Hopkins International Airport in Cleveland is the largest airport in Ohio.

It has been in operation since 1925 and supports the aviation operations of the city of Cleveland.

From a certain point of view, Li Liang's claim that Cleveland is rural is incorrect.

Cleveland is close to the Great Lakes. It used to be an important city in the industrial belt of the central region of the United States, a famous traffic artery, and the capital of steel.

Of course, the industrial belts in the central region have long lost their former glory. This place has become the rust belt, a place that is gradually withering with the wave of globalization.

In the 1950s, the population of Cleveland hit 500,000, but now it is only less than 400,000, which is similar to the population of Tiantongyuan and Huilongguan, which are larger communities in Beijing.

The urban development of the United States is mainly concentrated on the east and west coasts. The declining cities in the middle of the country like Cleveland naturally become "rural areas".

Moreover, Ohio is close to Indiana, with arable land accounting for two-thirds of the state. It is located in the corn belt, and the output of corn, oats and other crops ranks among the top in the United States. It is a large agricultural state.

As the largest city in Ohio, Cleveland is naturally a big village as the leader of the countryside. Its status in the hearts of the American people is equivalent to the "big city" Tieling in the hearts of the Chinese people, and it was nicknamed "Ke Village".

Li Liang arrived at Hopkins Airport on the morning of the 15th, accompanied only by Wei Dazhi.

Li Liang did not release any news before his arrival. His appearance caused a commotion in Hopkins. Many passengers who got on and off the plane saw Li Liang and took pictures of him for a while, and there were many autographs.

With two consecutive championships and most valuable players, Li Liang has become an indispensable "international superstar!"

His popularity in the United States has soared to an incredible level.

Unbelievable enough to jump out of the category of "star".

For example, if James wants to come, the bodyguards must lead the way, and all kinds of business activities are well arranged by the company, and then the media, audience, and a whole set of processes are beautiful.

And Li Liang has always been alone, at most two or three, without any publicity or company publicity, but wherever he goes, news and news about him will immediately hit the headlines.

This is an era where everyone can be a journalist.

Take out your phone, take a photo, post a tweet, and a self-media message is born.

Li Liang is a news aggregator in this self-media era. He does not deliberately keep it mysterious, and the more he is like this, the more mysterious he appears.

He does not participate in exclusive interviews, and almost never participates in TV shows, but turn on the TV, turn on the mobile phone, as long as you are not a person who is completely isolated from sports, you can see his news.

This kind of energy, this kind of topicality, made some reality show groups envious.

This summer, more than one program group wants to invite him to participate in reality shows, including the famous Kardashian family.

Of course Li Liang refused, I still want to play with the system.

Who has time to play reality shows with you? I play basketball in different places every year. Isn’t that enough for reality shows?

Show off to heaven, okay?

The power of the masses is powerful. The news of Li Liang's arrival in Cleveland immediately spread throughout the Internet. Cleveland fans knew that today must be the day Li Liang and James signed!

In the Quicken Loans Center, home of the Cavaliers, many fans gathered in the square, hoping to see how the two strongest players in the league can achieve the combination of two swords!

But the actual situation did not go as the fans expected. The Cavaliers did not hold a joint signing conference for Li Liang and James. The reason is actually very simple, because Li Liang belongs to Under Armour, and James belongs to Nike.

As Li Liang suppressed James to win the championship for two consecutive years and won the finals MVP, the market value of Under Armor can be said to have soared.

Nike felt a huge threat. What happened to their top star who couldn't win the championship?

To make matters worse, James is actually on the same team as Li Liang?

Nike originally did not recommend that James go to the Cavaliers to cooperate with Li Liang, but Nike thought, if James does not go to the Cavaliers, what if Li Liang beats James to win another championship?

Therefore, Nike executives have another idea, why not let James go to the Cavaliers and persuade Li Liang to sign with Nike after his contract expires?

What a genius, what a genius idea.

Are you not afraid that Li Liang will fool James into Peak?


After Li Liang, Wei Dazhi, and Zhu Shu left Hopkins Airport, they took the Cavaliers' special car to the Cleveland Clinic Arena, where the Cavaliers' headquarters is located.

Starting from Highway 77, drive 20 minutes to Independence Village, and you can see a not-so-conspicuous Cavaliers logo on the side of the road.

Although Li Liang decided to join the Cavaliers early in the morning, he came here purely on a whim.

He didn't even visit the Cavaliers before to see how their team facilities are, how the level of trainers and management is.

Judging from the record of the Cavalier King, it should not be very good.

This is also Li Liang's first visit to the Cavaliers' training base, and it's really in the countryside.

It can't even be called a rural area. There are people and villages in the countryside. There is no one here. There is a national park and a cemetery nearby.

That's right, the cemetery is next to the knight training hall. Do you think this Feng Shui can be good?

Li Liang thought, if I were the owner of the Cavaliers, I would first spend money on a grave-relocation operation to change the team's feng shui.

In addition to the cemetery, because it is a national park, some wild animals can be seen in the woods from time to time.

Zhu Shu's eyes lit up when she saw these. In fact, she really doesn't like the life in the big city of Los Angeles, and she hates the network card when playing games.

The air here in Cleveland is fresh, and there are small animals, it feels really good.

Arriving at the training hall, team owner Gilbert and general manager Griffin greeted him at the door.

As soon as he saw Li Liang, Gilbert rushed up, held Li Liang's hand tightly, and said, "I was supposed to go to the airport to pick you up, but I'm really sorry, your news was so sudden that I didn't make any arrangements." For my itinerary, I just came over from Chicago."

Gilbert treated Li Liang like a spring breeze, just like the secretary of a poor county greeted the technical poverty alleviation cadres photographed above, it was tears in his eyes.

Li Liang just nodded, and exchanged pleasantries with Gilbert, Griffin and others.

He has long been used to this situation, and it was the same when he went to the Clippers.

Li Liang was taken to the office in the work area by Griffin, and many media were already waiting there.

Li Liang didn't see James.

Wei Dazhi came over and whispered, "James is in another office. The signing ceremony for the two of you is separate. There will be a meeting ceremony after signing the contract."

Li Liang nodded, he knew it must be Nike.

So, in the office, Li Liang signed a two-year contract of 30 million yuan in front of media reporters, and the second year was a player option.

When signing his name, Gilbert finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked the training team to take Li Liang to visit the Cavaliers' training ground. He and Griffin asked to participate in James' signing ceremony.

Compared with Li Liang's simplicity and clarity, James' side has a lot more troublesome things.

No way, there are too many people pointing at James to eat.

Li Liang followed the staff to visit the training hall. It should be said that the training facilities of every NBA team are very advanced. No matter how bad the team is, it is a problem of people, not equipment.

The Cavaliers' training hall is no exception. Although it cannot be compared with the Clippers' training hall, it is also very advanced, with all kinds of equipment readily available.

Li Liang's requirements for equipment are not very high. I have a system and I want a cat's equipment.

When the visit was halfway through, Li Liangzheng was walking to the training ground when he heard a sound coming from the opposite side, saying that many people were coming.

Li Liang saw that it was James, just like himself, walking over surrounded by a group of reporters and staff.

Li Liang understood that after signing the contract, the Cavaliers set up a scene of "two kings meeting on the training ground", and asked the staff to bring them along, so that the two of them could have a chance meeting.

Nima, the management of this knight, is also a genius.

Li Liang thought to himself, how many ghosts will he meet in the knights in the future?

James had already stepped forward, and Li Liang also stepped forward, and the two shook hands in a "leadership" style.

There was a sound of "click, click" taking pictures around.

Li Liang looked down at James and said, "I'm very happy. I'm easy to get along with. You get along with me slowly. If you don't get along well, you can find out the reason yourself."

James froze, what did he say? What do you mean?

Before James could react, there was another "click, click", and the cooperation between the two began.

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