Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 219: Lost ruins, mountains where immortals are buried!

Fallen Xianling.

The eternal years have passed, and people still haven't forgotten this legendary land, although people dare not set foot here.

It was all because of the four words "Life Forbidden Zone" that the Sifang monks changed their colors.

But today, the combination of one person and one dog broke the silent air and stepped into this lost relic.

"It feels..."

The **** dog stretched out its paws and scratched the soil, the dog's nose vigorously moved a few times, and suddenly he took a breath: "hiss..."

Lin Feng was accustomed to the look of the **** dog, and ignored it. He only silently sensed the system coordinates, but suddenly realized that he was so far away from the sign-in location, but he changed his mind again, and for an instant, The distance became close again.

He whispered, and secretly said that it was strange, and such a weird situation had never happened before. Could it be that the system is malfunctioning?

"It's over!" The **** dog suddenly whimpered, interrupting Lin Feng's thoughts, and groaning without illness: "The rules of the avenue here are extremely disordered. I'm so sleepy here!"

Lin Feng heard the words and said lightly: "That's not good. The place is clean and secluded, and there have been few interruptions for thousands of years. Isn't it the right place for Qingxin cultivation?"

The **** dog rolled his eyes and said, "What's the matter, do you still want to cultivate directly into the immortal emperor in this place where the birds don't shit?"

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, and stepped forward.

There is a lonely mountain in front of me, and the evil wind flowing between the two mountains flows in my ears. It is not noisy, but it gives people a feeling of loneliness and desolation.

The **** dog turned his head after two steps, and the nervous look formed a sharp contrast with Lin Feng's calm and breezy face.

One person and one dog wandered in this lost place. The strange thing was that it was not as dangerous as the Immortal Mountain. After the incense stick time passed, there were no strange beasts and spirits, and none of the living creatures were seen.

It is quieter than the burial ground of the Undead Mountain, and more desolate than the mountains of the forbidden land.

Looking at it, there are only bare mountains and rough sand, repeating the boring scenery over and over again.

Like an ordinary life, but also like a life that has long since fallen, the growth rings of the years can't kill the appearance of Fallen Xianling, because he is more lonely than the years.

Lin Feng tried to mobilize the magical power technique, everything was surprisingly smooth, except for the chaotic avenue rules and the inability to fly at high altitudes, there is no so-called avenue suppression here, and there is no sudden restriction of the rules of heaven and earth.

This is all similar to the outside world.

If it hadn't been for the previous **** dog to cut the Dao pattern and send Lin Feng to the entrance, seeing the mysterious power that shielded the sun and moon with his own eyes, Lin Feng would have mistaken this place for an ordinary mountain.

"But this is the mountain where the immortal was buried after all, no matter which immortal it was buried in." Lin Feng secretly said in his heart.

So what is it that makes this place a forbidden zone for life, which prevents countless monks from watching and staying away from it?

There was a question in Lin Feng's heart, but the strange performance of the system coordinates pulled him back to reality.

Before you know it, one person and one dog have already entered the middle of the two mountains.

Above his head, there was a mountain wall arched like a crescent moon, enveloping it with unnatural sunlight.

The moment one person and one dog stepped into it, the steep cliffs blocked the light, and the surroundings were plunged into darkness in an instant.

At the same time, a melodious string music came quietly.

Lin Feng faintly aroused divine power, holding the starlight in his hand, illuminating the broken earth around him.

The **** dog was shocked: "What's the matter, this place is weird?"

It only felt a sudden cold on the soles of its feet, and then looked down, the original rocks and sands turned into crystal clear gems at some unknown time. While emitting brilliant light, they were like glass mirrors and reflected clearly. There is an image of one person and one dog.

After heavy planing a few times, the glazed ground on the soles of the feet was also undamaged, only a wave of ripples gently rippling, and then a shimmer appeared under the feet, the coolness deepened, and it returned to normal in a short time.

The **** dog was taken aback, and then he said again: "This place doesn't look like a man-made thing, and the emperor clearly doesn't feel it strange!"

Without a word, Lin Feng looked into the depths of the cliff, his eyes flashed.

Strangely, the image reflected under his feet did not react in sync with the light.

After a while, there were strange sounds around, there were roaring beasts, and the harsh sonic boom of the wind tearing the air. All the calm was broken. This sudden change caused the desolate land to suddenly change into The spooky ghost mythical creature!

"Dao Mark?!" The **** dog struggling to draw a Dao pattern in the air, but saw a bright light appear in front of his eyes!

The mountain wind blew quietly, like a sword slashing on the body, the hard dog hair on the top of the **** dog's head was actually shaved off dozens of them!

"Little Lin, help me!" The **** dog reacted very quickly, screamed, dodged and hid behind Lin Feng.

The piercing and sharp mountain wind blew by, but it disappeared instantly on Lin Feng's white clothes with powerful divine power, and then on his bare skin, bursts of brilliant sparks!

Such power!

"What the **** is this?!" The **** dog did not stop for a moment, some of them were overwhelmed by the sharp mountain wind.

Lin Feng was always calm.

The golden light flashed in his eyes, which had already transformed into the pupil of the **** king before, illuminating the steep cliffs in front of him, and peeping through some secrets.




A sound like a heartbeat and drumbeat reverberated all around.

At the end of the darkness, a faint light flashed, and complex lines reflected each other, and then a palace built of gold and jade suddenly appeared in front of a person and a dog, looking very abrupt.

"This is..." The experienced **** dog had his eyes widened when he saw the palace, his expression unbelievable.


There was another noise, but this time it was a rippling laugh.

I saw the darkness receding from the front Thousands of women dressed in palace clothes and dusty temperament flew out of the palace lightly.

Ignoring one person and one dog, they competed and sang in the dazzling light radiated by Liuli.

"Emperor Wu Shi!" The **** dog's eyes were full of blurred colors, and he muttered like a demon: "There are so many beautiful ladies flying in the sky. "

Lin Feng curled his mouth and called out the unextinguishable Buddha lamp from the sea of ​​bloody bitterness, and suddenly slammed it on the head of the **** dog.


The **** dog let out a pain, his eyes were relieved, and he instantly regained consciousness, but he yelled, "Damn, you stinky boy, could it be that you have been hit by a demon, and you have hit the emperor for no reason!"

Lin Feng held the unquenchable Buddha lamp, constantly instilling divine power, causing it to spit flames, and at the same time rippling the magnificent Buddha light to wash the soul.

Lin Feng said lightly, pointing to the group of fairies dancing in the sky: "If I'm really taken aback, won't you be abducted by those ladies?"

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