Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 674: Escape from Yaochi Palace

Suddenly straightforward, Suddenly wanted to swindle Ye Chen's queen mother, all the calculations in her heart suddenly fell through.

She did not expect that in the face of her deception, Ye Chen not only did not choose to quibble, but blew herself up!

This, this, such a weird style of acting, once again refreshed her three views.

But even if it were all so straightforward, the Queen Mother still felt that what reason should be used to leave Ye Chen to serve herself, this is another big problem.

For countless years, there has never been a man in Yaochi Palace.

"Why don't you just throw this handsome guy in front of you into the cycle of **** and turn him into a woman? Then reward him with a flat peach, and wish him ascend to heaven."

As soon as this thought came out, the corner of the queen mother's mouth wore an intriguing smile again, and she felt very feasible.

Moreover, these methods are also the most direct and least able to arouse public opinion in the heavenly court.

After all, if you want to raise a man in the Yaochi Palace, will the thousands of immortals in the heavens guess so and talk about her as a queen mother?

That kind of picture, once the Queen Mother conceived a fantasy, she found it very unrealistic.

She is the co-lord of the Three Realms, the king of the heavens, and the number one female fairy in the heavens and earth. What kind of man does she need?

Even the Jade Emperor, who had a deep qualifications and was also the co-lord of the Heavenly Court, showed her kindness, but the Queen Mother herself felt completely unnecessary.

Because in these three realms, her queen mother wanted to do anything without any assistance at all.

Even if the Jade Emperor fell out with her because of this matter, the Queen Mother felt that she was fully capable of having someone with fairy magic resources, creating a new heaven that was entirely female fairy, and dominating the Three Realms.

It's just that she is not interested in the cumbersome things of controlling the Three Realms.

Thinking of taking off again for thousands of years, made the smile on the corner of the queen mother's mouth brighter.

But it was also because the things that were being considered were complicated, and the Queen Mother suddenly realized that for ordinary people who have not reached the realm of Da Luo, it seems that the problem between men and women is still very important.

No, I don't want to change it casually.

"Well, this is a problem."

Blinking curious eyes, the queen mother's beautiful eyes began to stare at Ye Chen and kept watching, but she didn't say a word.

Ye Chen quickly noticed such a weird gaze, and inexplicably gave birth to a terrible chill in his heart, which was simply groundless.

"Mother Queen, Ye knows that he is that kind of outrageously handsome man, but you don't want to look at me like that, I'm sorry."

"Huh? Bold, are you kidding this Queen Mother?"

Ye Chen's words, who originally wanted to get rid of the slightly embarrassing atmosphere at the scene, did not expect that the Queen Mother's voice was screamed instantly, majestic.

But when Ye Chen hadn't figured out how to deal with it, the Queen Mother's Qianli figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Immediately, a question that thundered him on the outside and the inside was tender, and Ye Chen immediately stunned in his place.

"Ye Chen, right? I ask you, would you be willing to reincarnate into a female fairy and come to me... Yaochi Palace to serve..."

Ye Chen, who was stunned, didn't hear what the Queen Mother had said afterwards. In his mind, only the question of'I am willing to be reborn as a fairy' echoed in his mind, making the corners of his mouth unable to bear it. Live twitching.

After slightly reacting, Ye Chen didn't even think about it, and immediately roared in echo: "No, I never want to, even if it is death, it is absolutely impossible!"

A huge voice began to echo inside and outside the entire Yaochi Palace.

And the queen mother who was talking to Ye Chen face to face, her eardrums were sore by the loud sound, she stepped back several steps subconsciously.

Looking at Ye Chen's fiercely resisting reaction, and the firm rejection with a full face, the Queen Mother, who was able to stabilize her figure, couldn't help but smile.

"Why, you can enter the Yaochi Palace as an immortal, or serve the female officials of this seat, do you know what kind of honor this is?

It's okay to reject this seat, but what is the price to be paid for in this way, do you...know?

Isn’t it just changing your gender and body, but the soul is still your own, isn’t it?

In fact, if you change your body, maybe you can experience more fun, and maybe it's also possible. "

The Queen Mother shook her body and sat firmly on her throne again. She stretched out her jade arms to take advantage of her head and raised her eyes to look at the expressive Ye Chen. The thin smile at the corner of her mouth never disappeared, full of It's fun.

Ye Chen also stared at the Queen Mother on the high seat, and kept shaking his head slightly, his eyes facing each other, as if a little spark of starlight was rising above the Jade Lake Hall.

Then, Ye Chen also bowed his hand to give a salute, and replied loudly.

"I also ask the Queen Mother to take her life back, because this matter is absolutely impossible, and Yemou will not agree until she died.

Besides, the Three Realms are big and the Yaochi Palace is good, but I, Ye Chen, is not a person who has to be greedy for the immortal land.

Goodbye! "

After a sullen farewell sound, Ye Chen turned around and flew away from the Yaochi Palace, his speed exploded to the limit he could reach, and he could not wait to return to the human world in the next second.

Becoming a woman, is Ye Chen still called Ye Chen?

Obviously, I was thinking of getting into the Yaochi Palace and doing some immortality, but now he was about to lift a rock and hit him in the foot. Ye Chen didn't even think about it, so he galloped outside the Yaochi Palace.

So many of his wives are still waiting for him in the world of fox monsters. If he really enters the cycle of reincarnation and changes his gender, how can Ye Chen face them like Xun'er, Yuena, and the master.

"No, absolutely impossible!"

Ye Chen thought about it more and more frightened, and the speed he flew out broke out to a new height again, his figure turned into an afterimage, and after a while, he arrived outside the Nantian Gate in a flash.

"Who is the one who dares to break into the Nantian Gate without permission!"

Ye Chen's swift flight suddenly caused the four heavenly kings who were stationed outside the Nantian Gate to look solemnly.

Because in their cognition, at this moment, Ye Chen's body was completely free from the agglomeration of immortal bones, and he could completely be regarded as a monster that sneaked into the heavenly court.

During my I met a foreign enemy who had already sneaked into the heavenly court, and at the moment I wanted to forcefully break into the southern gate.

If this allows the kid who is constantly approaching in front of him to succeed, then there is no doubt that the four brothers will no longer have to hang out in the heavens from now on, and they may even be stripped of the fairy bones and entered into the mortal reincarnation.

The serious consequences and the tragic future are simply beyond the reach of the four heavenly kings.

Soon, the big brother Mo Liqing, headed by the four heavenly kings, sacrificed his magic weapon, Qingyun Sword, and slashed at Ye Chen with a single sword.

In an instant, the sky was filled with colorful auspicious clouds, and the clouds and mist were surging like a sea. Numerous thick, pillar-like lightning snakes also thundered towards Ye Chen with their teeth and claws.

The strong strength that belonged to the peak of Jin Xian, and instantly made the galloping Ye Chen's complexion slightly changed, but compared with reincarnation and becoming a woman, the fierce attack in front of him did not make him shrink at all.

Ye Chen's eyes were slightly condensed and wrinkled, and then the Emperor Flame suddenly rose up between his body and the bottom of his body. In the next second, the vast sky was occupied by large swaths of gorgeous flames, faintly, directly suppressing Hengkong. The throbbing Razer rays...

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