Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 695: The boy under the saint

The words of Taishang Laojun, don't let the queen mother's heart be suspicious, secretly saying that the only one who is wrong this time is herself?

It was she who flew Ye Chen, and then took the initiative to block in front of the opponent without paying attention.

"But even so, so what? People are already dead anyway, even if I made a lot of mistakes, it's too late at this moment."

Thoughts arose in the Queen Mother's heart, and then raised her eyes to look at the ground, the rising expanses of celestial power were surging, and the divine light appeared in a chaotic scene of tumbling wildly.

Now, even if Ye Chen is still in the Fairyland cultivation base, I am afraid that he will be blasted into nothingness. What's more, the opponent's cultivation base has fallen to a ridiculously low mortal realm, and it is even more dead and no life.

Only this time, after erasing a mortal Ye Chen, there was a strange feeling in the Queen Mother's heart for some reason.

There was no calm and no wave of killing demons casually in the past, but I don't know why, I can always recall the eyes that Ye Chen looked at her before he died, and they stayed for a long time.

Soon, the figure of Taishang Laojun appeared in front of the Queen Mother, lifted the hand to the dust and waved it lightly, then looked at the Queen Mother and smiled indifferently.

"There are three souls and six souls in life, and the physical body distinguishes the soul. If the queen mother feels that she is sad to kill the kid, she can also use her magical powers to save him..."

"Old gentleman, you don't need to say much, this queen mother has always acted, and she has never cared about mundane things.

I'm tired, so today I'm going back to the palace. "

After waving her sleeves, the Queen Mother finally glanced at the surface where Ye Chen had disappeared, and then flew towards the Yaochi Palace on the Thirty-Sixth Heaven with a cold face.

Having cultivated the ruthless way, she also wanted to leave Dust Palace quickly at this moment, so that she completely forgot everything she had done to the innocent Ye Chen and regained her original self. At the same time, she did not want to flash that Ye Chen in front of this scene. Before dying, Yi decided to look at him to avoid unnecessary unintelligible emotions from affecting his own cultivation.

As the quasi-sage queen mother, her flying speed is so fast, just in the blink of an eye, the person has completely left the 33rd heaven and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing that the Queen Mother, who was showing signs of escape, hurriedly left the front of her Palace, the corner of Taishang Laojun's mouth floating in the air, but a rare and meaningful smile said.

"Mediocre people are disturbing themselves. If it is useful to escape and avoid, then the saints in these three realms are probably more than veteran individuals."

After laughing, Taishang Laojun also turned around and flew slowly to the door of the Doust Palace, and then raised his front foot and was about to step into the door, his mouth full of white beards also suddenly spoke to the air. One sentence.

"Come out, don't hide after everyone is gone, the old way is waiting for you in the Palace of Dousidi."

When the voice fell, the Supreme Lord walked back to the Palace of Dousui Shi Shiran, without even looking back.

And just after the grandmaster left, the mighty celestial power that gradually rolled around outside the palace also gradually revealed a deep, deep, deep pit, like an invisible abyss.

And in the bottom of the bottomless pit, a figure slowly descending, also gradually climbed up along the cliff.

It was just that the figure who had just returned to the ground showed a touch of contemplation on his face. After stopping in place for a while, he stepped into the direction of the completely undamaged Touzi Palace.

In the palace of Dousie, beside the alchemy furnace.

Looking at the figure walking slowly into the palace, the old man sitting cross-legged on a cyan futon once again, could not help but raise his eyes to look at the ragged, slightly embarrassed visitor with a smile.

"Are you curious, think this time, why the old Dao can easily find your trace? Even knowing that you escaped from the offensive of the Queen Mother?

Come here, Ye Chen, you are even predestined with the old way, let's talk about it. "

After Lao Jun finished speaking, Ye Chen who walked to the alchemy furnace, took out a set of clothing from the system space and waved for a moment to change it, and smiled with his mouth raised.

He walked to Taishang Laojun on foot, and then he said.

"Little child Ye Chen, I've seen the sage Taishang Laojun!

I don't know what the old gentleman has, and I want to discuss with the kid. Speaking of it, Ye Mou is just building a foundation now, and it really doesn't make any sense for the old gentleman to talk to me. "

As he said, Ye Chen straightened his chest and looked directly at the old man above the halo and hazy futon, with a natural expression, as if he was facing not a saint, but an adjacent old man.

As for why Ye Chen didn't ask the other party how he knew his traces under the concealment of the origin of the system space?

Ye Chen can know this question without asking. After all, under such close observation, even if he conceals all traces of aura, in terms of the saint’s strongest ability to calculate the future and the past, it is still not dead. Not too easy.

As for the Queen Mother, she had never discovered that, presumably, she was only self-consciously judging that Ye Chen was bound to die, so she didn't care about the investigation.

"Well, facing this saint in an old-fashioned place, your kid is really so different.

Since Ye Chen, you are so straightforward, so the old way will be more refreshing. "

As he said, Lao Jun Taishang waved the dust, and immediately in the midair between the two of them, a vague and chaotic scene suddenly appeared.

Then, Taishang Laojun spoke again.

"Ye Chen Xiaolang, when you didn't cover up your past, the old way had deduced the future for you.

But as you can see, relying on the cultivation of the veteran saint, it is impossible to predict your future half a minute, it is a completely unknown chaotic scene.

I can't figure out anything, but I can be sure that you Ye Chen is definitely an extraordinary mortal.

Therefore, the veteran decided to accept you as a boy under my seat and move into my Dolly Palace.

Since then, I have been practicing and tempering next to the old Tao. If I have time, I will also give you some pointers. At the same time, some of the medicines in the palace of the old Tao are suitable for You can also take it. Take it to help improve cultivation.

Speaking of where you are from, the old way is actually not interested.

However, you who have already practiced the legendary good fortune common people's tactics, I am very curious, how far can your kid cultivate the immortal tactics technique that the five ancient people dared to cultivate.

After the realm of strength is improved, what amazing moves will be made.

Xiaolang Juner, who is free from the Three Realms, are you willing to join the Palace of Dolly and become a fire-smelling boy under the old Taoist seat? "

The great old man crackled a big tweet, except for words, he wanted to put him in the palace.

As for what you want, it doesn't seem to be as simple as what you say in your mouth.

However, Ye Chen didn't care about these things. After all, Taishang Laojun was in the realm of a saint, and he could do nothing at any time.

On the contrary, it is the elixir of magical medicine made by the saints hidden in this Palace of Dust...

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