The mysteries of the past were cleared like mist, and Dumbledore figured out a lot, and at the same time, doubts became even more.

But at this point, these can be put first.

What's more important at the moment is Harry's mentality.

"So, Harry, you care a lot about being a parseltongue, do you?" asked Dumbledore as gently as he could.

"Yes, Hermione said that my ancestors may have intermarried with Slytherin descendants, so I may have ...... on me as well"

"Harry, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry! Miss Granger's words make sense, but I have another explanation here. You know, the man who left this scar on your forehead is also a parseltongue. "

"You mean, Voldemort!?" said Harry, surprised, after all, he had never thought of it before.

"That's right, that's right. So, I think so, in the beginning, he left this scar on your forehead, and at the same time, he also gave you some of his power. At the very least, I can assure you that your parents are not Parseltongues!"

"Really?" Harry was surprised.

"Of course, kid. Your parents trust me more than you think. Hagrid knew that. Your father also entrusted me with the invisibility cloak before he graduated. Dumbledore meant something, but Harry didn't understand it.

He didn't know about the Death Trichamp yet.

But his heart was already filled with joy, and it turned out that everything was Voldemort's fault.

He wasn't a natural dark wizard, just tainted with Voldemort's powers.

"The Sorting Hat wanted to sort me into Slytherin in the first place because of this scar......"

"No, not at all, little wizard!" Dumbledore could not speak, the Sorting Hat on the grid could not help but speak.

It is the most unbearable, and there are little wizards who question its abilities.

When Harry heard this, the look of joy on his face froze.

Dumbledore gave the Sorting Hat an unpleasant look of "you experience it yourself", and the headmasters on the wall glared at it en masse.

But the Sorting Hat didn't care about any of this, and still babbled:

"How can you think that, little wizard? Do you think that the great Sorting Hat I can't see the effect of that scar on you? My Sorting Hat doesn't look at people for their magical powers, but for the qualities of their souls. When you first entered Hogwarts, black was the color of your soul......

You have the desire to change the minds of others and make the people around you obey you and obey you, which is the desire to dominate. And you also have the power to achieve that. I think if you go into Slytherin, you're going to transform right away, and then you're going to grow up very quickly......"

The Sorting Hat could no longer speak, for the old phoenix flew down and stomped on it with one paw.

Then it crouched on top of the Sorting Hat, looking innocently at Harry as if it were hatching eggs.

Harry's face stiffened.

"Harry, don't worry too much about the Sorting Hat's opinion. You know, it's just a magic item that just works rigidly according to the pattern it was set to do at the beginning. Moreover, at the beginning, you were in that state because you lived in a bad environment at that time. It's my responsibility......

However, I still think it's the best place to protect you. At the end of last year, you also saw the power in your skin restrain Voldemort, and this power also restrains Voldemort's followers......"

Harry couldn't remember what Dumbledore had said later.

In short, Dumbledore had been enlightening him, even a little out of his temper.

Probably the Sorting Hat caught him off guard.

But Harry himself was caught off guard.

As soon as he went up to the clouds, he fell down in an instant.

And when Harry arrived at the door of the common room in a daze and saw the familiar portrait of the fat lady, he couldn't help but slap himself.

It turned out that he was only thinking about his own business, and forgot to ask Dumbledore when he planned to dispose of the basilisk.

But it should be soon. The professors are very reliable.

In that case, Locke and Hermione should be safe.

Harry, with the fat lady's madman-looking expression on his face, gave the order and entered the common room.

Then, sure enough, they found Locke waiting for him here.

There was a look of blame on Hermione's face.

Harry didn't dare to face them for a moment, but nodded and told them that he had told Dumbledore everything.

Then Harry went back to his dorm room alone.

"What's wrong with him?" asked Ron. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Aren't you his best friend, you ask us?" Hermione asked rhetorically.

"I think he trusts Rock the most. Ron turned to look at Locke.

"But this time, he didn't plan to talk to me...... It seems that this is a troublesome matter, because I don't have a clue at all. Locke sighed.

"So what are we going to do?" Neville was a little worried.

"Perhaps, it's time for us to give him a little time. We've been carrying him along all the time, and maybe he needs some time to think about what he wants more. Locke thought for a moment. []

"Wasn't you the one who held him along, Locke?" Hermione generously sat down beside Locke, ignoring the other girls in the lounge.

"Who's the one holding me along? I think it's some little witch who uses me as a pendant to go to the library. Sometimes I suspect I'm actually a humanoid bookmark!"

"You should be in charge, Locke!" Hermione stared at him earnestly.

"Okay. Locke fell silent.

However, Ron and Neville couldn't understand their interaction at all, and the two looked at each other and decided to take the opportunity to go back to the dorm room and play wizard chess for a while.

What if Harry actually wanted someone to talk to right now?

Locke was overrun by Hermione, so they couldn't let their good brothers down.


That seemed to be the end of Halloween.

Except for Filch, he becomes trembling every day, and only whispers a few curses when he sees Peeves and his twin brothers playing pranks.

He seems to have left his cat, like a tiger with its teeth removed.

This makes Peeves and George lose interest in him, and the whole campus seems to be more peaceful.

Everyone seems to have forgotten, forgotten one of Harry's nemesis, our young Master Malfoy.

In fact, he's been in a bad mood lately.

From the beginning, he knew that the contents of the box were dangerous, and he also knew that his father had bad intentions.

His father asked him to find an opportunity to drop the box anywhere at Hogwarts.

Since Lucius has been seeking the position of Headmaster of Hogwarts lately, it doesn't matter which young wizard is victimized.

Because as long as you can make a big mess, it's enough to give the Malfoys a chance to play with the problem.

Malfoy could tell that his father was very jealous of the contents of the box, and wished he could get rid of it as soon as possible.

His father also told him never to open the box.

But Malfoy couldn't hold back.

After all, he was under a lot of pressure.

During the summer vacation, he begged his parents to teach him powerful black magic, but they sternly refused.

Then he finally met the godfather and begged him, but Snape only taught him a "''Hanging the bell upside down'".

It was a spell he had learned from his father, and he had even been able to use it in his duel with Harry.

His godfather was too perfunctory.

He'd heard his father say that Snape was a very secretive, powerful form of dark magic.

Even the mystery man had praised the dark arts, but Snape just wouldn't teach him.

So on the night of the first day of school, Malfoy couldn't sleep, and finally, opened the box towel.

But that night, he just looked at it and didn't do anything.

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