Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 768: The old gentleman returns to heaven, the queen mother has mixed hearts

  Chapter 768 The old gentleman returns to heaven, the queen's heart is mixed

  Laojun Taishang finished speaking, and he was about to get up when he mentioned a jar of peach blossom stuffing, as if he wanted to ignore Ye Chen and be drunk alone.

  But facing Lao Jun’s ‘worry-hearted’ exhortation, Ye Chen, who was still sitting at the table, suddenly came up with a sentence, and for an instant, Lao Jun was so overwhelmed that he was stunned.

   "Old gentleman, can you integrate common lotus seed cultivation to advance to the realm of heaven?"

Just like the words that hit the soul directly, after hearing these words, the old gentleman turned around in a daze, staring at Ye Chen with puzzled eyes, and did not speak, but what he carried was like an overwhelming one. The strongest aura, but there is no hiding at this moment, it bursts out in an instant.

  In an instant, the corners of Ye Chen's mouth were pressured by the strong aura, and the corners of his mouth were shocked to bleed, and his body couldn't stop sitting on the ground.

  At the same time, occupying a huge area and returning to the beautiful and luxuriant peach blossom town, he disappeared into the six realms in the blink of an eye under the pressure of the horrible atmosphere.

   There was no warning, and no destructive sound appeared.

  The entire Taohua Town, just like that, was completely annihilated, and disappeared directly and completely.

   "Old gentleman, has something happened?"

   Soon, the disappearance of Peach Blossom Town attracted the attention of the Queen Mother who was about to rest on the second floor.

   Immediately, the Queen Mother was also carrying the enchantment like two round bubbles, and fell lightly on the ground.

  And within your bubble barrier, you are sitting paralyzed and trembling all over, Fairy Chang'e and Fairy Yutu with bleeding symptoms in all seven orifices.

  The two fairies at this time are rippling with strong celestial power, but the look of embarrassment and injury makes people's eyes jump.

   Chang'e and Yutu are in the state at this moment, just like when they survived a catastrophe, they desperately urged the seal of the immortal power, resulting in a strong backlash effect, which made them feel embarrassed.

  But if it may not be the case, the two of them who were sealed with Xianli, maybe it is possible, they will be lost on the spot.

  In the face of the sudden devastating blow, Chang'e and Yutu were completely speechless, and had to sit in the air barrier and pant, their lofty and undulating chests, like having experienced the baptism of the tsunami, became magnificent.

  But they couldn't speak, but the Queen Mother, who had already contacted the Saint Weimo boundary, already had a guess in their hearts.

  Therefore, the first thing she did when she landed was to walk to Ye Chen's side quickly, her beautiful eyes condensed slightly as she looked at the man with the blood on the corner of her mouth, her expression suddenly complicated.

   "Old gentleman, you have to give me an explanation for this matter.

   also got it, give an explanation to the life in this mortal world town. "

   Although facing a saint, the posture given by the queen mother is not much weaker than the saint.

Laojun Taishang also glanced at the Queen Mother, then turned his head and walked towards the sky to speak.

   "The old way is tired, so I won't accompany me on this trip to the mortal world.

   Queen Mother, you will be well. "

   After all, the old gentleman who was still walking slowly just now, the figure disappeared without a trace in an instant, but in an instant, he had returned to the palace of the 33rd layer of the heaven.

  Looking at Mo Ming's departure, Lao Jun was bizarre and angry.

  The queen mother, who knew the other party's indifferent nature, couldn't help but turned her gaze to Ye Chen beside her, her beautiful eyes trembled slightly.

   "You fellow, I really don't dare to annoy people without you.

  It's fine if you are not honest in the sky, but now in this mortal world, you can know the truth that the gods and demons are angry with the creatures.

  If it hadn’t been just now, Laojun’s sage’s breath was only fleeting, you know, what kind of infinite disaster will be brought to the mortal world and even the entire Three Realms due to your actions? "

  Speaking, the Queen Mother couldn't help rubbing her temples deeply, her helpless and charming look really made people see how helpless she was.

   But for the Queen Mother’s question, Ye Chen's mouth was full of blood, but the smile on his face increased instead of decreasing, turning into a big laugh.

  The look like an evil spirit is also the presence of the three big fairies and beauties, all of them are full of doubts.

  However, their doubts are destined to be answered by no one.

  Ye Chen, who just smiled without saying a word, hurriedly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and meditated.

  The appearance of not listening to the world and only cultivating one's own gong, which makes the Queen Mother feel very uncomfortable in her heart.

  For the first time, this is the first time that she has been so ignored. Even facing her two or three words, there is no movement at all, and she will directly make her heart angry.

  Just now, she was the maternal queen of the Three Realms, but she was kindly helping her to speak.

   even offended the saint Laojun for the sake of the guy who didn’t know the depth.

  Such a move, even if it is not a kindness, but at least, the other party can feel the kindness that he exudes.

  But right now, Ye Chen didn't pay any attention to it, but it touched a touch of string in the Queen Mother's heart that had never appeared before.

   Soon, there were waves of unspeakable feelings, until it spread madly in her heart, and at an unstoppable speed, the Queen Mother caught her by surprise.

   took a deep look at Ye Chen who was meditating cross-legged. The Queen Mother even thought about slapped him to death.

  But this thought has been ignited for a long time, but the queen mother’s two slender, white jade arms showed no signs of even being lifted.

  "The Queen Mother, Ye Chen, may be seriously injured.

   Right now, it should be using the physical instinct to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to heal on its own.

  Did you forget that his celestial power was sealed by you at the moment in the lower realm.

  In the face of the old gentleman, I was so angry that Yutu and I broke the shackles of the seal to the limit, but they were so scarred."

  "Stop talking, Fairy Chang'e should take care of yourself.

  Don’t you know that Ye Chen’s cultivation base was blocked by me? "

  The Queen Mother, who was in a bad mood, heard the speculation of Fairy Chang'e behind her, her emotions instantly became more complex and soft.

The sullenness just now dissipated without a trace, and even, the Queen Mother peeked forward slightly, and there were signs of walking towards Ye Chen, and the jade hand lifted slightly, as if he wanted to heal Ye Chen personally. .

  Faced with this man who was simply ‘attempted’ for too long, the Queen Mother didn’t know what was going on, even she felt that her emotional state at the moment was very strange.

   But in the end, the queen mother, who is ruthless and arrogant, still failed to get close to Ye Chen for half a minute.

  Instead, he turned his head and walked to the side of Chang'e and Yutu after a ‘huh’ in his mouth, and began to heal their injuries.

  I don't know how Ye Chen, who has always been cold and arrogant, and who has never dealt with herself at all, is in her heart.

  He is completely controlling his mental body and heading to the center of the Dantian sea.

   Thank you ‘妩仸’ handsome guy for your kind appreciation, (′‵)IL



  (End of this chapter)

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