Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 218: Mysterious fragments, conflict and reconciliation!

"Damn, the treasure that the emperor desperately wants to grab is such a shit?!"

In the crowd, the **** dog uttered in surprise, and his eyes were exactly what Lin Feng was holding in the wooden box.

It was a bluish-gray fragment that looked unremarkable, but it contained a vast aura that only Lin Feng could feel, and it was also stained with a bit of medicinal fragrance. The endless light from the wooden box before is also Its surface exudes the glaze luster.

The people in the **** dog camp looked shocked and surprised when they saw this thing. They thought the treasure escorted by the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect was a rare thing, and no matter how bad it was, it should be an extremely valuable god. Source, how shouldn't it be this inconspicuous tattered piece.

On the other hand, the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sects were behaving normally. As the first-winners, they seemed to have already understood the hidden objects in the wooden box, but at the moment they saw Lin Feng holding the treasure, they all looked gloomy and guarded.

"This thing is the elder of my teaching, obtained from the beheading of a dying animal near Fallen Mountain. The purpose is unknown. I only know that it contains powerful energy and is an extraordinary thing. Therefore, I have notified me who was on the way to **** Islam. It's not that vicious dog, the robbery he said!"

The Tianjiao of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect patiently explained the ins and outs, respected Lin Feng, and sincerely said: "In fact, we are the victims. This is also a misunderstanding. Please tell Brother Lin Dao clearly!"

What he said was justified and well-founded, and the facts are in front of him. Lin Feng can be sure that this **** dog is really obsessed with doing bad things. At first he guessed it, but he was interested in it, so he didn't break it. .

It is said that being a man cannot be too moral, and a dog cannot be too black. Lin Feng is also unlucky. He first met Duan De and then black emperor, and his experience was even more strange than one.

First, Duan Dehu’s mouth grabbed food and was chased by a group of arrogances, and then the black king dog lost his mind when he smelled the baby.

Lin Feng laughed a little after thinking about it. After examining the fragments in the wooden box for a while, he decisively threw them back to the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect.

This action immediately caused the **** dog to be dumbfounded, and he shouted and asked: "Hey, hey, just give it to him? Then this emperor is not fighting for nothing?!"

Lin Feng was too lazy to pay attention to him, only said: "Although this thing is not an evil thing, it is probably cursed with ancient times, and because its value is greatly reduced, it is basically a scrapped thing. It needs to be carefully considered so as not to cause trouble to the upper body."

Wan Jie Jiao Tianjiao's face changed slightly when he heard the words, but still very much to Lin Feng's feelings, and said, "Thank you, Brother Lin Dao, for your guidance. Since the thing has returned to the original owner, this black dog is a friend of Brother Lin Dao, so let this matter go. See you in the future, I hope I can still appreciate the style of Brother Lin Dao!"

Having said that, he has already ordered the people of Wanjijiao to clean up and prepare to set off immediately to return to education, away from this place of right and wrong.

Before leaving, Ten Thousand Tribulations taught Tianjiao hesitated for a while, and finally gritted his teeth, took out a piece of iron seal, and secretly handed it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng accepted silently, only the voice of Ten Thousand Tribulations Teaching Tianjiao suddenly came from his ears:

"I heard that Brother Lin Dao was entrusted by various sacred places to go to Fallen Mountain to investigate. This is a dangerous situation, and I have nothing to know about it.

This fixed formation stone is a treasure that I have treasured for a long time. It can be used as a stable transmission pattern, and it has a miraculous effect with the black dog's method of drawing the formation.

Maybe it can help Brother Lin Dao save a little trouble! "

Lin Feng nodded slightly, smiled, and thanked him, but the Ten Thousand Tribulations Cult Tianjiao seemed to be worried, and he reminded him in a deep voice:

"I heard from the elders in the teaching that Fallen Xianling has been changing differently recently, and the great sacred places are on guard against each other because of the lessons of the Immortal Mountain.

He didn't dare to send his own son to fight again, so I found Brother Lin Dao. In fact, he was very tricky, so he must be treated with caution.

I have always remembered that Brother Lin Dao rescued me from the Undead Mountain before.

I hope that Brother Lin Dao can successfully complete the task this time, and see you again in the future, and I will also have the opportunity to have a big white talk with Brother Lin Dao! "

The voices became weaker as they went to the back. Looking up, the people of Wanjiajiao had disappeared in the vast night.

After Lin Feng listened, it was quite interesting.

Although he knew most of the information, what he didn't expect was that even the Tianjiao class of the Eastern Wilderness Great Sect actually learned the details. It can be seen that the major sacred sites sent Lin Feng to this mission, and it was really uneasy. Well-intentioned, he is not optimistic about Lin Feng at all.

On the other side, the **** dog who had lost his robbery plan was a little sullen: "I said Lin Xiaozi, I thought you were a strong thug, but you came to be a peacemaker. Now the baby is gone, and I am too busy. What do you say, is it to compensate me?"

Lin Feng glanced at him and said indifferently: "It's useless if you grab it, I don't believe you didn't feel it, the aura of the great emperor contained in the fragments!"

The **** dog chuckled: "The emperor went to the smell, **** it, at first the emperor thought it was where the undead medicine was born. The smell is terrible, but he didn't expect it to be such a scrap of copper and rotten iron. !"

Lin Feng felt quite indifferent to the **** dog. He shook his head and asked suddenly, "The leaves are flying over them, why aren't they with you?"

"We were together before, but since Ye Fan went to the Yaochi Holy Land with the Old God King, he was pressed by the Old God King to retreat to Jiang's house."

The **** dog yawned, lacking interest: "It seems that Ye Fan has acquired something strange, and the realm has broken again, and the curse of the Holy Land recurs. Only the old **** king took the initiative to suppress it. Tu Fei and Li Heishui also returned home, and the emperor will wait. It's boring, so I came out to collect a few people for fun."

When Lin Feng heard this, he had a general idea. He deliberately stayed away from Ye Fan in order to avoid the conflict between the two forces. After entering the high level, the butterfly effect caused by Lin Feng became more and more serious, and all major events are now ahead of schedule. Happening is a sign.

Seeing Lin Feng's thoughts, the **** dog couldn't help but ask: "Listen to the boy who teaches me that you are going to Fallen Xianling this time to take an adventure?"

"Yes, I heard that there are countless magical medicines and secret treasures hidden in Fallen Xianling, I have long wanted to go shopping." Lin Feng said lightly.

The **** dog's eyes lit up as soon as he heard the four characters for the magic medicine secret treasure. Just like Duan De's reaction when he heard the two characters for treasure, he rushed to Lin Feng's side in a flash and raised his paw and said excitedly: "Take this emperor. One, such a good thing, how can you lose the emperor!"

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Lin Feng asked playfully.

"The greater the risk, the greater the chance. The emperor remembers this but you said it!" The **** dog's eyes gleamed.

Lin Feng smiled lightly, called up the system coordinates, and then threw the formation stone: "The location is selected, start the formation."

The **** dog took the delimitation stone, secretly said a good baby, and then immediately began to arrange the Dao pattern.

Soon, a portal appeared, and a gloomy and decadent aura permeated within it, like a portal to hell, and one could feel the scalp numb just by looking at it.

The **** dog hesitated because he was not allowed his own technique, but the next moment Lin Feng stepped into it decisively!

"Depend on!"

The **** dog was startled He gritted his teeth and hesitated for a while, but finally couldn't let go of the obsession to save the Emperor Wu Shi, and jumped into it.

"Master, no matter what you face, Xiao Hei will definitely find a way to save you!"

The sound of firm words drifted in the air with the wind.

This piece of land shrouded in darkness, even the moonlight seemed unclear.

"They... just leave like this?!"

"Does this mean that we are free?"

"Don't think about it, who can solve the prohibition under the dead dog?"

"Hey, let's go back to the Black Emperor Cave Mansion and wait!"

The crowd of people favored by the Black Emperor looked at each other and left the place with a sigh.

Only a word full of resentment was left: "In this world, even dogs dare to bully Lao Tzu!"

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