Superstar Athletes’ Black Tech Systems

Chapter 581 Feeling Regretful

But the cooperation between Li Liang and James was not in harmony from the very beginning.

It is not a question of whether two people get along well, but a lot of objective factors.

Leaving Los Angeles and coming to Cleveland, the first thing Li Liang thinks about is not how to play, but how to live here.

After two years in Los Angeles, to be honest, I was quite reluctant to leave there.

Li Liang still kept that house and did not sell it. When they arrived in Cleveland, Zhu Shu and Li Liang paid attention to the real estate in the Cleveland area.

Because he wanted to experience life in the American countryside, and it happened that the Cavaliers' training facility was also in the countryside, Li Liang decided to buy a house in a high-end villa area near Route 77 in the suburbs of Cleveland.

It's not a luxury villa, it's just an ordinary single-family two-story building with a large garage and a garden.

For Li Liang, who does not have particularly high requirements for the quality of life, it is enough.

Li Liang has no interest in luxury cars, yachts, airplanes, or big gold chains that black football stars like.

Li Liang is very satisfied if he has money to eat the best food and can buy what he needs at any time.

He is not a player who gets rich overnight, he is a rich second generation, and he is not very interested in spending money, anyway, he can't spend it all.

As for Zhu Shu, as long as she has a good network and can play games, Zhu Shu will buy all kinds of new game masterpieces without hesitation.

Once you have a place to live, you need to plan your life in Cleveland.

Living in Los Angeles is really convenient, the location is good, there are maids and cooks at home, and various services are just a phone call away.

When I arrived in Cleveland, I realized that everything had to be done from scratch.

It is impossible for cooks and maids to follow, and it is very inconvenient to start from scratch in all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation.

After Zhu Shu had been busy for a week, she managed to manage everything well.

Including the long-distance transport of Li Liang's two cars from Los Angeles to Cleveland.

Li Liang watched Zhu Shu busy in and out, making non-stop phone calls every day, and felt a little uncomfortable.

Because a decision by oneself will cause a lot of trouble.

Among other things, Wei Dazhi's work in Los Angeles is definitely not as good as before.

Li Liang suddenly understood why most players wanted to stay in one place to play for a long time.

People always want to settle down.

And can Cleveland settle him down?

The answer is of course no, because this is not his home.

The Cavaliers team welcomes Li Liang very much.

But this welcome cannot be compared with the arrival of James.

Even if Li Liang beat James in the finals for two consecutive years, in the eyes of Cleveland fans, James is the son of Cleveland and the pride of Ohio.

Just like Yao Ming, no matter how good your other players are, Yao Ming is also the pride of the Chinese people. If you come to China to play, you will definitely cheer Yao Ming a lot.

Li Liang can't go back to China now, the national team doesn't want him.

After signing with the Cavaliers, the Cavaliers held signing conferences for Li Liang and James respectively.

Needless to say, it was Nike's idea again.

Because Li Liang is a player of Under Armor, Nike just doesn't want Li Liang and James to be on the same stage.

James also complained about this, and communicated with Li Liang on the phone.

But there is no way, in the sports league, these big sporting goods dealers are the real fathers.

Two superstars, two press conferences.

Li Liang's press conference was very lively, but it pales in comparison to James's.

James' signing conference was so crowded that it felt like fans from all over Cleveland were there.

Comparing the two, the media immediately took advantage of this incident to make a fuss about the signing scene of Li Liang and James.

For a while, news about the inability of Li Liang and James to coexist was flying all over the sky.

This made Li Liang very upset.

What Li Liang is upset about is not whether he can coexist with James, but why should I coexist with him?

Obviously I am stronger, I should be the boss, I came first, you come to hug my thigh.

This is indeed the case, but the pen of the media is in the hands of the James team, or in the hands of Nike.

How could it be possible for Nike to sit back and watch its top player and give Under Armour's top player a hand?

First of all, in terms of public opinion, it is necessary to cut off the possibility of such remarks.

Then he kept making, Li Liang wanted to cooperate with James, so he came to the Cavaliers' remarks.

Are you talking nonsense, Li Liang is here to help the poor, why must he cooperate with James?

Facing the overwhelming influence of Nike in the NBA, and the indiscriminate bombardment of various articles and columns, Wei Dazhi was the first to stand up and stand up and use his Twitter to speak out.

He felt the need to tell everyone that Li Liang came to the Knights purely on his own will, and he could go wherever he liked.

Of course, Li Liang's fans are also quite a lot, the number is extremely huge, but there is no organization.

A leader came out and raised his arms and shouted, and there were thousands of responses at once.

Among other things, hundreds of millions of Chinese fans on the other side of the Pacific Ocean stood by Li Liang's side and launched a fierce counterattack against the irresponsible claims of some lackey media in the United States.

Throughout July, all sports forums in the United States and China were full of discussions and scolding about Li Liang and James.

As the parties involved, both Li Liang and James were quite helpless.

James has a good relationship with Li Liang in private, but the problem is that James can't help himself.

When he decided to return to the Cavaliers, he had withstood a lot of pressure because Nike did not want him to return to the Cavaliers.

James not only returned, but also made a compromise and signed a two-year team option contract.

Because of this return time, Nike's stock price fell sharply that day.

The reason is simple, because shareholders, including Nike themselves, do not believe that James can overwhelm Li Liang in the Cavaliers and get the team's first honor.

Kobe and Paul are not good, you James can't beat you as an opponent, but as a teammate, can you beat it?

So in the face of the confusion in public opinion, he could only remain silent.

Li Liang also didn't make a sound, he was still training with his head down, but obviously he was also reflecting on whether his decision was too hasty and willful.

Before coming here, I didn't have any field visits or personal contact with the Cavaliers, and I didn't know anything about Cleveland or the local fans.

Although the Clippers and the Lakers are different teams, after all, in the same city, the situation is different.

Just because of the sentence "I want to see the stars", romance is very romantic, but after the romance is over, do you still want to play the ball?

Training in the system was also not smooth.

The Sima system directly assigned Anthony Mason to him in the post-up practice.

Is this something he can resist with 40 points of ability?

In the finals, even Olajuwon can carry it, you let me carry it? Let me practice?

What disappointed Li Liang the most was the Cavaliers' management and boss.

When the Nike lackey media attacked Li Liang frantically, the Cavaliers management did not stand up and say a word for Li Liang.

On the contrary, they think that after the contract is signed, it is enough to play, and nothing else matters.

There is one more thing that Li Liang can't accept the most.

That is, the Cavaliers owner actually refused to let Mike Brown be the head coach of the Cavaliers!

The Cavaliers have a good reason, because they have previously signed David Blatt as the team coach.

At that time, the Cavaliers did not realize that the two great gods, Li Liang and James, would come.

So signing Blatter is a preparation for rebuilding the team.

Unexpectedly, two big pies suddenly fell from the sky, knocking the knight unconscious.

The signing is signed, but the coach... Blatter is also a famous coach, so let's make do with it.

But Li Liang was not happy. One important reason for him to go to the Cavaliers was that he hoped that Mike Brown could prove himself again in the Cavaliers.

As a result, in the end, Brown couldn't be the head coach, and the Cavaliers could only agree to give him the position of assistant coach.

Brown went to the Clippers as an assistant coach, and he was a little bit wronged, so let him be an assistant coach?

I condescended to come to the Cavaliers and let you pick up an MVP at will. You can't even arrange the coach I like?

And this coach is your previous meritorious coach!

Li Liang was completely angry, very, very angry.

Trash knights are trash for a reason.

Like some impoverished counties, poverty is not without reason.

Even in some impoverished counties, the main content of the work is to keep the title of impoverished counties!

From this point of view, the Cavaliers' defense is very good, quite good.

Li Liang thought, I have already made several bold decisions, so what if I make another one?

At this moment, Sima System seemed to realize something, and sent Li Liang a task:

[Mission, the only way for superstars, mission requirements: propose a deal to your team, mission reward: obtain special items, the key to the deep sea library. 】

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