Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 236: No. 6 Black Star: All Counterattack

Yunlan protects the sect's great formation, and the full blow of the elder disciple of the whole sect is also not even sure to take over Yunshan, who has just been promoted to Douzong.

However, Yunshan felt that Ye Chen, who was quite hidden, might be able to stop him.

While thinking about it, the cyan energy ball excited by the guardian array had already hit Ye Chen. However, when the energy of the sphere was shaking violently and was about to explode, Ye Chen, who was directly defenseless, suddenly raised his arm. The palm was printed on the cyan energy ball.

In an instant, powerful energy fluctuations suddenly surged out of the cyan light sphere, impacting Ye Chen like a huge wave, so that the ice square where he was standing showed signs of collapse in an instant.

Under the majestic energy tide, the sturdy bluestone was continuously broken and cracked like tofu. In a short moment, the square where Ye Chen stood suddenly sank, forming a circular depression with a diameter of ten meters without rain. It is the center, and that kind of land subsidence is still expanding.

Countless bluestone fragments sounded in the air, and Ye Chen, who was at the center of the energy tide, sank into the mountains below the square. At this moment, the range of the ring depression was almost exaggerated. With a diameter of more than one kilometer, and the scope is still expanding, it is as if the entire Yunlan Temple will be blown up.

Looking at Ye Chen in the middle of the energy tide, Yun Leng and many other elder disciples all smiled, and thought in their hearts that they had finally guarded the face of Zongmen.

And Furukawa, who stood in the first place, was also secretly delighted that the person that Sect Master Yun Yun liked was gone, so who else could prevent him from marrying each other?

At this time, a disciple smiled and said: "This Ye Chen can survive until now and it is amazing, but unfortunately, he actually chose Yun Lanzong as his enemy."

The disciple Yun Lan next to him continued: "Stay up to now? But it's less than three minutes before the elders launched a large array of full-strength attacks. Haha, little master, if there is no support from the divine sword, I can beat He can't find it."

Another disciple looked at the Demon Abyss next to the Sword Blade Tornado, nodded and said, "Yes, what exactly is that Excalibur? It actually has the power to counter the guardian formation. If the sword is controlled by my fighting spirit, wouldn't it? ...."

Just thinking about it, the cyan light sphere excited by the large array suddenly twisted and shook violently, as if a balloon filled with water was about to break.

And everyone like Yunling Guhe and others who saw this scene clenched their fists and said, "Here."

When the sound fell, I saw the cyan light sphere half the size of a huge bluestone square, madly absorbing all the energy around it, and even the surrounding air was like a sheet of paper that was poked into wrinkles, forming countless tiny transparent waves. The distortion of the energy sphere has become more and more serious, almost like an irregular polyhedron, the original circular state is no longer visible.

"Bloom, the power of the big array!"

After Yun Leng shouted, the numerous cyan light spots scattered on the top of Yunlan Mountain suddenly burst out with a strong light, and at the same time, the irregular sphere pressing on Ye Chen's head also exudes an aura of terror in an instant. , Immediately there was a loud bang in the violent distortion and shaking, and it burst open in an instant.

In an instant, Yun Yun took Nalan Yanran back into the air several thousand meters away, and Yunshan also flew to the stone gate on the edge of Yunlanzong Square, personally presided over the large array, and raised a transparent gas mask in reverse. , Protecting Yun Lanzong and everyone,

And when the energy sphere burst, the bluestone square that had been sunken for most of it was instantly covered and impacted by the terrifying and extremely cold blue light energy. Then the broken bluestone and the mountain were directly broken by freezing, and the huge bluestone square was frozen. The shattered sink for tens of meters.

The violent blue light also shone straight above the sky, and the white clouds in the sky were also stained with iron blue.

As for the center of the explosion of the energy sphere, a large black void was exposed, and the space was shattered like a mirror, and the scene was once terrifying.

"Is this the power of the Protector's Great Formation?"

For a time, all the disciples of the Yunlan Sect were unable to tell, but they were extremely proud in their hearts, secretly saying that this is their own sect is powerful.

"Ye Chen, there will be nothing wrong, master."

Can't see any traces of Ye Chen on the square, there is a masterpiece of blue light in front of him, energy is surging, and space collapses. Nalan Yanran has never seen such a scene, and this will raise questions.

However, holding her arms around Yun Yun, her beautiful eyes are full of firmness: "I believe him, there will be nothing wrong, absolutely."

Just as he was talking, a feeling of heart palpitations instantly emerged from the square, and then strands of blood mixed with blue flames suddenly penetrated from the bursting glaucoma energy fog and enveloped them at a speed invisible to the naked eye. The entire square was completely covered and wrapped by the terrifying blue light that filled the sky.

Then, a shocking scene emerged in an instant. I saw the terrifying glaucoma energy that originally burst and impact, flying backwards and shrinking crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was as shocking as a movie upside down. The majestic burst and impact of the sky energy, instantly It changed back to its original appearance, and quietly stopped on Ye Chen's raised palm in the eyes of everyone again, but at this moment, the sphere was already wrapped in a huge green flame red lotus.

As if nothing had happened before the explosion of the big formation, if it weren't for the bluestone square that was completely destroyed by the impact of the cyan light energy, everyone would have thought they had a dream.

But the huge pothole that was tens of meters sunken into the mountain body, and the ability sphere that was still shrinking, reminded everyone that the guardian formation had erupted.

The retraction energy wrapped in the blue flame red lotus quickly shrank to the size of an ordinary lotus, suspended in Ye Chen's palm. At this moment, the sixth black star was constantly on the body of the Demon Abyss sword held in the other hand. Exuding weird black glow, the'full counterattack' belonging to the sixth black star ability also showed its fangs at this moment.

Soon, Ye Chen’s raised arm directly faced the Yun Leng and Guhe people of the Yunlan Zongshan gate. In an instant, the blue flame red lotus cracked and shattered, and was immediately condensed and contracted by the turbulent blue light energy, which was instantly twisted and burst. It turned into a huge beam of light and rushed out.

The majestic and terrifying giant beam of light burst, erupting a shock that is even more shocking than before, and when Yu Kong rushed out, it directly broke through the constraints of space, causing a large area of ​​collapse in the space it flew over. A huge, narrow, long and wide underworld emptied straight towards Yunling Guhe and the others.

Feeling the horrible aura fluctuating from the giant beam of light, Yunshan, which protects everyone in Yunlan, frowned. Before the beam of light arrived, the remaining protective array he had condensed was shattered. , His mind also thought of the idea of ​​escaping, the large array of energy condensed by Ye Chen ~ was not something he could resist, the one-star Dou Zong promoted by special means.

At the moment, Yunshan's footsteps turned slightly, and he wanted to escape from this place. The elder disciple could recruit again if he died. As long as he and Yun Yun, the master, Yunlanzong would not perish.

Constantly comforting himself in his heart, Yunshan no longer hesitated and immediately stepped in force, and wanted to flee into the sky.

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared, and a thin palm immediately pressed Yunshan's shoulder: "Old Sect Master, how can I help you."

Hearing this, Yunshan's footsteps stopped, and he immediately picked up his vindictiveness to perform defensive fighting skills, and excitedly said: "There is a laborer." After all, the huge beam of light that violently twists and impacts is like a mad lion. All the people before Yun Lan Sect swallowed.

At the same time, Ye Chen, who was on the opposite side, frowned suddenly. Under the full coverage of his mental power, he also noticed something wrong. Soon after the Demon Abyss in his palm trembled, he also spun crazily in the air.

Then, the power of the blood-colored artifact suddenly diffused from the hilt and continuously poured into Ye Chen's body. At the same time, Ye Chen was also flexing his sword in the direction in which the beam of light was flying, and suddenly said to the air: "Nine Refers to the soul coffin!"

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