Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Agent J: Oh my God, 15% of that 682's body was eaten, and it was still in stock, and ...... And be able to grow those bodies back again! There are still creatures like this in the world!

Deadpool: What's the big deal, I can do it, as long as I have a head, I can grow a whole body! ^_^

Agent J: If you fight that 682, who will win in the end?

Deadpool: Hmm...... Perhaps, I will be eaten by it and reborn in its belly.

Wanda Maximov: Assault ...... Help, please stop talking, I'm sick when I hear it.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Ahaha! No matter how powerful that 682 is, my 999 can beat him.

Rampage Lori Jinx: So, my SCP is the strongest!(* ̄) ̄*)

Captain Mi Guo: It sounds very reasonable, if you let the tickle monster fight against 096, maybe...... It can also conquer this monster with its love.

Nick Fury: Captain, what that Dr. Daniel wants is not to conquer, but to destroy this monster once and for all!

Captain Mi Guo: That doctor was already a little sick and rushed to the doctor, and he actually counted on a concrete statue to kill people for him.

John Constantine: Not necessarily, Captain, you don't know anything about the world of magic, you don't know about cursed objects that gain life...... How dangerous.

Captain Mi Guo: Someone must keep an eye on it at all times, otherwise it will immediately break people's necks, this 173...... It's weird indeed.

Deadpool: Hahaha, did you find out? That 096 kills people when they see their faces, and this 173 kills people when they don't look at him!

Deadpool: This pair is a perfect match!

Starlight: 096's "killing people by looking at their faces", at least I can understand it, but what does this "killing without looking at it" mean?

Starlight: If anyone is around 173...... What happens with a blink of an eye?

John Constantine: He must have broken his neck immediately, I've seen the horror of this "cursed object" many times.

Wolverine: It's troublesome, why does the Foundation keep all this weird stuff? A concrete statue shouldn't be hard to destroy, right?

Nick Fury: There are a lot of possibilities, perhaps, because they want to study the principle of that murderous statue.

Nick Fury: Maybe...... They must be prepared to leave these SCPs behind for use as "weapons" in the future.

Bruce Wayne: A potential "Thaumiel"? If you think about it that way, a lot of questions have been answered.

Morty: Uh...... You're talking about too complicated, I just want to know, that strange statue...... Can you kill 096?

Bruce Wayne: I guess it still failed, after all, if it did, how could 096 end up on the TV screen?

Garnata the Daughter of the Star Eater: That's a shame, such an interesting monster, and he died like this.

Ghost Rider: Miss, this monster isn't interesting. I don't know how many people were killed by him, and even the bodies could not be found.

Starlight: Hiss....... Because the shy man's attack didn't know how powerful it was, he actually destroyed all the corpses!

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: Hehe......

Starlight: You, what are you laughing at?

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: Considering the receptivity of humans, I think I'd better not talk about it.

Bruce wayne:............

Starlight: What's wrong?

Loki Odinson: Hey, kids, they're afraid to scare you!

Starlight: Huh?

Bruce Wayne: Loki, you......

Rocky Odinson: I'm not interested in being like you, being mysterious, hiding everything all day.

Loki Odinson: Besides, you can't guess what happened to that immortal lizard?

Starlight: The Immortal Lizard?682? What's wrong with him?

Morty: Oh my God!( ̄△ ̄;)

Loki Odinson: Heh, you little devil's brain is spinning pretty fast.

Morty: The white monster! 096, he killed the corpses at his hands...... Eat them all!

Starlight: Shenma ??? (⊙o⊙)

Wanda Maksimov: No wonder I went !!...... It's no wonder that after the Immortal Lizard finished fighting "it", only 15% of its body remained!

John Constantine: Did the other 80% be eaten by that monster?

Wolverine: What a scary guy!

Starlight: Wait a minute, this monster has killed so many people, is it all ...... by him? Vomiting and vomiting...... (ㄒoㄒ)

At this moment, everyone in the chat group was suddenly shocked.

At this moment, many people's hearts were beating faster, their faces changed greatly, and even fine sweat broke out on their foreheads.

A creepy chill swept through everyone's body in an instant!

It's horrible!

Captain Rice: Oh my God! This monster ...... Later, I was on TV, so to speak......

JOHN CONSTANTINE: In that world, I don't know how many million people are going to be killed by him and then ...... ╮(╯_╰)╭

Clark Kent: It's terrifying, how can there be such a monster in the world?

At this moment, even Superman Clark was really shocked!

Nick Fury: ............ No wonder, that Dr. Daniel did not hesitate to kill this SCP at the cost of his life.

Nick Fury: This monster is too dangerous.

John Constantine: Unfortunately, in the end, he still failed!

John Constantine: Not only that, but because the Foundation wanted to destroy the world, they made a special trip to put this monster on the TV screen!

Loki Odinson: Hehe, purely from a bystander's point of view, the Foundation's move is indeed very clever, and ...... Also very effective!

Captain Rice: Damn! Foundation! And that monster, how can this be?(╬ ̄ ̄)

In the face of the captain's anger, the chat group fell silent for a while, and it seemed that it was ...... No one knew what to say to him.

[At this moment, a new image appears on the screen.] 】

[Image continues.] 】

[The strange narration sounded again.] 】

[During the battle between 096 and 682, the "shy man" was corroded by the acid that spewed out of the mouth of the immortal lizard. "】

But his bones were not damaged in any way. "】

["And this failed execution gave Dr. Daniel inspiration."] "】

["What SCP173 does best is break its neck, including the neck bone, of course!"]

["Upon hearing the doctor's request, the person in charge of the Foundation hesitated. "】

["You want to put together an SCP object that we can't look at, and an object that we have to keep an eye on?"]

"It's too difficult. "】

["That being said, the Foundation side ...... I actually thought the doctor's proposal was very creative, so I finally agreed to his request. "】

["Prior to this, the Foundation had attempted to destroy SCP096 by various means. "】

["But whether it is fire, radiation, acid, or physical destruction...... None of them are useful. "】

["Even with the use of SCP-682, it still failed."] "】

["Through countless experiments, the Foundation has learned:"]

["The flesh and skin of the "shy man" are not indestructible, they can be hurt and even destroyed. "】

["However, I don't know what material its bones are made of!"]

["No matter what means are used, you can't hurt a bit!"

["And as long as the bones are still there, no matter what kind of injuries are suffered in other parts of the body, 096 will eventually recover!"]

And all this, so far, has finally changed. "】

["After Dr. Daniel placed 096 and 173 in the same room, when 096 looked away, 173 moved!"]


In an instant, 096's neck was twisted into an extremely strange angle, and he let out a terrible cry and collapsed to the ground. "】

["But...... This monster is not dead. "】

"Twisting the cervical vertebrae is enough to kill any human, but ...... "shy people" are not human. "】

["173 can break his neck, but not enough to kill him. "】

["This execution failed in the end. "】

["In the live broadcast room. "】

["Hey...... Sure enough, it still doesn't work?"]

["Although I have been prepared in my heart, when Young Master Wayne sees it...... 096 staggered to his feet from the ground again, a hint of disappointment flashing through his eyes. "】

"His philosophy is not to kill humans. "】

"But this white monster ...... No matter how you look at it, you can't equate it with humans. "】

[It's a pity that in the "future" where Pietro is, shy people are destined to appear on TV screens, so ...... "it" will not die here. "】

And at this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly changed. "】

Immediately after, the strange narrator sounded again. "】

["The universe in which the SCP Foundation is located is not a single one, and there are still many parallel universes. "】

["So, in a parallel universe, Dr. Daniel's execution experiment on 096...... In the end, it worked!"]

["Immediately after, a new image appeared on the screen. "】

["For the second time, Dr. Daniel put 096 and 173 in a containment chamber for the second time!"]

[And just a few seconds ago, 096 looked at it again...... Removed from 173's body. "】


["The crisp sound of bones breaking rings in the containment chamber. "】

096 let out a scream and fell to the ground again. "】


["At this moment, the door to the containment chamber opened, and a team of SCP operatives wearing special protective suits rushed inside. "】

["Their actions are very dangerous, it can be said that they have gambled their lives!"

"Because, if one of them blinks and doesn't see 173."] "】

["Or maybe someone wandered their eyes and saw 096's face......"]

"Well, it's all over. "】

But even so, these people mustered up the courage of their lives and carried out this mission. "】

["Grab it!Inject acid!"]

["The intercom placed in the containment chamber is filled with Dr. Daniel's loud shouts. "】

[" The containment team rushed forward. "】

["The first of them had a bag in his hand and put it over 096's head to prevent him from breaking out and hurting others. "】

["And the second person held a special injection tube and pressed it directly after 096 was broken...... Cracked bones!"]

["Goo ......"]

["A large amount of high-strength, high-strength, acid, and liquid was injected into 096's bone marrow. "】

["In countless experiments before this, no one has ever been able to do this. "】

["Because there's no way to break 096's bones. "】

"But today, someone finally did it. "】


["This concrete statue has done something that countless Foundation researchers have not been able to do before!"]

["When acid is injected into the bone marrow, 096 lets out a shocking scream and howl. "】

Immediately after, smoke began to come out of her body. "】

["This is the smoke that comes out of the dissolution of body tissues by acid and liquid!"]

["The outside of this monster's bones may be indestructible, and even the acid that spews out of 682's mouth can't be dissolved. "】

But apparently, this is not the case with the inside of his bones. "】


[096 broke free from the containment agent holding him down and turned his face around. "】

["At this moment, the bag on his head has long been dissolved by acid, and all the agents have seen his face. "】

["However, this face has long been dissolved by acid beyond recognition, and it is completely different from before. "】

["I just blinked!"]

[" An agent shouted nervously. "】

["Their team not only has to face the terrible 096 in front of them, but also has to have someone keep an eye on 173 standing by the wall!"]

["Otherwise, that concrete statue could burst out at any moment and break the necks of everyone in the room!"]

["This time the task is too difficult. "】

And just when the agents were nervous...... When the heart was about to jump out of the throat, the acid began to dissolve all 096 all over the body!"]

["Sneering ......"]

["With the rising smoke, 096's body tissue began to slowly fall off, and the unrecognizable monster let out a terrible scream and began to rush towards one of the agents. "】


[I don't know who gave the order, and then all the agents raised their guns and pulled the trigger frantically. "】

["Da Da Da ......"]

["The acid began to dissolve the bones from the inside out, and greatly weakened 096's defenses!"]

["In the face of the terrible rain of bullets, 096's muscles and bones were all shattered!"]


Its thin body fell straight to the ground. The terrible acid liquefied into a mist that filled the entire containment chamber. "】

["Thankfully, all the agents are wearing protective suits against acid,"

["Otherwise, their bodies would have been dissolved at this moment, and only bones would have been dissolved. "】


Unable to stand up, 096 collapsed in a pool of blood and acid and let out a final howl. "】

["Da Da Da ......"]

["The agents in protective suits are constantly changing magazines, methodically...... Swept 096's whole body with a rain of bullets. "】

["From head to toe, not a single place has been missed. "】


With a muffled sound, 096's head, which had been dissolved by acid, was finally shattered by the bullet. "】

"The monster doesn't move anymore."] "】

["At this moment, on the floor of the containment chamber, only a pile of acid and blood is left mixed together. "】

["Hoo ......"]

["Looking at the terrifying sight in front of him, Dr. Daniel, who was wearing a D-class uniform, let out a long breath. "】

["Even if he has to be executed tomorrow, he has no regrets. "】

"His mission is accomplished. "】

"The monster is completely dead. "】

in the live broadcast room.

"I'll ......"

Looking at the hellish scene on the screen, everyone took a deep breath almost at the same time.

"Good guys!"

Tony shook his head with a sigh.

"It turns out that in another parallel universe, this Dr. Daniel has succeeded!"

At the same time, Bruce Wayne frowned slightly.

Previously, the "multiverse" of Rick and Morty had appeared in the video, and now there is a "SCP multiverse".

Is there a difference between the multiverses?

At this time, Loki suddenly said coldly:

"Don't rejoice too early, it's only 096 of this universe that has died. "

"In the SCP5000 world, that 096 still appeared on TV!"


Hearing this, everyone was speechless.

And little Wanda suddenly remembered the previous ...... A phrase heard in the video.

"Infinite multiverse, nothing is meaningless!"

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