After Nangong Luoya told Penglai Mountain Kaguya and Shizaki Madzo about his discovery, the three also went to watch a wave.

With all-powerful divine power, Chonggong Mio did not find them at all.

It’s just that after seeing Chonggong Mio, Tokisaki Crazy San almost began to breathe cold.

No way, if you want to say who the person Shizaki Madsan hates the most, then it is 100% Mio Chonggong.

It was because of Mio Chongmi’s deception that Tokisaki killed his best friend with his own hands.

“Okay, the next thing is to settle those people.” Seeing this, Nangong Luoyu changed the topic and said: “From now on, every once in a while, I will throw out tens of thousands of people, and the countries of the world will deal with them.” ”

Tokisaki looked at Mio Chongmi, who lived happily with Shinji Chongmi, and jumped the timeline again according to the killing intent in his heart.

Seeing that Mio Chongmiya was happier he was, the more Tokisaki hated her.

If she didn’t leave, she was really afraid that she would not be able to restrain her killing intent.

Next, the three of them got to boring work again.

Penglai Mountain Kaguya’s whole body was stunned, and he once again began to regret his choice.

However, although Penglai Mountain Kaguya regretted it, she never proposed to leave, even if Tokisaki Crazy San said to let her go back, she did not leave.

In the words of Penglai Mountain Kaguya, that is, she also wants to face, she has already come, how can there be a reason to give up halfway, can’t you give everything to Nangong Luoyu to do, right?

Although I don’t know what she really thinks, that’s what she said.

After that, the three of them crossed the timeline again and again.

Every once in a while, Nangong Luoyu would throw tens of thousands of people out.

However, Nangong Luoyu did not throw it to the island country.

After all, this is where the follow-up plot takes place, and throwing it here can easily affect the timeline.

In this way, the history of the island country still follows the original plot, with some small impacts, but it is harmless.

Soon, Chonggong Zhenshi died, and Chonggong Mio also began to purify the spirit crystal.

After discovering this, the three of them became Chonggong Mio’s followers.

Every time Chonggong Mio killed a person, Nangong Luoyu would save him.

Then, wash away that person’s memory and avoid it affecting normal history.

With all-powerful divine power, Chonggong Mio did not find them at all.

In this way, the salvation again and again, finally, came to the moment when the elf of time was born.

Although he had known what was going on for a long time, when he saw Shizaki Madsan being played by Chonggong Mio, Nangong Luoyu was still a little unbearable.

Several times, Nangong Luoyu planned to do something, but was stopped by Shizaki Crazy Sanzo, who was crying and laughing.

All this, Shizaki Crazy San himself didn’t care, but he didn’t expect Nangong Luoyu to care so much.

In this regard, Shizaki Crazy San cried and laughed at the same time, feeling warm in his heart, and his eyes looking at Nangong Luoyu began to change.

This point, Nangong Luoyu did not find it, Penglai Mountain Kaguya found it, but she didn’t say anything, just watched the play there.

In this regard, Tokisaki Crazy San also found that Penglai Mountain Kaguya was watching the play, and felt a little ashamed.

However, she soon let go of her shame, because, the time came for her best friend, Sanda and death.

Even though many years have passed, Tokisaki is still very impressed by Yamada-yarn-wa.

The simple girl with chestnut hair and three braids was the only friend she could talk to cordially.

Tokisaki loves the warm daily life of walking with Sawa after school facing the orange sunset while chatting with him.

Yamada and very enthusiastic, Tokisaki Kozo is often invited to her home to play.

The time when the two of them studied and played together made Tokisaki unforgettable.

It’s a little embarrassing to say, she is still more hungry and the body of the cat she has at home.

It was a cat named “Chestnut”.

It is a cute American short-haired cat who does not recognize the birth, and will stick to it even if it is the first time they meet.

It’s a pity that some people in her family are allergic to cats and can’t keep cats, which makes her a little regretful all the time.

Sanda Saza’s enthusiasm and occasional invitations satisfied her desire to pet cats.

However, such a warm daily life did not last long.

A human girl endowed with spirit crystals turned into a monster and caused trouble in the town.

Unwittingly, Tokisaki accidentally fell into a crisis created by monsters.

The one who appeared in front of such a madman and saved her life was a woman with a beautiful appearance.

Women call themselves Mio.

In this way, Tokisaki accepts the spirit crystallization given by Mio and becomes the spirit of time, and together with Mio, he fights the ‘monster’ that endangers humans.

Because this work is more dangerous and heavy, Tokisaki goes to the mountains to play yarn and play at home less.

Sometimes when chatting together, Yamata Sawa will show a little lonely expression.

Tokisaki saw this, and she felt a little helpless in her heart, and wanted to put down this kind of work several times.

But when she thought that she was doing something righteous to save the world, she could only silently say sorry to the mountain in her heart.

Before and after, Mio took Tokisaki Crazy San along and fought more than fifty monsters in the town.

The days of fighting together made the relationship between the two gradually familiar.

However, Tokisaki has not yet spoken to Mio outside the battlefield.

Sometimes Tokisaki thinks that even Mio, who has always had a melancholy on his face, would definitely smile if he came into contact with Yamada and the cat at home.

She was going to find an opportunity to introduce the cat to Mio.

And yet…

“…… Huh?”

One day, Tokisaki Crazy Zo, who turned the road and was about to return to the place where he had just fought the ‘monster’, suddenly stopped.

Mio stood there as expected, but in front of her was not an alien monster, but a human girl.


It’s more than that.

Tokisaki was surprised and shocked, and couldn’t say a word.

Because the one who fell there … It’s Sanda and is her best friend.

The same scene appeared in front of Mad San again.

Tokisaki Kozo saw Yamataka Sazu, who had fallen to the ground and lost his life, and couldn’t help but bite his teeth.

This time, it was Nangong Luoye and Penglai Mountain Kaguya’s turn to pull Shizaki Mad San.

“Don’t be impulsive!” Nangong Luoyu pulled Shizaki Mad San, and persuaded in a serious voice: “You can’t beat Chonggong Mio!” ”

As soon as these words came out, Shizaki Crazy San was not impulsive, but instead looked at Nangong Luoyu with a resentful gaze.

In this regard, Nangong Luoyu felt a little embarrassed.

In order to appease Shizaki Madzo, he just mouthed.

This is as if Tokisaki Madsan was sent to death in the past.

Although this is the case……….

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