Chapter 769

  In the vast sea of ​​dantian, Ye Chenzheng stood quietly in the center, staring at the golden lotus in front of him, and the corners of his mouth kept moving and saying these things.

  Hunyuan Jinlian was also in his speaking words, like a sensible child, swaying his branches and leaves slightly towards Ye Chen, too agile.

  After a long time, Ye Chen, who had stopped speaking, stretched out his hand and touched the 20-rank Hunyuan Jinlian that he had actively approached. He trembled slightly, and let Ye Chen get up and touch his body again.

   didn't spend too much time in the Dantian Ocean, Ye Chen's spiritual consciousness returned to the outside of the body.

  However, when he just awakened from the meditation state, a beautiful face that contained a little grievance and extremely complicated, suddenly came into his eyes.

   Looking at the delicate face close at hand, Ye Chengang's still very plain face turned quickly to become very indifferent, as if he didn't want to look at the other person for one more glance.

   Such a surprisingly rapid change of face also attracted the Queen Mother who stood in front of her and looked eagerly. Her complexion was slightly stiff and looked very unnatural.

"Are you alright?"

  A very indifferent word, and even the Queen Mother could not help taking a step back. The beautiful eyes were full of complexity.

  She seemed to remember what she had done to Ye Chen too much, which might have caused the situation in front of her.

   But even so, the indifference like strangers, even if they never know each other, is somewhat unacceptable.

   "Ye Chen, listen to me to explain, in fact, what happened last night, I am also."

   "Did something happen last night? Please don't think too much about the Queen Mother, there is no need to explain between you and me."

   was another word that seemed to have no emotion, and fell into the ears of the queen mother, and forcibly held back the words that hadn't been spoken in her heart.

  After that, Ye Chen stood up from the ground and waved his hand, a silver-white slender needle suddenly appeared in his palm.

   Then, the silver needle moved with the wind, fluttering, and automatically flew in front of the Queen Mother.

   Soon, another word reverberated.

  "Thank you for handing this sacred needle to Fairy Chang'e, so that it can be returned to the old gentleman Taishang, just say, when he returns the lotus seed to Ye, Chaos Fuyu will appear in the palace of Dousie.

  From now on, I, Ye Chen, will part ways with Dust Palace and Heavenly Court.

   Between you and me, there is no need to meet.

  That's it, let's say goodbye. "

   After returning the Sacred Needle, Ye Chen didn't look back, and flew towards the sky. The agitated fairy power was thick and pure, which was already a sign of the Golden Immortal Realm.

  Seeing this scene, the queen mother with her mouth moved slightly, opening her mouth to say something, but after all, she still couldn't say it, just standing in place, quietly watching Ye Chen fly into the distance.

  The past promises, as if at this moment, no, last night, have completely become unworthy of their names and disappear.

  The Queen Mother also knows that she now has no excuses to keep the man.

   "The Queen Mother, Ye Chen and him."

On the open space behind   , Chang'e and Yutu, who had recovered from their injuries, suddenly walked behind the Queen Mother, raised their heads and followed her line of sight, and looked at Ye Chen who was going away.

  They were also curious, why Ye Chen had to leave without saying goodbye, and even they wanted to help Ye Chen check his injuries.

  Compared, under the power of the sage Taishang Laojun, he must be injured no less than them.

   But right now, it seems that there is no chance. Even if they want to fly, they are only weak in mind, and it is difficult to fly regardless of the thinness of the power in the body.

  Faced with the doubts of Chang'e and Yutu, the Queen Mother, who stood still for a long time and was in a more complicated mood, could not help but murmur.

   "Maybe, it's because of me, it's because of what happened last night."

   didn't give too much explanation, the Queen Mother just looked deeply at the disappeared sky, waved her sleeve.

  "This seat is about to return to the heavenly palace, you masters and servants, you will be free in the future.

  The moon palace of the triple heaven has never existed since then.

  You guys, also go. "

  Without much words, after the queen mother finished speaking, she turned around and disappeared in place, leaving Chang'e Yutu with a confused or bewildered face, standing there with a confused face.

  I looked up at the direction where Ye Chen had left, and then looked back at the Queen Mother who had returned to heaven for no reason. For a while, countless speculations about the scene last night filled the minds of the two women in an instant.

  No matter how they imagined, they couldn't think of what the quasi-sage's ruthless queen mother did to Ye Chen last night.

  "Master Chang'e, what happened to this?

  Aren’t everyone doing well yesterday?

  Why, it's only one night, the Queen Mother, Ye Chen, and Taishang Laojun seem to be in such an unhappy situation. "

   Yutu's question was exactly what Chang'e wanted to know when asked.

   Chang'e shook her head in confusion, and then she said nothing.

  Yutu also knew that her owner was not omniscient and omnipotent. At the moment, she looked at the direction of Ye Chen's departure and couldn't help muttering again.

   "So now, where are we going?

  There is no moon palace in the heaven, nor in the mortal world, nor any people we know nor familiar homes. "

  Don't say that Yutu is so depressed at this moment, even Fairy Chang'e on the side shows a look of helplessness here.

  Today's mortal world is no longer the world she is familiar with. There is no one who is acquainted with each other, and even the appearance of the world has undergone tremendous changes.

  Although she is also very happy that she has been free, but at the same time, she feels as if she is not as fascinated and excited as she had previously imagined in her heart.

   On the contrary, the silence now makes her feel that the future road is very ignorant.

   "Where am I going?"

  Looking at the jade rabbit next to him watching him, Fairy Chang'e smiled suddenly, giving people a suddenly open feeling.

   "Let's go to Ye Chen!"

  As soon as the words came out, Yutu, who was waiting for a reply, couldn't help but smile slightly.

After   'Hmm', Yutu followed the first beauty of the Three Realms, and walked quickly towards the disappearance of Ye Chen's emptiness.

  At the same time, Ye Chen, who had left the beauties of the heavenly palace, had already appeared above the West Sea.

  After that, with a thump, Ye Chen's whole person was like a fish, rushing into the endless deep sea.

  The Xihai Dragon Palace, located on the seabed of 10,000 meters, is a magnificent and brilliant, radiant place.

  Like a palace of Lingxiao hidden in the deep sea, the degree of luxury carved by various eaves is no less than the magnificence of the sky.

  The location alone is enough to give people an illusion. Is this place really a dragon palace with a very low status?

  (End of this chapter)

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