Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 235: All ants, you can take care of Yanran

Yun Yun found that the temperature in the huge bluestone square had dropped by dozens of degrees, and her face was full of anger for a while. She was also the Sect Master anyway, but now, no one of her staff was willing to listen to her and stopped the battle.

"If I don't realize it, I don't come back quickly."

Gao Tian's voice rang again, and then, that big grudge hand also came to Yun Yun, and suddenly grabbed him and Nalan Yanran.

Facing Yunshan, who had already broken through Douzong, Yun Yun, who was only three-star Dou Huang, could not resist, let alone Nalan Yanran, who had not yet reached the realm of a big Dou Master.

For a while, the two women's bodies floated up in the air, both of them were attracted by the majestic gravitational force above the grudge hands, unable to break free.

"Haha, hahahaha..."

Suddenly, a hearty laughter continued to sound, and the sound was not loud, but the people everywhere in the huge Yunlan Mountain could hear it clearly.

"What a master, don't you look down on Lao Tzu, do you want to marry Yun'er to the ant beside you?"

At the sound of the sound, an ordinary iron sword flew out of the storm of sword blades, rushing straight into the large clouds in the sky, and then flashed past. The two people hiding behind the clouds were suddenly exposed to everyone's sight.

And the big grudge hand that he grabbed also disappeared without a trace in Ye Chen's finger.

"How is it? Waste? You have to see clearly who is the ant in the end."

The person on the left of Yunhou frowned as he looked at Ye Chen who was acting.

His age does not seem to be very large. There are no wrinkles that old people should have on his face. On the contrary, he is like a piece of warm jade that exudes a little light. If it is not for the long white hair, it is really difficult for ordinary people to think he is Yunshan, the strong man of the last era.

And standing beside him was Furukawa with a gentle and gentle face, who also had the cultivation base of Dou Wang.

"I can see clearly, except for Yuner Yanran, you are all ants."

Ye Chen's gaze was like a torch, and he raised his hand and pointed directly at Baifa Yunshan Road.

"Arrogant and ignorant child, my old sect master, in fact, you can be arrogant, **** it."

The dark-faced Yunshan didn't speak, but Furukawa on the side yelled, and then saw him fly down to the ground of the square, put his hands on Yun Leng's hands, and immediately took over the control of the guardian formation.

Looking at Ye Chen who was holding Yun Yun in his arms, Furukawa's expression was already very angry. The woman he liked was actually held by another man, which was simply challenging his bottom line.

"Sect Master Yun Yun, you know what I want for you, and the old Sect Master also has a word to make you betrothed to me. Isn't my Sixth-Rank Alchemist Furukawa still inferior to a Great Fighter?"

It was a little unacceptable. He didn't resist Yun Yun, who was hugged by Ye Chen. Furukawa finally couldn't help asking his goddess questions that he had never dared to talk to. He liked Yun Yun.

"Master Furukawa, you and I have always been innocent. As long as I have a good impression of me, do I have to obey each other? Even the master cannot decide who I will be with in the future."

Yun Yun’s words were straightforward, but both Furukawa and Yunshan above the sky showed unpleasant gazes. In their eyes, Ye Chen was not worthy of Yun Yun, the sect master of Yunlan. .

"Elder Furukawa doesn't need to say much, you just need to show that kid, who is the ant, I believe Yuner will understand." As he said, Yunshan turned his eyes to Ye Chen and said: "It's a man, Don't hide behind a woman like a trash."

"Haha, when did you see me hiding?"

Ye Chen raised his eyes to look directly at Yunshan, and then asked Yun Yun to take care of Nalan Yanran. At this moment, the temperature in the square was uncontrollable, and Yanran, whose cultivation base was low, was trembling with cold.

"No, let the master help you, I'm not cold."

Nalan Yanran shivered and walked to the edge of the square alone, unwilling to drag anyone down, nor going to the opposite of Ye Chen and the master.

Hearing that, Yun Yun couldn't help being caught in a dilemma. Yanran was in a bad situation, but Ye Chen was facing a very difficult situation. She didn't want to leave this man behind. After all, Ye Chen's cultivation base was not enough to fight against the big Array, let alone his master.

"Go, trust me once, okay?"

Gently stroking the hair on both sides of Yun Yun's forehead, Ye Chen gently kissed her forehead, and then whispered in her ear.

Upon hearing this, Yun Yun looked at Ye Chen in shock, unable to speak for a long time, and finally only said one sentence: "Back then, the desert was really you."

Without saying anything, Ye Chen just nodded, and Yun Yun also smiled and flew to Nalan Yanran's side, carrying vindictive energy to drive her away from the cold.

"Damn it, **** it, **** it, Sect Master, how can you contaminate the land."

Beside Furuhe, who had a complexion, Yun Leng, who was already impatient, couldn't bear it anymore. All of Ye Chen's behavior was to beat them in the face of Yun Lanzong. If this matter was spread out, it would be Yun Lan. If the Sect Master is entangled with a great fighting master, then the people of the Jiama Empire and even the entire continent will laugh at them Yun Lan Sect, and even cause a huge chain reaction, threatening the status of Yun Lan Sect.

Yun Leng's roar made Furukawa no longer hesitate, and then he increased the output of his fighting energy, causing the energy sphere that had already condensed to its peak to spin completely crazy.

Suddenly, the thin ice rising in the sky instantly became larger, and the huge bluestone square, at a speed visible to the naked eye, continued to condense layers of thick ice, which rose to one meter in the blink of an eye. Around, and the temperature in the large array also dropped to the extreme freezing point with the explosion of energy.

Ye Chen took a breath, and small pieces of ice appeared, and the blood in his body was constantly condensing, as if he wanted to be frozen into ice corpses. It was a kind of cold from the inside out, and the temperature was still cooling down. Not only intensified.

"Quick fight, the old man doesn't have that much patience."

High in the sky, Yunshan said lightly.

Hearing this, Furukawa immediately urged his fighting spirit with all his strength, continuously intensifying the movement of the big formation.

Soon, in the huge bluestone square space, pieces of huge hail the size of a house fell from the sky, constantly facing Ye Chen's position alone, falling crazily, densely packed, and mighty.

Seeing this, everyone was watching what Ye Chen would do. The huge giant hail was as terrifying as a meteorite, not to mention that a big fighting master, even an ordinary fighting sect, would be somewhat difficult to fight against.

What was disappointing, however, was that Ye Chen didn't do anything. He just stood there and watched the hail hit, it was no different from giving up resistance.

"That's it? Still grabbing Sect Master Yun Yun with me? In my opinion, you still..."

Seeing that Ye Chen was not moving, Furukawa couldn't help but sarcastically said, but before he could finish his words, he saw a sword shadow, which instantly swept out of the sword blade storm not far away, and immediately slammed into the huge hail in the sky as if consciously.

"Crazy, this person actually only controls an iron sword to counterattack? And isn't it that strange magic sword?"

Ye Chen's behavior was like suicide. In the face of the hail and crash of the Huzong Formation, he only used an ordinary iron sword?

Just as most people imagined that Ye Chen would be smashed into blood mist by the giant hail, a violent burst of sound rang up in mid-air, and then, in all eyes, it was slightly thin. The Iron Sword, unexpectedly burst out incomparable sword light in an instant, dazzling and dazzling, it is also shining to those who have a cultivation level below Dou Huang, and they can't open their eyes.

However, in the eyes of Yun Yun and Yunshan, under the dazzling sword light, the flames of green lotus blossoms suddenly appeared within the sword light, and in an instant, the hail that filled the sky like stars fell instantly. The crushing and evaporating completely, without even dripping mist, it became a piece of nothingness.

In such a terrifying situation, seeing Yun Yunqing's uncontrollable sweet smile, she didn't expect that the man she chose would be so strong, even in the face of an attack that looked like a blow from a Dou Zong, it would be an understatement to deal with it, simply. .. So handsome.

Turning his gaze to the calm face of Ye Chen, the determined and handsome boy was still as handsome as usual, but at this moment, under the shining of the sword, he was so attractive.

At the same time, Yunshan, who witnessed everything above the sky, suddenly stiffened his old face. Then he looked at Ye Chen, who was still exuding the realm of the Great Fighter. His face was full of anger and shame. He was a fighting sect, but he did not find the other party. hide.

But after thinking about it, Yunshan was shocked at the same place in an instant, and he couldn't see the other party's cultivation base. Doesn't it prove that the realm of that kid is likely to... surpass himself!

Thinking of this, the sword glow and the blue flames also dissipated, but the elders such as Furukawa and Yun Leng who presided over the guardian formation were too late to be surprised. They just raised the energy sphere that was as large as half of the square and prepared for transportation. He threw to Ye Chen with all his strength.

Seeing this scene, Yunshan suddenly shouted: "Quickly stop, don't..."

But before the words were Furukawa and Yunling all threw the giant energy ball they lifted at Ye Chen frantically, and then the last trace of fighting energy in their bodies was injected into the big formation. So that the giant energy ball glowing with blue light and chill came to Ye Chen at a speed that ordinary people couldn't match.

But Yunshan, who had torn a little bit of the void and rushed to it, fell into the air, watching the giant glaucoma energy sphere, and hitting Ye Chen's front door.

At the moment, he couldn't help but yelled inwardly: "No!"

Yunshan has guessed that Ye Chen's cultivation is not lower than his own. If the opponent resists and flees, and then recovers, if he fully retaliates against Yunlanzong, he can bear the anger of a fighting sect, but Yunlanzong can't.

Thinking of the possible scenes in the future, Yunshan couldn't help but squeezed a cold sweat for the future of Yun Lanzong.

On the edge of the square, Nalan Yanran, lying in Yun Yun's arms, showed a completely different mood. At this moment, she was very happy. The person she liked was not only not weak, but also strong.

But at the same time, she was also fortunate that she was standing next to Ye Chen like her master. It was also fortunate that she had not given up on her obsession with this man before. Even though she knew that the process would be difficult, she still felt that she could do it.

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