Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 721: Ye Chen is the most evil

"This is reasonable, but it cannot be forgiven easily!"

Taishang Laojun on the side, Wei Mi said with a shocked expression.

Immediately, he waved his sleeves and exhaled a thick airflow from his nose, which seemed to be very angry.

But the anger turned to anger, but the main purpose now is to find Ye Chen's partner first, otherwise even if the two of them are angry to death, they will not be able to help Ye Chen at all.

This truth, needless to say, the dead mother and the old gentleman looked at each other with a sense of understanding, but it was really too difficult to find Ye Chen.

After a while, the Queen Mother said first.

"Old gentleman, my Pan Taoyuan has suffered a great loss, and the thief Ye Chen is too much.

Although, it was this seat who promised to let him go in and out freely to enjoy the flat peaches.

But that guy is good. In less than half a day, in the flat peach forest carefully conceived by this queen mother, the innate spiritual root sacred fruit tree that has been ripe for 9,000 years, unexpectedly...

Nothing is left after being slapped up.

Moreover, even the flat peaches that ripen once in six thousand years and once ripen in three thousand years have been plucked to pieces.

Upon closer inspection, there is already no more than half left.

That Ye Chen is going to ruin the flat peach feast of this seat, so when that day comes, what kind of hospitality should I give to the gods, it is really annoying to me.

If Ye Chen is not caught and severely punished, this queen mother swears not to give up, he actually dared to lie to me! "

The Queen Mother said a lot, all of Ye Chen's crimes.

But in a daze, he only heard the last sentence but said it so heavy, as if that was the point.

"Hehe, the Queen Mother didn't lose much."

Suddenly, the great old gentleman said immediately, and suddenly heard the queen mother's eyebrows twisted up.

What is no loss? In her flat peach garden, most of the nine thousand-year-old flat peaches that have been ‘stolen’ carefully cultivated, but it took tens of thousands of years of accumulation to be as fruitful as it seems today.

That was her queen mother, who had stored the best flat peaches for nearly a hundred thousand years. She didn't want to eat one of them on weekdays, because she waited until the bottleneck of her cultivation was like the Jade Emperor in the future, so as to break through her own difficulties.

But now, it's gone, it's all gone.

The nine thousand-year-old finest flat peaches that were full of branches and rounded, all disappeared in this trance.

The Queen Mother even had some hallucinations at this moment, and her eyes seemed to be shining with the extremely hateful Ye Chen, eating in her flat peach garden, and she still used both hands and feet to pluck, and her greedy face was even more uninterrupted. He showed a smile of infinite sin, as if mocking himself.

And what is even more hateful is that, obviously, the other party has agreed to accompany him through the lower realms.

But now, Ye Chen, who had almost stolen her Pan Taoyuan, could not reappear, it was too late to hide.

Right now, it is absolutely impossible to follow its lower bound, or even show one side.

From the bottom of the Queen Mother's heart, it was also felt that the hateful Ye Chen appeared in the Heavenly Court, the original ultimate purpose was to come for her Pan Taoyuan.

However, only guessing all this now, it seems that it is too late and it has no effect.

Ye Chen not only deceived her, but also wiped it out, and disappeared again and again without a trace. If he wanted to find it again, it was almost impossible to find it.

Thinking about it, the expression on the Queen Mother's face became more and more ugly and unpleasant.

On the other side, the old gentleman Taishang looked extremely abnormal, and after hearing the experience of the queen mother, the haze on his face became more and more cautious.

In a daze, the Queen Mother couldn't help but noticed Taishang Laojun's too weird face, and she asked with some doubts.

"Old gentleman, what's the matter with you? Did Ye Chen's sibling do more to you?

But it shouldn't. How can your loss be compared to the catastrophe of the Pan Taoyuan in this seat. "

As soon as this remark came out, I didn't intend to say anything. I just wanted to find Ye Chen to punish the one or two Taishang Laojun. In the end, under the Queen Mother's phrase "should not", he was completely broken.

Immediately, I saw the old gentleman looking at Ye Chen with a haze on his face, and his old eyes showed a terrifying and fierce light that made the queen mother feel cold all over.

"Yes, it shouldn't be right? After all, the old-fashioned palace is just looted, and it's not a big deal.

However, that kid ransacked this saint's pill.

But what shouldn't be for nothing is that he actually... actually emptied my dignified palace, and even a bottle of medicine filled with medicine did not leave the old Dao in the slightest.

Moreover, even the gossip furnace that the old Dao used to make alchemy since ancient times was given to Huohuo by the boy to some place.

I have searched all over the sky and the earth, and the immortal world on earth.

However, he didn't even look for a trace of the gossip furnace of this saint.

That's just a tool for the old way of alchemy, and it can't help the cultivation and promotion of the immortal tactics. Where did the kid move in order to move?

Right now, apart from the empty Doust Palace Hall, the old Tao really couldn't think of anything else in it.

I'm afraid that even a trace of dust has been swept clean by Ye Chen.

It's so deceiving, if you don't catch him, you won't be worthy of calling that supreme saint! "

Huhuhu, when the Taishang Laojun said that he was emotionally angry, the flick of the hair in his hand was also a whirr of being waved.

At the same time, the huge thirty-sixth heaven heaven, every corner of all heaven, unnaturally blew gusts of wind, very strange.

Hearing what the old gentleman said, he was full of anger just now, wishing to catch Ye Chen's cramping queen mother, the look on her face looked better somehow.

Then he also unconsciously said in his heart: Ye Chen, you still have a conscience.

However, this slight change was discovered by the Supreme Master. Then, with a cold snort, the Queen Mother immediately became serious, and she coughed and said.

"Oh, what, old gentleman, how do we find the culprit who has harmed me now?

That guy's concealment method is not something we can deduce. "

"Hmph, the Queen Mother doesn't need to worry too much. Although the old way hasn't figured out where Ye Chen is, I can conclude that he must still be in the heavenly court and has not escaped to other territories."

When Taishang Laojun answered, the corner of the queen mother's mouth twitched.

In the end, didn't he still fail to find a trace of Ye Chen? Does the fart work?

At this time, there was nothing to say about the grand old man, he couldn't help but waved his sleeves and said: "Okay, I'll go outside and look for it again. If the queen mother finds something, I must tell you the truth "As he said, his person had disappeared in the Yaochi Palace.

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