Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 256: Reject the first person from Canaan College

After leaving Qingshan Town, Ye Chen rushed to Canaan College, where Gu Xun'er was located.

The tasks that Soul Miesheng explained, as well as the different fires that he needed for his cultivation, were all in that academy.

He tore a long and narrow dark void with his bare hands, and after Ye Chen passed through the space tunnel alone, he constantly shuttled within the geographic range of the Black Point Region.

In the midst of the gap, Ye Chen was already far away from the Yunlan Empire. At this moment, his figure had just appeared from the void, and a phantom figure suddenly appeared beside him and said: "Brother Ye, we are almost here, there will be a few more. God, it is estimated that I will be able to arrive at Canaan College. I just don't know how my rebellious disciple is going now.

In the words, Yao Lao's eyes were full of anger. Thinking back to the guy who had taken his technique and tried to kill the master, Yao Chen would be a little bit unable to control his anger.

After Ye Chen traveled through the void again, Yao Lao calmed down a bit and continued: "By the way, with your current status, how far you have to go in the soul hall, I am afraid that the higher you climb, the more It's hard to get out."

Yao Lao’s words revealed a very worried context. After Ye Chen heard it, he smiled and nodded and said: “I know, but now it’s not that you can leave by pulling away. There is Tiangang Temple, in which there are nine great celestial beings, all of them are powerhouses of Dou Zun level, and then the entire soul race soul world. If I leave suddenly, it will be a crime of treason, and I will definitely be questioned and endless. Hunt down, so take one step at a time."

On his face, he was the hall master of the Soul Clan’s Earth Shaman Hall, but behind his back, it was a dark chess placed by the ancient race in the Soul Hall. He couldn't move at will. It was really difficult.

"Then you have to be careful, because of the nature of the soul hall, if you don't do a good job at all, it is very likely that you will be killed."

"I understand, so Ye Mou is not asking for a girl by order."

After shrugging helplessly, Ye Chen smiled, and the whole person once again entered into the long and narrow space corridor.

When his figure reappeared, his feet stopped on a small hillside, standing on the top of the hillside, Ye Chen's gaze was far away, and it happened to be able to see the corner of two majestic mountains in the distance. A looming small town.

Soon, Ye Chen's figure disappeared again on the hillside, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the door of the town where he could see. He raised his head and glanced at the plaque at the door of the town. The name on it was very ordinary and mediocre, "Peace Town".

"This is the first small town around Canaan College from the Blackhorn Territory. You are all careful. If you have the opportunity, you are still waiting for me to find the rebel. The old man will kill him."

Yao Lao's voice came in his mind. After Ye Chen nodded, he also responded: "Don't worry, that guy can't run."

Ye Chen raised his foot and stepped into the town gate, and he noticed a strange wave swept past him. He didn't pay too much attention to it. Ye Chen walked directly on the street and shuttled among many pedestrians. The streets were full of people on both sides. Shops of various stalls.

Soon, more than a dozen shadows flashed towards the town gate vigorously, like apes, with blood-colored daggers painted on their chests. They must be the law enforcement team of the academy.

After a while, he stood in front of Ye Chen and the other pedestrians who entered. One of the leading middlemen said indifferently: "Anyone who enters Heping Town must report their identity, name, etc., or they will be expelled directly. Get out."

Ye Chen very cooperatively said that he was from the Yunlan Empire, and immediately reported his name. Then, a delicate girl from the law enforcement team laughed at him and said, "Ye Chen, a familiar name. , You won’t be the guy who refused the invitation from our academy.”

Suddenly, Ye Chen suddenly heard him stunned: "Academy invitation, no, I haven't received any invitation."

Upon hearing this, the delicate woman said again: "It can't be wrong. Seven years ago, our Canaan College ran to you for the olive branch, but was ruthlessly rejected, so that today, your name Ye Chen was still hung up. In our law enforcement hall, hee hee."

"Oh, so speaking, I seem to have heard the name Ye Chen. It is indeed a talent who rejected our Canaan College. It's just that it's been seven years, why are you here?"

The headed middle-aged man stared at Ye Chen closely, and kept thinking in his mind what kind of enchanting genius a person who could refuse Canaan College would be. After all, as the number one university in mainland China, since ancient times, it has refused invitations from the college. Ye Chen is the first person.

But thinking of the news that I got in Wutan City, a young fighter in his twenties, who broke through to the realm of a great fighter in three consecutive years, was also a mentor in the academy for his hard work and perseverance and a promising future. During the phase, he was specially invited to study at Canaan College. However, the invitation sent to the Utanxiao family was like a stone sinking into the sea. There was no news at all. At that time, it also caused a lot of people's anger, and they all said it. Ye Chen is ignorant of current affairs.

"Ahem, I really don't know about this, maybe it was stopped by the family at the time."

Scratching his head, Ye Chen responded with a smile, and didn't care much about it. After all, he couldn't leave Utan City at will.

"Forget it, you guys have finally come anyway. From now on, don't think about leaving."

The middle-aged man headed by the law enforcement team smiled and grabbed Ye Chen’s arm, and then led a few people to the end of the town. Then a crowd of people waited to take him, driving the Griffin of Warcraft, and swiftly towards a certain The direction galloped away.

Along the way, eight people all raised their eyes and looked at Ye Chen, for fear that he would run away, while everyone sat on the back of the giant griffin and flew for a whole night before finally arriving at the place of the academy, Canaan City.

The outline of the city that occupies an astonishingly large area appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes. Even though he was at a high altitude, he still could not fully capture the entire city. From this, one can see how large the area of ​​this city is. .

After the law enforcement team led Ye Chen directly into the huge city, the nine people quickly shuttled through the busy streets. The crowd was very prosperous.

Not long after, Ye Chen discovered that at the end of the street, the fuzzy outline of an ancient college suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Stop, this is the Canaan Academy. People without a badge are not allowed to enter!"

Just around the corner, there was a shout in front of the Kulai Academy. Soon the middle-aged man from the law enforcement team went up to the two academies who were guarding the gate and said a few words. Those teenagers who seemed to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, were one by one. As if looking at a spirit, staring at Ye Chen forever.

Soon, one of the young guards turned around and ran into the academy. Then, the sound of trembling of the earth's crust came out from the academy.

Not long after, a huge team headed by a white-haired old man walked out of the courtyard quickly, and immediately after spotting the person outside, the old man frowned and asked, "Are you the Ye Chen who rejected the old man?" The tone was slightly harsh, and there seemed to be many questions that I wanted to express.

"Yeah, I'm calling Ye Chen."

He smiled awkwardly, Ye Chen did not know that he was invited by Canaan College.

"Okay, very good, I didn't expect you to see the old man so calmly."

The corners of the white-haired old man’s mouth and immediately continued: “From ancient times to the present, you are the first student to refuse the academy’s invitation. Now seven years have passed. If you still want to study in Canaan, then You have to accept the test arranged by the old man, what do you think?"

"Uh, no, no, I didn't say that I want to enter the academy..."

"Huh? If you are slurred, the old man will assume that you agree, Li Qing and Li Heng, you two brothers will try that kid."

Before Ye Chen's refusal was finished, the white-haired old man interrupted him, and immediately invited two twin brothers to test him.

"Stop, stop, this mentor elder, I didn't say that I came here to fight, have you misunderstood."

"Why, are you scared? Don't worry, these two brothers are no better than a three-star Dou Ling. You are judged by the realm of a Great Fighter seven years ago. It is very reasonable to face them."


Ye Chen helped his forehead, showing a lot of helplessness.

"Don’t be afraid anymore. If you are worried, I can ask them to do it lightly. After all, you have not received the orthodox academy training for so many years. Just staying in a small family will not improve much. That's right, Li Qing and Li Heng, you still..."

The white-haired old man smiled at Ye Chen, his wrinkled old face was full of wavy marks, as if to say: Your kid didn't choose Canaan College. This is something you will regret in your life.

"Come on, Ye Chen, we brothers are also very curious about you. Don't worry, we won't be too heavy."

Although I couldn't see through Ye Chen's cultivation, the Li brothers walked over, agitated with Mo Ming's self-confidence.

"Too heavy to start?"

Ye Chen smiled and looked at his palm, and then secretly thought: "How many layers of force should I use."

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