ice edges splashed everywhere.

Miss Wingman didn't dare to look any further. She looked away and looked around. At this moment, she suddenly noticed that there was an induction cooker on the tea table in front of her. On the stove was a glass teapot, the water in it was gurgling, and she was about to boiling.

"Congratulations on quitting smoking for two days." Fujiwara Yuki took out the lunch box and tableware for Mr. Jing from his backpack. "This is the teacher's bento today."

"Thank you." Teacher Hiratsuka took the bento box with a smile. Today's meal is probably the most reassuring meal she has eaten in three days. "What's for lunch today?"

"Chinese food, Shanghai pan-fried."

Hiratsuka-sensei opened the box, and lightly sniffed the fragrance of green onion and sesame that overflowed. "Can you still cook Chinese food?"

"I can only make some pasta, not proficient."

"But that's amazing." Teacher Jing sighed, she picked up a pan-fried bun and took a bite, showing a satisfied expression.

"Good afternoon, Fujiwara-san." Yuigahama Yui finally found a gap to make a sound.

"Good afternoon, Yuigahama." Fujiwara Shiki turned his head and said hello calmly: "Have you had lunch yet?"

"Not yet!" Yuigahama Yui couldn't help but show a joyful expression after talking with Fujiwara Yuki smoothly. "Me and Xiaoxue"

At this time, Yukinoshita Yukino who was beside Fujiwara Yuki suddenly raised his head silently, and glanced at Yuigahama Yui.

Yuigahama Yui shivered from being stared at by Yukinoshita, and she quickly changed her words: "Me! It's just me! I'm going to sell the department to buy yakisoba bread later."

"I see." Fujiwara nodded, took out a new bento from his backpack, he lifted the lid, and inside was the same style of fried rice from Mr. Hiratsuka.

"Please use." Fujiwara Yuki handed the lunch box to Yuigahama Yui.

Yuigahama didn't reach out to pick it up, she glanced at Fujiwara Yuki, and asked softly, "This is Fujiwara-san's own lunch, right?"

"You are a guest invited by Teacher Jing. If you let the guest watch you eat while hungry, it would be too rude."

This sentence made Yuigahama Yui startled, she looked at Fujiwara Yuki blankly, as if she suddenly understood a very shocking fact.

"As for me, don't worry." Fujiwara Yuki said lightly: "I have a good relationship with Mr. Nishiyama who is in charge of the home economics classroom, and I have stored some ingredients there, and I will go and make a lunch for myself when the time comes. "

But Yuigahama Yui didn't listen to Fujiwara Yuki's explanation. She was looking at Hiratsuka-sensei with resentment on her face, and asked in a low voice for a while, "Hiratsuka-sensei likes ramen noodles, right?"

Teacher Jing, who was enjoying the delicious food at ease, coughed and almost choked to death.

"By the way, Isshiki will also eat a little."

"Eh? So I also have a share? Usually not" Isshiroha realized that he had said something wrong just halfway through speaking, quickly covered his lips with his hand, and winked at Fujiwara Yuki in a fawning manner.

She was really surprised, don't look at how diligently the senior scumbag prepared lunch for Teacher Jing in the past three days, but Miss Yishiyu, who was the wingman, had never eaten a bite of the dishes made by the senior scumbag. She solved it by herself in the sales department or the cafeteria.

But Fujiwara Zhi ignored her, and after greeting Isiroha and Yuigahama Yui, he fell silent.

This guy entertained everyone present with a hostess-like tone, and only one person was missed.

At this moment, the hot water was boiling, Yukinoshita Yukino put down the book, took off the teapot and got up, and offered tea to Shizuka Hiratsuka, Yui Yuhihama, and Isshiroba respectively.

But at the same time, she also missed one person alone.

Isshiki Yu took the hot tea, thanked her, and couldn't help but look at Fujiwara Yuki and Yukinoshita Yukino.

These two people clearly sat together with their shoulders pressed against each other, but they both regarded each other as transparent people who did not exist.

Are you angry?Or is this actually a tacit understanding on another level?

Just when Isiroyu was thinking about it, Fujiwara Yuki suddenly raised his head, he met Isiroyu's gaze, the scumbag's eyes made the girl startled, she had seen such eyes before, every time the scumbag's senior let The eyes of the wingmen are always like this when they are dispatched!

--I knew it!How could this scumbag be so kind as to buy me something for free!

Yishishiyu sighed in her heart, she flicked the hair on her shoulders, smiled, and looked up at Yukinoshita Yukino. "Why did Yukinoshita-senpai appear here?"

"Someone sent a commission to the service department." Yukinoshita Yukino turned a page and said flatly, "Please help us repel a very troublesome person."

"Us? Yukinoshita-senpai has found a companion?" Isiroyu noticed this plural word and couldn't help being a little puzzled. She had visited Yukinoshita Yukino several times on behalf of the scumbag senior, and occasionally chatted a few times. In other words, as far as she knows, the Ministry of Service should be a very small society with only one person.

"It's me, it's me." Yuigahama Yui raised her hand and shook Isshiroba. "I have joined Xiaoxue's service department."

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