in the live broadcast room.

"Oh my God, the Foundation actually released such a monster!"

Peter Parker's eyes widened, and he stared at the screen in a daze, his face full of horror.

And the rest of the people have ...... expressions Most of them are not very good-looking, and even Superman Clark's expression has become full of worry.

"This monster ...... It's horrible, indeed. "

Tony sighed softly, his brow furrowed.

In a sense, if SCP-096 appeared in ancient times, it would destroy a city or even a country at best.

But in the modern society with advanced science, he really poses a threat to all mankind!

Because the modern world ...... But there is television, and even the Internet!

Theoretically, with these two mediums, SCP-096's facial image ...... There's a real chance that it will spread all over the world overnight!

And, in that live broadcast just now, the whole world ...... I don't know how many thousands of people saw this shy person!

If this monster is really as terrifying as depicted in the data, then he will kill these millions of people next!

In the process of this series, how many people will see CP096's face?

This is really a world-scale hao... Robbery.

Thinking of this, Tony also felt that his scalp was slightly numb, and he almost even stood up for a while.

At this time, Bruce Wayne next to him had already said in a cold tone:

"And when this terrible thing is released, the SCP Foundation really wants to destroy all mankind!"


Peter Parker nodded, his face full of anxiety...... A look of apprehension mixed with that.

It seems that he is really worried about the people of that world.


Loki suddenly sneered next to him:

"Your compassion is too overflowing!"

"God knows, how many parallel universes are there in the multiverse!

"Say ...... again"

Loki glanced at the screen in front of him and said nonchalantly:

"Doesn't that Foundation also have a séance mech? can ...... in the most extreme cases? Revive human civilization!"

"Maybe they're doing all this because they want to test if the program works. "


Even little Wanda, who has always been unaccustomed to Loki, was shocked by his speculation.

"You're saying that the reason why they want to destroy the world is to test it...... Is the 'option' to save the world good?"

"Who knows?"

Loki shrugged.

"In my experience, if humans gain unimaginable power, they tend to get carried away and even get carried away!"

"That's why this race needs a ruler who is higher than them, lest they bring about their own destruction!"

"Here we go again......"

Listening to this kind of arrogant remarks of the middle two, Xiao Wanda rolled her eyes, and her face showed a look of disappointment, as if she was regretting...... I was actually asking Loki for advice just now!

At this time, Young Master Wayne's eyes narrowed slightly.

If the Foundation just wants to "reload" the whole world, that's fine.

But if they really made up their minds to completely destroy human society!

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

["Gollum."] "】

Huddled on the couch in the safe house, Pietro swallowed as he looked at the environment for 4 weeks. "】

["This safe house was set up by the Foundation to allow employees to be sheltered in special circumstances."] "】

["Therefore, not only is the position extremely hidden, but the defense is also very tight, theoretically speaking, it is anti-tank, and rocket artillery may not be able to bomb it. "】

But Pietro is well aware that if ...... I was actually on TV and saw SCP-096's face. "】

["Well, not to mention a safe house, it is an underground fortification that is strong enough to resist the Black Apocalypse...... I can't stop that monster!"


[The thought of the horror of the "shy man" made Pietro's face turn pale. "】

["The last time he experienced such fear, he was ...... by those task forces Stuck in Base 22!"]

["I won't die like this!"]

["Forcing himself to turn his attention to something else, Pietro concentrates and continues to search for information about SCP-096 on his laptop in the safe room. "】

He still has a glimmer of hope. "】

["Maybe...... You can find out about the weakness of this monster yourself. "】

["Soon, he really found a series of information. "】

["When he opened it, Pietro was immediately stunned. "】

["Since SCP-096 was contained by the Foundation, among the researchers, a man named Dr. Daniel has been ...... I'm always worried about this monster. "】

["In the 21st century, human beings rely on mobile phones and the Internet to achieve almost global interconnection!"]

["In this case, even if it's just a picture of 096...... Streaming to the Internet may lead to unimaginable tragedy. "】

["It may even trigger the end of the world!"]

["And, the most unbearable thing for Dr. Daniel is that the Foundation has been reluctant to elevate 096's object class from "Euclid" to "Keter"!"]

["What's even crazier is that within the Foundation, there are even people who propose to downgrade 096's level from "Euclid" to "Safe"!"]

"The reason for these people is also very simple. "】

["For many years, 096 would only activate that killing mode if his face was seen. "】

["Other than that, he will only sit quietly in his containment chamber, and will not make any attempt to escape. "】

In other words, as long as the Foundation can destroy ...... With all the images and videos of this monster in the world, then theoretically, its "containment breach risk" is zero. "】

[However, the Foundation is not sure how many photos related to 096 are out there."] "】

[So, even though 096 has been quietly in the containment chamber for a few years, the Foundation still classifies its object as "Euclid" instead of "Safe."] "】

["But in Dr. Daniel's opinion, the Foundation is simply raising tigers!"]

["It's the age of the Internet!"]

["Just a photo, as long as it appears on the Internet, can trigger a global disaster····· Difficult!"]

["So, Dr. Daniel has always insisted...... The Foundation should soon find a way to kill SCP-096 once and for all. "】

["After numerous rejections, Dr. Daniel finally decided...... Since the Foundation won't do it, he'll have to do it for him!"

["Finally, a climber inadvertently touched SCP-096 after viewing an old photograph taken more than a decade ago, resulting in the first containment breach in over 10 years!"]

At this moment, as the leader of the "096 Research Project", Dr. Daniel was hundreds of miles away on a snow-capped mountain. "】

["This snow-capped mountain is the place where the Foundation first discovered SCP-096, and it is also the place where the climber took a picture of SCP-096 more than ten years ago. "】

["It's very likely that this is where 096 was born."] "】

["Dr. Daniel made a special trip here to try to find clues to the origin of 096 on this snow-capped mountain. "】

["Because of this, as a result of 096's escape, almost everyone in the entire containment station died, but Dr. Daniel himself was unscathed. "】

["Upon receiving the alert, the Foundation immediately found out...... Following 096's current route, there are several densely populated towns in front of him!"]

["If the Foundation had done nothing, the number of casualties that would have ended up would have been terrifying. "】

At this time, Dr. Daniel, who was still on the snowy mountain, began to use his mobile phone to provide remote guidance. "】

["After consulting with him, the Foundation's containment team decided to temporarily suppress SCP-096 from the air by helicopter with heavy weapons. "】

["It's not enough to kill him, but it can at least slow it down and buy time for the Foundation's dispersal efforts."] "】

["Fortunately, after 096 enters the killing state, it will only move in an absolute straight line, so its path is very predictable. "】

["However, even though the Foundation was prepared, 096 in a fit of rage quickly rushed to the first town and began to kill people!"]

In desperation, Foundation personnel had to go to the second town "behind" and begin evacuating the people here in advance. "】

["Thankfully, the Foundation's years of training for its subordinates have finally paid off. "】

["Although the people in the first town are no longer saved, they have managed to evacuate Route 096...... Residents of the remaining two towns. "】

"In the second and third towns, no one died. "】

"However, the fourth town does not have such good luck. "】

["Due to the urgency of time, the SCP team had no time to evacuate all the people in the town, so they had to gather them all together and blindfold them to avoid seeing 096."] "】

["Not only that, but the containment team even threatened these townsfolk that if someone took off their blindfolds, they would shoot them immediately!"]

"However, the townsfolk don't seem to take this threat seriously. "】

Soon, when 096 finally appeared, he rushed straight into the house, smashing several houses along the way. "】

["Boom! Boom ......"]

["Hearing this thunderous roar, some townsfolk finally couldn't hold back the panic and curiosity in their hearts, and they instinctively took off their blindfolds to see what was going on!"]

["At this time, the containment team who have known that 096 is powerful for a long time...... Also shot in a panic. "】

["Stupid, I said you can't take off your blindfold!"]

["Shoot some idiots, they'll kill us all!"]

["Da Da Da ......"]

["In the midst of the chaos, more and more townsfolk took off their blindfolds, and they ...... Most of them also saw 096's face. "】


["With 096's cry full of sadness and anger, the real Tu... Kill...... Here we go. "】

["The condition of the 4th town finally became the same as that of the 1st town, and the townspeople were almost wiped out!"]

["The only thing to be happy about, that caused all this... The unlucky climber lives in this town. "】

After tearing him to shreds, 096 finally quieted down and regained his docile appearance. "】

["After this tragedy erupted, the Foundation finally adopted Dr. Daniel's views, which he had maintained for more than 10 years. "】

["096 is too dangerous, it must be destroyed!"]

["But soon, the Foundation discovered the problem. "】

["At the time of the 096 containment breach, almost all the people in the entire containment facility died. "】

But at this moment, Dr. Daniel was very "convenient" located on a snow-capped mountain hundreds of miles away. "】

"It's really because of ...... Was he lucky?"]

["After a thorough investigation, the Foundation has finally discovered the truth of the matter. "】

["After more than a decade of safe containment, the reason why 096 was able to escape containment and cause such terrible casualties is simply because...... This containment breach was directed and acted by Dr. Daniel from the beginning!"]

["He deliberately let 096 cause disaster... It's hard to get the Foundation to agree with him!"]

["Thus, he can use the resources of the Foundation to study how to kill this monster!"]

["After obtaining the evidence, the Foundation sentenced Dr. Daniel to death!"]

But before he was executed, the doctor was given a chance. "】

["That's to find a way to end SCP-096 once and for all!"]

["Whether or not he can complete this mission, Dr. Daniel will be terminated in dozens of days!"]

When asked by the Foundation if Dr. Daniel regretted it, he said categorically: "

["I tell you, sooner or later, such a tragedy will happen! and...... The picture of that monster will appear in the news all over the world when the time comes!"

["So, as long as I can kill that monster, I don't care about anything!"

["The first option proposed by Dr. Daniel for the termination of SCP-096...... It's the use of SCP682!"]

["After placing 096 and 682 in the same containment chamber, the two creatures quickly engaged in a fierce fight. "】

["096's angry screams due to being seen by 682 in his face...... Even outside the closed containment chamber!"]

["This battle lasted 27 hours. "】

["Wait until the noise stops, observe Foundation researchers in the surveillance room, and discover it through a sonar camera device...... 096 appears to have been severely traumatized, and is shivering in the corner of his cell. "】

["682 is in another corner of the cleanup, 85% of the entire body has disappeared, as if ...... It was eaten by 096. "】

["Even so, 096 can't kill this immortal lizard, and even faith seems to have been shattered. "】

["However, 682, which is only 15% of the body, is obviously unable to continue the attack. "】

Dr. Daniel still refused to give up, and after 682's self-healing was completed, the two monsters were locked together again. "】

["This time, even if 682 saw his face, 096 did not feel sad or angry, but turned around and ran. "】

In the end, he hid directly in the corner, screaming and scratching his face with his hands, as if entering a state of collapse. "】

["It seems that after the first defeat, 096 has been "subdued" by 682. "】

["However, even so, 682 doesn't seem to have much interest in continuing to hunt down 096. "】

["These two monsters, it seems, have reached some kind of terrifying balance in the containment chamber. "】

[Seeing that 682 had returned in vain, Dr. Daniel meditated hard and then turned his brain to another "Euclid" SCP. "】

["That's SCP173-Statue!"]

["Nickname, Little Peanut!"]

["SCP-173's property is that if someone else is in the room and doesn't look at him, SCP-173 will appear behind that person with superhuman speed and break their neck!"]

["In addition to this, SCP-173 has a very interesting property, which is...... It's just a concrete statue! It's not going to 'see' anything at all!"]

["In other words, if SCP-173 and SCP-096 were in the same room, 173 would never have looked at 096's face!"]

[In other words, 173 does not inspire the killing patterns of the "shy people."] "】

["However, as soon as the "shy person" looks away, 173 will immediately strike and break its neck!"]

["The only problem now is that SCP-096 ...... after its neck was broken Will you die?"]

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