Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 696: The old gentleman is on top, the elixir is on his belly

The elixir of magical medicine, and there is still a saint who specializes in refining medicine, produced by Taishang Laojun.

Why did Ye Chen's second brother, Sun Wukong, suddenly become so strong and invincible after he came out of Fang Cunshan to learn art and practice.

Not to mention fighting one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers with one person, but also fighting against the gods in the sky, the four great heavenly kings, Nezha Erlang, Tota, and even the other stars of the heavens, and the Bafang Gongcao, none of them can rival Monkey King Golden hoop.

The name of the Great Sage Qitian also reached the peak of prominence in that turmoil in the heavenly palace.

But is it all because the Bodhi ancestors taught well, or does it mean that Monkey King has unlimited potential? If you just practice for a few years, you can have infinite power and go straight to Da Luo Jinxian?

No no no no!

The reason why his second brother, Sun Wukong, has the ability to fight against the heavenly Buddhas and appreciate the outside of the Lingxiao Temple, is not entirely just the magical powers that he learned in Xieyue Sanxingdong.

After all, what Sun Wukong cultivates is only the great skills such as Dapin Tianxianjue and Seventy-two Changes.

But he could fight against the gods and be invincible, and even until the Taoist Tianzun'Jade Lingguan', who was even more powerful than Erlang, took the initiative himself, he could stop the Qitian Great Sage's offensive and prevent him from attacking. Entering the Palace of the High Heavens, to maintain the dignity of the heavens.

But all these powerful performances depended on what was naturally the infinite power of Monkey King suddenly soaring, breaking through to the supreme realm of Daluo Wonderland.

This is enough to achieve the feat of one person fighting the heavenly court, sweeping the gods of all walks of life, and vigorously proving the name of the great sage of the heavens.

How could Ye Chen not know the reason why Monkey King's cultivation base soared?

I think that the monkey king at the beginning, but disturbed the flat peach feast of my queen mother, and drank all the jelly and jade dew that feasted the gods.

After being guilty of all his sins, he broke into the palace of Taishang Laojun and continuously swallowed the magical gourd pill.

This relied on the magical effect of the elixir, which directly caused the monster power in Qi Tian Great Sage's body to surge, and his divine power surged wildly. The cultivation base also increased sharply with the elixir magic medicine that did not know the geometry, and went straight to the Da Luo Jinxian.

But even after reaching the Great Luojin Fairyland, the pill in Monkey King's body still hadn't been digested for much time.

He was thrown out of the alchemy furnace by Taishang Laojun and forcibly refined, so that most of the elixir's medicinal power was incorporated into Monkey King's body.

This has created the Monkey King’s incorruptible body, even stronger than the Erlang God, who has cultivated the profound art that has a sharp effect on the strength of the physical body.

As soon as he thought of what the old man said, when he was allowed to choose the elixir magic medicine in the hall, Ye Chen also responded to it after a brief stupor.

"Lao Jun, this is what you said, the elixir of the Palace of Tossing allows Ye Mou to devour it and enjoy it, but you are not allowed to go back."

"Haha, you Xiao Langer, there is no reason to take back what the old way said.

Yes, as long as you enter my palace, the elixir and miraculous medicine trained by this saint is left for you to enjoy.

But the elixir refined by the old way, not everyone can enjoy refining at will.

Even if the cultivation base has reached the Taiyi Golden Fairyland, when the elixir of the old way is swallowed, it cannot exceed three in a hundred years.

Otherwise, once the elixir's medicinal power is ingested too much, not only will it have no magical effect, it is even very normal that the body will be directly exploded by the overpowering medicinal power.

Little Langer Ye Chen, now you know that this saint's elixir is powerful, the magical medicine is good, but it can't be greedy. "

As the Taishang Laojun said, he also raised his hand to brush the white beard, and the corner of his mouth looked with a smile and gradually fell into the set he had set.

But this is no wonder Ye Chen is greedy. After all, the elixir magical medicine he refined by the old monarch, even if it is only put into the entire Three Realms, should cause a lot of chaos in the fight for the elixir.

Under such tempting conditions, is there any immortal Buddha that would not fall for it.

And above this huge heavenly court, in addition to his Taishang Laojun, only the two heavenly co-lords, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, are eligible to enjoy his old gentleman's medicine.

As for the other great gods of the Eight directions, the great emperors of all heavens, if they want to ask for it, it can only depend on his feelings of being too sage.

When they are in a good mood, I will reward them with a few to taste. When they are in a bad mood, even the Jade Emperor cannot smell the slightest flavor of his old-fashioned elixir.

When Taishang Laojun felt a little complacent in his heart, a loud word also quickly resounded.

"Lao Jun is here, disciple Ye Chen, today voluntarily joined the Palace of Dust, as your old refining medicine, or burning fire boy!

Hearing the mantra of the old man, Qi Xiu has no heaven! "

As soon as the voice fell, the great old king suddenly saw Ye Chen kowtow to him, and immediately stood up quickly, his mouthful smile gradually rising.

"Well, you can teach you, Xiao Ye Chen, from now on, you will be the fire-burning boy under the seat of the old man in the sky, and a member of the palace.

After a while, Lao Dao will take you to meet the other two Dao children in the palace, get acquainted with them first, and then stay here in this palace. "

"Don't rush to meet people, old gentleman, wait a minute!"

As soon as the old gentleman said, Ye Chencang's words suddenly started, and he smiled slightly. He raised his eyes and looked at Ye Chen, and wanted to say something.

However, in the next second, the corners of Taishang Laojun's mouth became extremely stiff, and the kind smile on his lips immediately disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, Tai Shang Lao Jun showed a shocked expression on his face, and Xuan even hurriedly shouted.

"Well, you're a spoiler, have you forgotten everything that the old Taoist told you before? It's really ignorant. Don't stop quickly and stop messing up!"

Ye Chen, who was busy at, didn't have time to pay attention to these majestic voices.

He was hurriedly tumbling over the cabinets and cabinets at the counters around the hall with his hands hurriedly, his mouth was full, and when he turned his head towards the Supreme Master, there was a voice of'Ababaabaabaabaabaaba', which was totally inaudible. What are you talking about.

"It's really unreasonable, you're scornful, why don't you listen to persuasion, are you so anxious to reincarnate?"

Looking at Ye Chen, who was about to use his hands and feet together, he was frantically picking up bottles and pots of pill gourd, after eating sea sap frantically.

Rao is the sage of the old gentleman. He is also looking at Ye Chen, whose mouth is full of elixir divine liquid. The corners of his mouth are so angry that he twitches, and the whisk he is holding is also squeaked by him, and it has been condensed for a long time. .

He didn't feel distressed for those elixir, but he just looked at Ye Chen's panic, like a hungry man who hadn't eaten enough. He was completely disregarded of the consequences and had a meal in front of the elixir. He was really not afraid of death. what!

However, the old gentleman who made this kind of thought may never think that he, a medicine saint, would one day feel sorry for his elixir magic medicine...

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