Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 694: Xianli builds the foundation, with the same name as 1 Qi and 3 Qing?

Although the Queen Mother felt that she did not have the urge to kill that much.

But Ye Chen despised herself so much, treated her like a stranger, and didn't even have the slightest explanation or sorry for hitting herself.

Such a rude and unpredictable guy made the Queen Mother feel in her heart that it would be better to kill a hundred.

She had already taken the ruthless way, so at this moment, she was a little curious about Ye Chen's feelings. She wanted to use his mind to see what the other party was thinking, and why she dared to ignore her own reason so much.

But after he cultivated the ruthless way, this sense of curiosity that had just arisen was immediately rejected by her, and she even wanted to get rid of it quickly, so as not to produce anything that would affect his cultivation.

The thoughts gradually settled, and the deceased mother didn't think much anymore, and immediately the jade palm swung down and violently accelerated away.

In an instant, the sky-shading giant palm that appeared from high above the clouds suddenly accelerated its landing speed countless times.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the vast and unparalleled sky-covering energy palm, as if teleporting, instantly landed on Ye Chen's head.

"Please beg for mercy, admit your mistakes, and stop playing Ye Chen.

As long as you say a word of prayer, I will not kill you. "

Seeing that Ye Chen was about to be annihilated under her own offensive, the queen mother who was hanging high in the air suddenly mumbled a word without knowing her mentality.

Immediately, her gaze was also all fixed on Ye Chen's face, she wanted to see the slight changes in her body.

If she didn't find it, she could get a little self-explanation in her knowing heart: it was just to get rid of a mortal who affected her fright.

However, the inner expectation of the Queen Mother seemed to be doomed to failure.

When his eyes focused on the opponent's face, Ye Chen's face did not change at all.

Even if the catastrophe is about to die, Ye Chen's face still has no change in expression, and his calm and composure makes people palpitation.

When the queen mother saw this, she was also terrified.

Because she knows that as long as the cultivator, the higher the cultivation level, the more greedy for life and fear of death.

No one doesn't want to live, and a mortal like Ye Chen who has just broken through to the earth fairyland can know what kind of suffering and suffering he has experienced in the mortal realm without even thinking about it.

How can a person who has gone through a lot of hardships give up life easily?

But now, Ye Chen's unparalleled perseverance and indifference, as if his life had nothing to do with it, looked down on everything, and detached from ordinary people in the Three Realms.

This amazing act, the Queen Mother has only seen it in saints like Taishang Laojun, so clean and pure, meticulously composed.

"Is he really so afraid of death?"

Doubts gradually rose in his heart, but the ultimate move in his hand was not affected at all, and he still ruthlessly slapped Ye Chen towards the ground.

The vast palm covering the sky, as the Queen Mother continued to attack, immediately swallowed Ye Chen's figure and disappeared completely from the Queen Mother's line of sight.

As these queen mothers, Ye Chen's calm eyes and calm expressionless expressions were still flashing in front of her eyes.

As if everything was telling, she did something wrong.

"Why... so, why just killed a mortal, this seat is so entangled and... regretful!"

Slowly raising the tender white jade palm, the Queen Mother looked at the hand that killed Ye Chen herself, and the self-doubt in her beautiful eyes suddenly became more solemn.

At the right time, a voice of indifferent vicissitudes of life suddenly resounded in the ears of the Queen Mother.

"The ruthless way is the most fearful of feelings.

Queen Mother, as long as you have a firm will and feel that you have done nothing wrong, then you are not wrong, Ye Chen kid is damned.

Ruthless, unrelenting, unrelenting, unstained, unrelated and undisputed.

Only by insisting on what you say in your heart, being fearless of others, and ruthless to the end, can you achieve the ultimate fruit of heaven!

On the contrary, the vicissitudes of heaven are also affectionate, nurturing all things without selfishness.

If you cultivate the ruthless way, can you really go down and reach the other side?

People in this life, regardless of their status as gods, can only go smoothly if they find a way that truly belongs to them and suits them. "

Hearing that the old gentleman said, the queen mother's beautiful eyes murmured unabatedly in confusion.

"This seat is ruthless in cultivation, and has reached the quasi-sage realm, and one step forward will be able to reach the fruit.

Old gentleman, did I go wrong? "

What the Queen Mother said seemed to be holding on to her own words, ruthless and correct.

But the next sentence, between the lines of her words, began to be chaotic again.

Because of her ruthless years of cultivation, I don't know how long it has passed. It may be less than that of the Jade Emperor, but it may also be longer.

People live forever, and years are merciless.

The Queen Mother didn't remember how long she had practiced, but she always believed that the ruthless way was correct.

Because only ruthless, will not let people's cultivation will be eroded, and only too ruthless, is the way she should go.

Those who love love, kindness, enmity and hatred are not all three thousand troubles, and abandon them to get the cause and effect of heaven.

In her heart, the Queen Mother sent out self-affirmation over and over again, whispering that she was right, that the ruthless way is her way of heaven.

However, just when the Queen Mother insisted on her self-relenting way, another word of the Taishang Laojun made her frowned suddenly.

"Really? No, how can it be possible to build the foundation of Fanjie?

Ye Chen, there is obviously a local immortal cultivation base, old gentleman, you don't want to be happy. "

The Queen Mother shook her head one after another, vetoed the words of Taishang Laojun, saying that Ye Chen had just built the foundation.

After all, since the first time I saw Ye Chen, no. To be precise, when she sensed the other party for the first time, the Queen Mother had already probed into Ye Chen's cultivation level. It was undoubtedly the early stage of Earth Wonderland.

If it is really like what the old gentleman said, only Ye Chen in the foundation building period is absolutely impossible to resist living in the Palace of Dousie, her immortal power repulsion.

I'm afraid that once my immortal power overflows, let alone build a foundation, even if he cultivates the Nascent Soul, his soul will be destroyed instantly.

All the fairy power released She has a handle, and the cultivation base above the non-terrestrial fairyland is irresistible.

Thinking of all this, the Queen Mother shook her head again without a second thought.

But the voice of Taishang Laojun resounded like a soul attached to a bone.

"There is no absolute in everything, Queen Mother, you have heard of a lost fairy tactic that is as famous as the old way of one-qi Sanqing, called the ‘good fortune and common people’s tactic,’ that is almost impossible to cultivate successfully.

The old Daoer vaguely remembered that the first volume inside it opened, and it recorded a peculiar cultivation method called "Xianli Jiji".

It seems ordinary, but it is full of dangers and difficulties, and it has to start from the foundation of the Fan Stage. Compared with the old three Qing opening chapters, you can become immortal, risking that there is still a gap.

Therefore, these weird fairy tactics will be lost in the long river of history..."

As the Taishang Laojun talked, he also caused a flash of memories in the Queen Mother's huge memory system, and the power of the immortal built the foundation, it's true~!

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