Under the gaze of the three, the three of Aizak soon began to move, arranging various rituals.

And with their movements, a force began to converge.

“This is…” Nangong Luoyu sensed the power and spoke, “This is the so-called spiritual power, right?” ”

“That’s right, this is spiritual power.” Tokisaki affirmed, “It seems that they are about to succeed. ”

Although the words were flat, Shizaki Crazy Sanzo’s eyes were full of killing intent.

The source of all tragedies is the origin elves created by these three guys, and it can be said that the three of them are the culprits.

Seriously, if it weren’t for his concerns, Tokisaki really wanted to kill them immediately.

“It’s unbelievable, such a weak three people can actually create such an existence as the Origin Elf.” Penglai Mountain Kaguya sighed.

The three of Izak are not strong in her opinion, and if she wants, she can kill them in an instant, but it is this weak guy who can actually create the Origin Elf.

“That’s how humans are.” Nangong Luoyu said flatly: “Isn’t even such a thing as a mushroom bomb made by weak humans?” Human beings have always been quite okay in destroying themselves. ”

Penglai Mountain Kaguya and Shizaki thought about history for a while, and found that what Nangong Luoyu said was not wrong at all.

Aren’t most of the weapons developed by humans designed to kill their own kind?

Even the Origin Spirit was created for the purpose.

“Okay, the spiritual power is converging, and the space earthquake is about to begin.” Nangong Luoyu sensed it and spoke.

Along with Nangong Luoyu’s words, an extremely depressed aura was born in the middle of the grassland.

The atmosphere was squeezed by the spiritual power and emitted a piercing mournful sound.

The big earthquake trembled, and the space could not stop shaking.

The violent impact hit the entire central Eurasian continent.

In the field of vision of the three, a kind of “darkness” began to encroach on the earth.

Everywhere they passed, the hills and grasslands were shattered like phantoms.

Everything on the surface of the earth, as if eaten by the mouth of an invisible beast, disappeared without a trace, whether it was a meadow or a distant city, everything was engulfed.

However, just before this, Nangong Luoyu had already transferred all the people who would die in this space earthquake to the Kingdom of God, and while maintaining their state of life, they fell into a deep sleep.

By the way, Nangong Luoya also put a layer of protection on Penglai Mountain Kaguya and Shizaki Madsan, which allowed them to watch all this happen completely.

After the end of the space earthquake, the ‘gloom’ that engulfed the world disappeared, and within this range, there was not a single living person, only many injured and wailing people at the edge of the space earthquake.

These people Nangong Luoyu naturally won’t care, after all, they didn’t die in the original history.

“What a terrible power.” Penglai Mountain Kaguya looked at the earth below that had completely turned into a hole and sighed.

This kind of attack, Penglai Mountain Kaguya can’t take it, she will die if she hits hard, but she can dodge, as long as it is not an attack involving time, she can dodge.

Time capability is such a bug.

“Are they all saved?” Shizaki Crazy San looked at Nangong Luoyu and asked.

Nangong Luoyu nodded, removed a part of the divine power from the trading shop, and replenished it.

Transferring 150 million people at once, and maintaining their vital signs, this consumption is not small, directly making his divine power almost exhausted.

Then, Nangong Luoyu spoke, “Then let’s start the next one.” ”

The next thing they have to do is that space earthquakes are not the only one time, otherwise people will not be prepared for space earthquakes.

It’s just that those space earthquakes are not as strong as this time, and there are not so many dead.

“Well, the next space quake will be ten days from now, in the North Pole, where a small number of Inuit live, and in ten days they will all be destroyed by the space quake.” Tokisaki nodded.

She then began to reload the Eleven.

The Twelve Bullets are a return to the past, but they are in the past now, so they must use the Eleven Bullets to travel to the future.

Tokisaki first sent Penglai Mountain Kaguya over, and then pointed a gun at Nangong Luoyu’s head and said, “See you later.” ”


Nangong Luoyu felt very strange, as if he was going to be martyred.

Subsequently, Tokisaki Crazy San pulled the trigger and sent Nangong Luoya ten days later.

It is also thanks to Nangong Luyu’s Divine Kingdom that is beyond the timeline, and Shizaki Crazy San only needs to consume the time to send one person.

Otherwise, 150 million people, even if Tokisaki Crazy San has so much time, just reloading time, they will get the Year of the Monkey.



In the following time, relying on the ability of Tokisaki Madzo, the three of them constantly crossed the timeline and saved those affected.

The Eurasian air disaster was not the end, and after that, there were many small space earthquakes.

Because these small spaces killed many people, these people also need to be saved.

It is also thanks to the time charging treasure of Penglai Mountain Kaguya, otherwise, Shizaki Mad San’s time would have been used up long ago.

However, this kind of boring work, not only Nangong Luoya, but even Penglai Mountain Kaguya and Shizaki Madzo are a little impatient.

Nangong Luyu and Shizaki Madsan are okay, one is to fulfill the promise, the other is to fulfill the long-cherished wish, and they can also stick to it.

But Penglai Mountain Kaguya is different, she now regrets very much, why did she come to this lively.

It is enough to watch the big scene once, and everyone will be annoyed by watching it all the time.

The current Penglai Mountain Kaguya misses his game very much.

In short, when the three of them traveled through time again, Penglai Mountain Kaguya looked a little listless.

Seeing this, Tokisaki Crazy San was also a little embarrassed and said, “This is the last time.” ”

“Really?” Hearing this, Penglai Mountain Kaguya finally picked up a little spirit.

Tokisaki nodded, this was indeed the last spatial earthquake with great impact.

This time it happened in the island nation, destroying a circular range from southern Tokyo to northern Kanagawa Prefecture.

It was precisely because of this space earthquake that there was later Tiangong City.

However, after saving the people who died this time due to the space earthquake, Nangong Luoyu sensed a guy with great power.

That person was none other than the Origin Elf, Chonggong Mio.

The appearance of Chonggong Mio also represents the official opening of history, and the source of all tragedies begins.

Seeing this, Nangong Luoyu breathed a sigh of relief.

The appearance of Chonggong Mio also means that what they did before did not affect history.

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