Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 673: It's a showdown, can't it be done without pretending?

It was the first time that Ye Chen and the Queen Mother really meant to meet each other. Whether it was the Queen Mother or Ye Chen, they were watching each other intently at this moment.

The queen's mother secretly praised Ye Chen for her extraordinary appearance. When the Three Realms were hard to find, Ye Chen was also watching the white and youthful queen mother, secretly wondering in her heart.

The traces of the years did not leave any traces on the other side's collagen-filled face, let alone change it to a white jade silk Lingluo Yonggui costume.

Before he knew the identity of the other party, Ye Chen might even think that the queen mother in front of her was a beautiful girl in her early twenties.

There was a fascinating breath all over his body, which made Ye Chen couldn't help but look at it a few more times, feeling that it was not enough.

There is no such old look in the movie and television at all. Ye Chen had already understood this when he was in contact with his skin.

But he didn't expect that he might have been a queen of Yongguixian, a powerful and aggressive queen mother in the image of a beautiful woman, but the real situation is very different.

Although it is not as perfect as Fairy Chang'e, but with such a beautiful appearance, looking at the entire Heavenly Court Fairy, it is also one of the best.

Ye Chen didn't have time to think about anything more, the figure of the queen mother in front of him disappeared in front of him, and immediately on the high seat above the main hall of the Jade Lake, a solemn voice suddenly came into his ears.

"Are you Ye Chen? Little Baihe's friend?"

Hearing that, Ye Chen didn't think too much, but just nodded slightly towards him in accordance with the answer that he had envisaged a long time ago.

"My name is Ye Chen, but I don't know why you called me here?

Such a reckless teleportation without saying hello is not something that a friend would do.

Where is Baihe, where is she? "

Ye Chen asked calmly. In his words, there was no humble mentality at all. Instead, she was a little bit strong. She couldn't help but wrinkle her brows when she heard the beautiful queen mother.

Although she felt that she hadn't announced her identity yet, anyway, Yaochi Palace was also in the thirty-sixth heaven, and the immortal energy contained in each space was also many times stronger than that of the ordinary world.

But anyone who is a cultivator who has no problem with his brain and comes directly from the mortal realm to the heavenly court can feel this huge gap.

As a result, she will also have some guesses about her identity, who has a high position and exquisite temperament.

Why, the young mortal in front of him is actually a dumbfounded boy?

Looking at Ye Chen in the center of the Jade Lake Hall, the Queen Mother couldn't help being curious about him in her heart. Soon her beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and the temperature in the whole hall suddenly dropped.

A little bit of frost is also slowly falling from the sky in the hall, like a scene where the warmth of spring suddenly changes to the cold of winter.

After doing all this, the Queen Mother reorganized her language, her delicate jade leaning on the magnificent Queen Mother's throne, she looked at Ye Chen coldly and said.

"Seeing this queen mother, I don't have to kneel down quickly!"

As soon as the words came out, the temperature in the huge palace dropped by several tens of degrees Celsius, but the ordinary gods at the peak of the fairyland would be shivered by the cold.

The Queen Mother also wanted to use this to express her solemn and majesty, so that the subsequent negotiation conditions can be more relaxed and advantageous.

However, in the face of such a sudden temperature difference that the gods could not bear, Ye Chen, who stood in the middle of the hall, still asked with his back straight and expressionless doubts on his face.

"Queen mother? Are you the Queen Mother of Heaven?"

Asking this question, the queen mother also raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, and secretly said that the dull mortal in front of her eyes finally knew her identity.

However, when Ye Chen's confidence in the Queen Mother's heart became greater and greater, Ye Chen's next continued speech made her pretty pale face become more and more abundant.

Seeing Ye Chen ascertaining the identity of the Queen Mother, he immediately put his hands on her and said in a cold voice: "It turns out that it is the Queen Mother of the Celestial Realm. It is Ye Mou's rudeness. The youngest son Ye Chen, here to meet the Queen Mother.

Queen Mother, why did you arrest me to come to heaven? It seems that I haven't violated any rules of heaven, right? So arresting people at will, is it the so-called rules of heaven? "

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the Queen Mother suddenly had a bit of meaning inside. At the same time, the courage of Ye Chen, a mere mortal, also made her look impressive, and at the same time, she was more curious about the man in front of her.

Logically speaking, it is normal for a mortal to be called to the heaven by her co-master of the heaven. It is normal to bow down and salute. Even if he hesitates too suddenly and is in the heavenly place, it will naturally give birth to a lot of horror.

But the mortal man in front of him didn't play his cards according to common sense. Not only did he not panic at all on the surface, he even asked about her queen mother.

This kind of rhetoric can already be said to be bold. The Queen Mother said that it was the first time she had known such a person.

But in the face of Ye Chen's doubts, the Queen Mother, who wanted to pressure and shock him, and successfully left him in the Heavenly Court, fell into silence for a while.

But after all, the Queen Mother had lived for an unknown number of years, and the various emergencies encountered were too numerous to count.

At the moment, she quickly thought of an excuse, and her beautiful eyes forced her to look at Ye Chenwei and shouted.

"Okay, you Ye Chen, I have called you to the Yaochi Palace, don't you know what happened?

Could it be that I really want this seat to invite Baihe, and go to court with you, before we are willing to give up! "

Unnecessary countermeasures, but involving practical problems, are always reminiscent of many.

Ye Chen was also stunned by what the Queen Mother said. She hid for a long time, but she didn't explain it to Fairy Baihe in advance.

If it is because of this, the Queen Mother will punish the white crane, and it will even hurt then it will be more than worth the loss.

Thinking of the various problems that might arise, Ye Chen couldn't help but raised his eyes and observed the expression of the queen mother and empress, wanting to see some flaws in her beautiful face.

But no matter what, the queen mother in front of her is not like Baihe, with a simple mind, but the kind of bottomless city.

This made Ye Chen, who knew countless people, couldn't see why.

But he wouldn't be too foolish, and immediately looked at the queen mother's slightly cold eyes, and his eyes wrinkled slightly.

"Baihe is a good friend of the kid, but she and I were innocent before, so you don't have to be mystified, Queen Mother.

Ye Moujie Fanchen can’t compete with you, so let’s just open the skylight to explain. I don’t know what the Queen Mother wanted Ye Chen to do? "

In line with the principle of keeping the fundamental plan's purpose unchanged, Ye Chen also intends to showdown with this move. Can he not make it if he doesn't pretend?

Ye Chen likes it straight away!

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