"But there are no roosters at Hogwarts, maybe, in the kitchen?" Ron still couldn't get reassured.

"Wait, if that monster is a basilisk, why, Filch's cat, I mean Lady Loris is just petrified?"

Either way, he didn't want to believe that the monster in the castle was a basilisk. Because, the nightmare he had the night before yesterday seemed to correspond to this monster.

"I think it's because it doesn't make direct eye contact with the basilisk. Remember, there was exactly a puddle of water in the area where Lady Loris jumped down! It must have been indirectly staring at the basilisk through the water, so the power of the curse was weakened!" Hermione IQ said.

She deserves to be the brain-type character of the team.

Even Locke didn't expect that she had already guessed so much.

"But......" Harry tried to say something, but couldn't say anything.

"It can't be said that it can be fatally weakened and turned into petrification. Of course, it is also possible that we don't understand the mechanism of the basilisk's gaze that can cause death. Locke spoke.

"And what do you think, Locke?" asked Hermione.

"That's what I thought, too. "

"And you're still retorting to me?" Hermione gave him a roll of the eye.

"You always have to keep questioning, keep correcting mistakes, so that you can get closer to the truth.07 Aren't you? Don't you always question me? However, if it's really a basilisk, then the two of us may be in danger. Maybe it won't be long before we'll be two corpses. Locke was clearly saying the words of fear, but the expression on his face was unconcerned.

Annoyed, Hermione came over and stomped on his instep, "Don't say that! I still have a bunch of books to read, so I don't want to die so early!"

Locke gasped in pain, and the corners of his mouth twitched for a while, but he didn't dare to do anything to Hermione.

"Well, anyway, our next goal is to find out who controls the basilisk. The known clue is that he or she hates me and Hermione, but the process is not safe...... Ron, Neville, don't sit back and relax thinking you're not Muggle wizards. The last sentence of the two sentences on the wall may also be just a trick. Anyway, if you look at the basilisk, you'll die, and I don't think that guy will care about a few little wizards being killed by mistake. Locke said something horrible again.

"We ...... Do you just do nothing? I mean, tell the professors that the monster might be a basilisk. If it's really a basilisk, it's obviously not something we can deal with. "Ron was really scared.

"I really don't want to deal with the basilisk, I can't win!" Neville was frightened.

"It's too risky, this isn't the time for us to play an adventure game!" Hermione said simply.

"Alright, Harry, I'll leave the report to the professor. Dumbledore seems to have always wanted to talk to you, and you should have something to talk to him. I think it's an opportunity. Once you've made up your mind, we'll accompany you to Professor McGonagall. "

Locke himself didn't care about it, he would love to play with the basilisk.

But three members of the five-person team had already decided to report to the professors, and Locke had no choice but to agree.

"I see......" Harry nodded, but his mind was still in a trance.

He had been through so much this afternoon.

Whether it's the fact that he's actually a parseltongue, or the fact that there might be a basilisk in the castle, he needs to digest it well.

In fact, Locke was not right, he didn't want to see Dumbledore at this time.

All the evidence suggests that he is better suited to be a Slytherin, a dark wizard!

But this is clearly contrary to his wishes!

He didn't know what Dumbledore would think of him if he knew he was a parseltongue.

He could tell that Dumbledore had always been wary of Locke. So perfect Locke, Dumbledore didn't trust it. So, what about yourself with a Parseltongue accent?

Dumbledore must have known about being suggested by the Sorting Hat to be assigned to Slytherin.

Maybe the next conversation will be very unpleasant.

Reluctantly, after dinner, Harry knocked on the door of Professor McGonagall's office.

He came alone and didn't inform his friends.

While it was possible that a basilisk would come out of some wall at the moment, Harry didn't care about that now.

"Mr. Potter, you're here sooner than I thought!" Professor McGonagall said, a little surprised, pushing open the door.

"I'd like to see Professor Dumbledore, there's something I want to tell him, is that okay?" Harry looked a little discouraged.

"Of course, kid. Are you alright, though?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"It's nothing, take me there. "

"Okay, come with me. Professor McGonagall took Harry on the revolving elevator that led to the Headmaster's office on the 8th floor, and soon reached their destination.

Probably seeing that Harry didn't want her to hear what he was talking to Dumbledore, he sent Harry to him, and after reading the order, Professor McGonagall took his leave and left.

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall. Harry whispered as he looked at Professor McGonagall's back. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then he turned around and walked into Dumbledore's office.

It was the first time he had entered the principal's office, and his first impression was that it was crowded and chaotic.

Because there are so many books.

The office is crammed with two rows of bookshelves, and the books on them are crammed to the brim.

And in the grid on the wall, there are still books. []

As for the remaining space on the wall, it is the portraits of the previous principals. They seem to be sleeping at the moment, but they don't seem to be sleeping, are they pretending to be asleep?

Harry also saw the old phoenix snoozing, Locke had always been curious about the creature, and Harry thought he wanted to raise one.

Harry also saw the familiar Sorting Hat in the grid, and the ornate silver sword in the glass case with the hilt inlaid with rubies?

I don't know why, he thinks that sword is inexplicable and attractive!

But he didn't look any further, for the white-haired and white-bearded old man, Dumbledore, was sitting at his desk, looking at him kindly.

His appearance, against this dim and warm background, seems to be a painting.

Harry took a deep breath and walked over to the painting.

"Harry, you seem, have something on your mind. Dumbledore waved a chair for Harry to sit down.

"Yes, Professor. Today, we know many things293. If I could, I'd like to turn back time and go back to yesterday......"

"But time doesn't turn back. So, my dear, can you tell me, what makes you so confused?"

"Actually, Professor, we've been hiding a lot of things, as you know. But Locke did it for me......"

Harry then told Dumbledore about the events from the summer holidays, to the Malfoys, to the dark magic objects, to hearing mysterious voices, and finally the Parseltongue and Basilisk speculations.

In the face of this information, Dumbledore was able to maintain his self-cultivation and sit calmly. But the portraits on the surrounding walls couldn't fit anymore, and their eyes widened one by one!

Especially the previous headmaster, Armando Dupait, when he heard that there was a basilisk lurking in Hogwarts, he subconsciously wanted to say something.

But when he heard Hermione's speculation that the cat hadn't made eye contact with the basilisk and that the curse had been weakened before it was petrified, he fell silent.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, had already determined that the incident was committed by Voldemort.

Because he knew that Voldemort was a parseltongue.

It was he who went to pick up Voldemort from the orphanage, and he knew that Voldemort could talk to snakes and even command them to attack humans.

At the beginning of the Myrtle incident, Dumbledore had suspected Voldemort.

But he didn't know there was a basilisk at Hogwarts.

And now, with Locke and these little wizards finding out everything, everything before seems to make sense.

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