Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 255: The taste of a snake girl, an acquaintance in Qingzhen

But as soon as he felt the beauty of Yue Mei, Ye Chen couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath, and then he couldn't help but stunned for a moment.

It's completely different from what you imagined, but it's also inextricably similar to the reverse operation when I was with Xiao Mei before. It's like, it's like a ****, but it's like a subtle and flat endless mountain wall. Generally, a section of the road is good and a section of the road is bad, so that Ye Chen tried very hard to balance the mystery, but he still couldn't get the point.

"What's wrong with you, why do you show such an expression."

As soon as she acted, Yue Mei twisted the snake's tail and said, and then her whole body seemed to be paralyzed, lying in Ye Chen's arms, constantly clutching his back.

The feeling of pain in the stocks made Ye Chen come back to his senses, and then he stopped thinking about it, and went to the vast starlight together. Two entangled figures floated high in the sky and floated in the wind, and they met several times.

When the dazzling starlight was lonely, a fight-qi mask that resembled the sky also radiated from Ye Chen's body, tightly wrapping the busy two people.

Yue Mei's performance was very tough. One night had passed, but her combat effectiveness seemed to have just recovered. She entered the state, Yan Ran had forgotten the existence of time, only knowing that everything about Ye Chen madly occupied with all her enthusiasm.

In terms of the biggest difference between humans and snakes, Ye Chen thinks that maybe it is the flexible tail of a snake, and the beauty like a mountain wall, which makes people want to grasp it firmly, but it is of no avail. People can't ask for it.

If it hadn't been for Yue Mei's enthusiasm to cater to her and hadn't given up, Ye Chen would feel that she might not be able to control the clever snake's tail, which was already infinitely beautiful.

The time is awe-inspiring, and the years are like a flicker. The two people are constantly bound in the high altitude. I don’t know how long it has been. But with rich time experience, Ye Chen also knows roughly that this time a war of different species has been going on for more than a few days .

However, at this moment, Yue Mei's enthusiasm has not dissipated half of it, and she does not know whether it is the strength of her Dou Wang cultivation base or the strength of the undergraduate attribute. She is like a secluded sea, containing all the heat of Ye Chen.

After several rounds of sun and moon inversions, even the powerful Ye Chen felt the slightest match and continued high-intensity battles. He could last as long as a human being for nearly ten days, which can already be called a miracle.

In the end, Ye Chen reached a height that was unattainable by humans, and completely took down Yue Mei, the horrible demon.

Holding her aching old waist, Ye Chen hugged the dressed Yuemei, who had never known where she was floating in the sky, and slowly landed towards the ground. Not far from the horizon, there seemed to be a touch of the outline of a town. Smoke rises.

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen..."

There was a voice of calling from his chest, maybe he was too involved before, that until now, Ye Chen didn't notice it, and immediately replied.

"I said Lord Queen, can you let me rest for a while? I haven't slept for many days."

Ye Chen yawned and said sleepily. After not taking two steps, Yuemei in her arms suddenly turned into a small red snake, lying on his shoulders, spitting out the tip of the snake from time to time, even when she fell asleep. Dreaming about something that shouldn't be done.

"No sleep? So what are you doing, is Yue Mei already drunk by you..."

"Ahem, don't say so ugly, after all, it was not me who did it first."

"What do you mean, is it because Yue Mei was the first to plot against you? Do you think this king will believe it?"

The serpentine pattern on his chest trembled for a moment. After Ye Chen sensed it, he shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "It's up to you what you want, and it's not too late to ask yourself when you stabilize the origin of evolution."

There is no meaning to continue entanglement with Medusa. Compared to Yue Mei, this queen's prejudice against humans is also outrageous. If she wants to make her believe in Ye Chen herself, it will be impossible for a while.

"Huh? This is Qingshan Town?"

Looking at the small town ahead near the Warcraft Mountains, Ye Chen patted his forehead suddenly and said: "By the way, the little Qinglin girl is still here." At the beginning, he was afraid that he would meet the strong man of the soul palace in Yunlanzong. So I didn't bring her and the little purple lion, and I don't know if they are doing well after so long.

Compared with the earth-shaking Yunlan imperial capital, Qingshan Town is unexpectedly quiet and has not been affected. Even when Ye Chen entered such a remote small town, there were only occasional discussions on the streets about the old Gama Empire. Voice.

After a period of information scouring, the existence of the Yunlan Empire is clearly recognized by the majority of the people. After all, the birth of the Yunlan Empire is only a change in the imperial power. Most small local policies and taxes have also been reduced or exempted. For ordinary people, it may still be a good thing, anyway, it is also a civil turmoil in the empire, changing the country and changing the sky.

The lively streets were full of calls from merchants and merchants, passing through the crowd. When Ye Chen came to the restaurant where he had stayed before, he slightly inquired, but learned such news from Xiaoer.

"Guest, your partner girl and that little monster have left here more than ten days ago."

This is what Xiaoer said. When Ye Chen asked again, he didn't get more information, but Xiaoer mentioned it many times.

"They were taken away by a masked woman, and when they left, they went to Wanyao Zhai."

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but recalled that after the imperial capital rescued Nalan Yanran and the others, he had never seen the figure of Xiaoyixian. Could it be that Qinglin's departure was related to her.

Just as he was thinking, that kind of honest and honest shop Xiaoer suddenly patted his head and said: "By the way, you said that your name is Ye Chen. Then, there is a small letter here that I forgot to entrust to you. This is to bring Please keep those left by your companion’s girl."

After all, Xiaoer Dian took out a thick letter from his arms and handed it to Ye Chen. Seeing this, Ye Chen took out a gold coin bag from the ring and threw it to Xiaoer Dian to keep him busy. Go on your own.

Holding the thick envelope in his hand, Ye Chen couldn't help but want to open it, but before he could open it, two soft calls came from the entrance of the restaurant at the same time.

"Brother Ye!" "Ye Chen!"

Hearing that, after Ye Chen temporarily put the envelope into the ring, he couldn't help but turn his eyes to look at the person who made the noise, but with this look, his face showed a slight smile, and then he muttered: "Old acquaintance."

Having said that, six men with black robes covering their faces, and a group of family children dressed in the same costumes, coincidentally managed to be at the same table as Ye Chen, and immediately looked at each other, and they were constantly vigilantly observing the personnel on both sides.

At this time, a familiar young man took the lead and said: "Ye Chen, I didn't expect that after so long, you will still be the big fighting master. Why, if you leave my family, your cultivation will no longer be advanced? "

"Hey, Brother Ye, where did this kid come from? He dares to look for our brother's bad luck. Is it impatient to live?"

Facing the ridicule of a familiar teenager, a man in black immediately wanted to fight for Ye Chen's injustice, and then attached a hand to Ye Chen's shoulder, and stared fiercely at the speech teenager on the side, truly murderous and crazy. Diffuse and open.

"Hey, Brother Lu, don't have to be so excited. Anyway, I have had friendships with their family for many years. From the perspective of that relationship, let's forget it."

Ye Chen smiled and looked at his old friend in black who had been separated for a long time, thinking that in the ten-year reporting workshop since Utan City, this temporary boss also took good care of him and would say some comfort to him every time. And the words of encouragement are very nice.

"Okay, Yan'er, you have just recovered, and we still have things to go to the imperial capital, so don't entangle with Elder Ye Chen anymore. Oh, right, brother Ye has nothing to do with my Xiao family now, oh, what a pity."

A middle-aged man with a dignified expression came next to the young man. Ye Chen looked at him and said with a smile, "Patriarch Xiao, it's been a long time since I saw you, don't come here without problems."

Hearing that, the black man named Lu next to Ye Chen stared and frowned: "Brother Ye, are these guys from the Xiao family in Wutan City?" As he said, his tone became more and more intense. The coldness came down, as if he had an antagonism with the Xiao family.

"Brother Lu Ming, forget it, it's better not to mention the past."

Patting Lu Ming on the shoulder, Ye Chen smiled and comforted him. He knew that ten years of dormant years had been fruitless, and no one would be happy when he saw the goal of the previous mission. At this moment, Lu Ming did not immediately do anything. , It can be considered that his temperament is still calm.

"Hmph, you and other unknown people dare to give me the name of the Xiaocheng Federation. Do you think that my Xiao family is still the same size as before? Let me tell you that my Xiao family has officially decided to resound the imperial capital’s call. Your majesty, the female emperor, attacked all the princes of the rebellious empire. When my Xiao family became famous, you would like to have anything to do with us. I was just dreaming, especially you Ye Chen. Don’t even want to return to me in this life. Xiao family."

Xiao Yan smiled, looking at Ye Chen and his friend a little arrogantly. He didn't have the slightest expression on the man who ruined his marriage and the guy who took his Yanran sister.

"Your Majesty Empress Ying? Back to Xiao Clan?"

Hearing these nonsense, Ye Chen couldn't help laughing immediately.

Your majesty, the female emperor you pledged allegiance to, is his woman, empire or something, as long as Ye Chen thinks, it's all within easy reach, and go back to Xiao's house? Uh, he dignified the six-star Douzong, can the mere Xiao clan afford it? Nothing like ants, it's really ridiculous.

Not too lazy to pay attention to the arrogant Xiao Yan, Ye Chen looked sideways at the six men in black and smiled and said, "It just so happens that you are here, brothers, might as well take my black order and go back and give the order. ?"

Hearing this, Lu Ming suddenly smiled and said: "Ye Chen, I sent you your black order. What can you do with it? Besides, if you have anything you want to tell your brother, what instructions are there. If you don't order, don't let outsiders read the joke."

Lu Ming looked at Ye Chen kindly, and then secretly removed his clothes around his waist, and revealed his black order to Ye Chen. "It's true that my brother has not been idle for the past six months. He has been promoted to a senior disciple in the temple. The strongest existence under the seat of the first-level protector."

As if showing off, he shook his waist with the black order proudly, as if to say that it was a correct decision to choose to return to the Palace of the Shamans before.

Seeing this, Ye Chen coughed twice, and then silently took out his unique ghost flower pattern from the ring.

Immediately, the smile at the corner of Lu Ming's mouth froze on his face, and he muttered, "You, are you the master of the sub-temple who was exceptionally promoted by the master palace master? Is this true?"

Taking a closer look at Ye Chen’s Ghost Flower Black Ling, Lu Ming quickly puffed with the other five people, jumped up from the chair, knelt on the ground, and prostrated humblely in the restaurant. Shaking all over, as if seeing some Supreme Lord.

In such a scene, all the powerful people in the Xiao family looked at each other and wondered how promising Ye Chen would be if he stayed in the small Qingshan Town today? But at this moment, why did the black-robed man who was arrogant just now kneel down to Ye Chen.

"Father, these guys won't lose their minds. They kneel when they see someone and don't look at the identity of Ye Chen. They are just the elders of the foreign surname who were expelled by our Xiao family. If you want to kneel, you should also kneel. father."

Xiao Yan tugged at his father's sleeves and said without shame, while Xiao Zhan, looking at the anger of the people in black with a stiff smile on his face, hurriedly said with a smile: "I can't help you, the dog is young and arrogant. Please don’t take offense.” After that, Xiao Zhan secretly touched his forehead and sweated. With his Dou Ling cultivation base, he couldn’t see through these people in black. Even though the Xiao family today is not what it used to be, Xiao Zhan also I feel that more is worse than less.

Ignoring Xiao Zhan’s apology, the senior disciples of the Earth Shadian Temple headed by Lu Ming all knelt on the ground and said humblely inquiring words: "Dian...Hall Lord, these Xiao family members dare to insult you, do you need it? I'll wait..." Make a hand knife and make a heavy stroke in the throat. The meaning of the six people is already very obvious, and they obviously want to kill all the ants that are rude to their palace master.

At the same time, the six human bodies were full of fighting spirit, and looking around, they were all powerful in the realm of high-level fighting kings, terrifying.

And the Xiao family and others who saw this scene trembled all over, their footsteps turned slightly, as if they were about to flee at any time, but in front of King Dou, how could they, who are tallest than the Seven Star Dou Ling, could run. At the moment, in the Xiao family crowd, waves of scratching are also floating, don't be scared to pee.

However, Ye Chen waved his hand indifferently: "It's just an ant, just a little lesson. The main task of Er et al. is to take my palace master's order to go back and summon all heaven and earth level guardians to rush there. Emperor Yunlan obeyed the arrangement of the Empress Yanran. I will see the new kingdom of Yunlan completely stable within a month. All the princes and city lords who do not accept the management of the female emperor do not need to live in this world."

"Yes, please don't worry, the lord, you trust me, I will wait for my life to be completed."

Lu Ming didn't dare to neglect. Ye Chen at this moment is no longer the little disciple he used to be. He is the master of the temple. Today, Ye Chen is the heaven of this territories, and his words are better than gods.

"Emperor Yanran, Empress Yanran, Ye Chen, what you just said is true?"

Suddenly, Xiao Yan hurriedly said, and immediately saw him looking at Ye Chen with disgust, as if desperately wanting this answer.

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a nasty taste: "Well, yes, my woman, Yanran, is exactly what you think of." After that, Ye Chen put on her dressing robe and disappeared into the green hills. In town.

He just left a sentence in the air and said: "It's I will seal Brother Lu as a guardian for fun, hahaha."

Hearing this, Lu Ming, who had just received the Lord's Ghost Flower Order, looked at Xiao Yan and the rest of the Xiao family with infinite anger in his eyes. He clenched his fists and said with blood: "Brothers, These guys who are disrespectful to the Lord, what do you say should be done?"

"What else can I do? The lord just said that he can't kill, as for other things, there are no restrictions."

Crackling, the five men in black shook their fingers, and then rubbed their shoulders with a compliment on Lu Ming: "Brother, don't get tired. These guys can have five of us. They can hug you and let you and The lord is satisfied."

Regarding their filial behavior, Lu Ming also showed an expression of enjoyment on his face, and immediately said proudly: "Well, go, as long as I am satisfied with the fight, then Lu will be there to help you say a few good things, and keep it. You have a lot of benefits. After all, the Lord and I have known each other for ten years as good friends, cough cough, talk a lot, but... you all understand."

"Understand, I'll wait for a few brothers, and congratulate Lu Hufa again in advance, and it will be troublesome to say something nice."

He pressed his shoulders harder to help Lu Ming constantly change his strength and waited on him. Several big men really didn't need a face, but each one showed a smile from the bottom of his heart, and there was a stance of vying to wait.

"let's go."

Seeing the people in black robes becoming more leisurely, Xiao Zhan suddenly roared, and immediately picked up Xiao Yan, who hadn't recovered, and rushed out of the restaurant. The other Xiao family powerhouses also began their desperate journey.

But the cultivation base of these people was too low. The nameless people in black were even helping Lu Ming massage, and they all separated out several incarnations of fighting energy, chased them away quickly, without worrying that one would run away.

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