Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 722: Where Ye Chen is, what Yutu thinks

Watching Taishang Laojun leave, the Queen Mother couldn't help sitting on the cracked throne for a while, her eyes eagerly, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Compared with the silence on the Queen Mother's side, the entire Thirty-Six Heaven in Heaven was still lively.

I saw that the entire heavenly court was almost instantly occupied by the silhouettes of old people with white beards in simple robes.

Searching everywhere, not letting go of any corner of the countless heavenly palaces, even the secret rooms of the boudoirs of the children of the great gods, were not let go of searching.

Even those who went back and forth had to be looked for several times before they left.

For a while, the entire heavenly court was disturbed by the old man in a white robed robe who looked exactly the same.

However, even though he was repeatedly offended, no fairy **** dared to show an angry and unhappy expression. Even when Lao Dao found his own palace, he had to show his face and laugh. That scene was really wonderful.

But even if he knows that the impact of this move is too bad, but as the veteran Taishang Laojun who disturbs the vast heaven, it is really a little bit wrong.

No trace of Ye Chen could be found by any means. Now, he can only use his body to find out Ye Chen's clues personally. There is no other way.

But it's a pity that the old gentleman who was too arrogant and disregarded his face disturbed the whole heaven, and the flow of the earth was not bad.

But Ye Chen, who he had been looking for, was never found as he had hoped, and even a trace of it was nothing for Lao Jun.

But at this moment, the master Ye Chen, who was so sought after by the dignified generation of saints, had a hiding place that no one had expected.

Thirty-six Heaven, the inner courtyard of Yaochi Palace!

A beautiful shadow stood at the window of the magnificent West Wing Hall, looking out curiously, her small red ears trembled slightly, collecting the noise from the outside world from time to time.

Just let it listen for a long time, when there is no gain, the first beauty of the Three Realms with a perfect and stunning face, then turned around a little bit, looking at the guy who is lying on her incense bed and slumbering. , Very dissatisfied with pouting.

But there was no sound, as if he was afraid of disturbing the other party.

But the beautiful fairy acted like this, but she looked at the red pupils squatting on the side table and couldn't help but turn around.

"Master, what are you thinking about?

Ye Chen wanted to plot against you for a long time, but you still left him in your boudoir for the night? Crazy, master, you must be crazy.

Did you forget what I just said? That guy kidnapped me just to sneak into the Guanghan Palace and plot against you.

Hurry up, Master, you can drive him out quickly and can't stay for a moment, otherwise we will be in danger. "

The person with the red pupil was standing upright with his small body, and he kept crackling and talking, his whole body standing upright with white hair.

He was full of accusations of all the crimes of the sleeping man, and he couldn't wait to throw him out of the room by himself.

However, facing her words, Fairy Chang'e on the side shook his head very disapprovingly.

"There must be some misunderstanding, Xiao Yutu, don't worry, I believe Ye Chen is not a bad person at all.

After all, even if he kidnapped you, he didn't move you.

Xiao Yutu, you can stand in front of your master so well now. Speaking of it, all this is thanks to Ye Chen, otherwise our master and servant will most likely never see again. "

With that said, Fairy Chang'e gently touched the furry head of the jade rabbit on the table, and said in his heart.

If Xiao Yutu hadn't been shocked by the relationship between Ye Chen and Fairy Baihe, and had been caught by her accidentally hitting her, it would have been the Queen Mother's anger that Xiao Yutu would follow the Guanghan Palace and completely turn into nothingness.

With that said, how could Ye Chen be blamed?

It's just that at this moment, this man actually took over his incense bed cheeky, which was really rude.

"No, no, Master, it's okay for you to be a little clearer.

Ye Chen kidnapped Yutu, his goal has always been you, the master. Haven't you ever dealt with the "Jade Rabbit" who turned into me before?

Did that guy do something bad to you?

Take a peek at the bath? Secretly taking advantage? Or, Master, you have been given to..."

The jade rabbit who was finally released by Ye Chen and was free, stood on the wooden table at this moment, looking at his owner with gloomy eyes, and his mind could not help but rise up in large-scale scenes.

However, before her fantasy lasted long, Fairy Chang'e on the side rubbed Yutu's little rabbit's head a little funny, and smiled slightly.

"Little Yutu, why did you fail to learn? Come on, who taught you all these things?

Also, I will say it again at the end, Ye Chen, he did not do anything out of bounds to your master.

Even if it is occupying my bed at this moment, it is only because your master lost a previous bet against it.

I am willing to bet and lose, I don't care about it, and Ye Chen's request doesn't seem to be too much.

I thought he would do something to me after he won..."

The last words, Chang'e can't say anymore, the exciting and wonderful scenes, I recalled here, making her footsteps soft and untenable.

To say that Ye Chen had something to do with her, Chang'e couldn't believe it now.

To be honest, it was Fairy Chang'e who wanted to rub the other party's'little rabbit's head' and watched a terrifying battle between the other party and Fairy Baihe on the spot.

Thinking about it now, Chang'e didn't know what was wrong with her at the beginning, and she was still lonely and quiet for too long, so she became out of control after seeing the hot It's over, that Ye Chen hidden That's great, master, you shouldn't be to him..."

Hearing Chang'e's words, the jade rabbit who should have been so well-behaved to let him caress at will suddenly turned into a pretty and agile girl, and she drew out her little white hand and asked Chang'e tremblingly.

After being trapped for so long, Yutu has been thinking about Ye Chen's true purpose in kidnapping her.

But no matter what you think, the fairy Chang'e, whose owner is known as the number one beauty in the Three Realms, is Ye Chen's hunting target.

And now looking at the look of Master Chang'e, facing a strange man who casually sleeps on his bed, he doesn't care about the appearance, I am afraid that Ye Chen's strategy is about to succeed.

While Yutu was thinking about it, Chang'e also smiled and shook his head: "Don't think about it, Ye Chen already has White Crane Fairy, they are very'loving'."

Seeing this scene, the ominous feeling in Yutu's heart became more and more serious, and then he kept chanting: "No, no, I must let the master see the true face of Ye Chen!"

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