Targaryen Who Turned Dragon

Chapter 19 - Chimera

"The clothes look good on you, My Lord."

I nodded, "They do indeed. I shall be leaving now. Expect me to return soon, to collect my payment."

The manager nodded, that was his new rank since Aerion is the owner now.

Aerion was dressed in a beautiful black robe decorated with silver dragons. The beggar clothes were dropped in the bin and now, finally, Aerion could walk the streets with dignity. He now looks like a noble... a young master. Every one of his movements is now covered by an aura of superiority. Aerion looks like a true Dragon (Among Men).

~Two days later

Aerion was finally prepared to leave Gold Mountain Town. The Silver Cloaks were going to head out in one hour, so he still had some time to spare.

"Greetings, my magnanimous innkeeper. I have stayed here for about two days and given nothing to show my appreciation... take this, my gift to you."

"A... spirit profound dagger!? I... I can't."

"No, you will take it. If you would prefer money, just sell it to some trader. It is about time I leave, farewell."

The man stared at the ever-fading image of the young, noble silver-haired boy and smiled.

"The Silver Calamity... truly an extraordinary boy."


"So, is everyone ready?"

The tall mercenary, Dai Fang, asked. All of the mercenaries nodded, I did too.

"Good, but first things first..."

The old man was too slow to react, as his own lieutenant slashed him down.


He killed the old man, his leader! Even I didn't see this coming. Why did he do it?

The mercenaries stared at Dai Fang, seeking the reason for why he would kill his own leader... their leader. The man who led them to countless victories, and losses. The man who protected and sheltered them all for years.

"Dai Fang... are you crazy!?"

"Why? Why did I kill that old man, you ask? It's simple, we have a new and more suitable leader!"

Everyone looked around for this leader, yet they could not find him.

"And who may that be? You, Dai Fang? Don't make me laugh."

"No, it's not me... it's him."

He pointed at me.



"So, you are the new leader of the Silver Cloaks? The so-called Silver Calamity everyone here is talking about... I hope you will escort me safely as the old man promised."

"Of course I will, you have my word, but I expect a bigger reward than just thirty purple profound coins."

"Excuse me?"

"To be escorted by a Heavenly man such as myself should cost much more than that, if you don't like that then you can go to Oldtown by yourself. Maybe you'll get lucky and get there, maybe some bear might find you or perhaps, you will get robbed. Whatever the case will be, I couldn't care less."

"You... you wouldn't dare...!"

"I would..."

"Damn you, well... how about fifty? I also know a blacksmith and an alchemist in Oldtown... maybe I could link you all together..."

"Brilliant! Silver Cloaks, let's get this man to Oldtown."


All of the SIlver Cloaks nodded in approval to their new leader. They found Aerion more suitable than the old man. He was young, strong, shrewd and charismatic while the old man could barely walk. Aerion could lead this band of weak mercenaries to a whole new stage, where they would be respected by all. The mercenaries were already dreaming of all the places that they will go and all of the money that they will receive...

~2 days later

I thanked Lei Kun as he gave me some food, apparently, he was the chef of the Silver Cloaks. Which didn't make sense since he had the most slender body of the group. But then I came to a realisation that perhaps it's not that he's not eating enough food, it's his body who is burning it all up before he can gain any mass! I thanked the Seven that I didn't have such a problem. Imagine looking like a skeleton forever...

"So... how far away is Oldtown?" The merchant asked, excitedly. He wanted to leave the company of the Silver Cloaks as soon as possible, he was scared of them. He also didn't want to hang around too long, the longer he did the higher were the chances of them encountering bandits... or something worse.

I calmly reply.

"Another two days and we'll be there."

"I do hope so."

~One day later

We didn't encounter any bandits the whole journey, it was weird. In fact, we didn't encounter any threat. It felt like the merchant could make his own way without us.

"I never thought it would be so easy..."

He jinxed it.


A large lion roared behind us, I drew Sky Piercer out of my spatial ring.

"GO, I can handle this beast."

The Silver Cloaks obeyed and dragged the merchant forward.

This Lion... it had large eagle-like wings and goat horns! And a snake tail, as well! My jaw dropped.

What in Seven Hells is this thing!?


Then it charged towards me and sent me flying with its powerful horns. While I was in mid-air, it flew towards me and was ready to take a piece of me with its powerful fangs.




It flew right past the fire and slashed my face with its claws, I fell to the ground. It planned to charge me again, but I got up.

Damn you... I will make you pay for that!

Crimson red profound energy started to form, and grew larger, at the tip of Sky Piercer. Take this, CRIMSON DEMON WAVE!

The Lion smirked and flew upwards, completely dodging the blast. At this point, I was very frustrated. I've never fought anything like this animal and so I didn't know how to deal with it.


It flew downwards, hoping to slash my shoulders with its claws.


I saw it, the one moment I could attack... just before he did! I quickly raised Skypiercer and pierced the beast with its very sharp tip. The beast fell a couple of meters away from me... this was my chance to deal some more damage!

Swift Wind.

I appeared before the beast and brought down Skypiercer upon it. Skypiercer cut the beast in half, whatever remained was put into the Sky Poison Pearl. I wonder how the beast will taste....

"That's what you... get... for irritating... the Dragon."

I looked up and saw a large mountain. I saw it before, but now it looked more important. Such a powerful beast would surely live on top of the surrounding area. Maybe it hoards the treasures of the unfortunate... let's see.

I go up the mountain and enter the cave... I see nothing of value. But then I heard a small roar... could it be a cub?

It came out of the darkness and approached me with clear hostility.

Yes, it is a cub indeed. What do I do with it? Do I kill it, leave it or take it? It would be unfortunate to see such a cute beast to die here... and leaving it to fend for itself would pretty much guarantee death. That only leaves one option, me taking it.

I've never seen such a magnificent beast, I wouldn't have killed its parent if he/she never attacked me first. It was all in self-defence... yes, it's true that I don't like lions. But I don't hate them either. Just look at it... small little horns, shining golden eyes, beautiful little wings and its majestic fur.

I've decided, I won't let this rare species die!

Still, the cub is quite aggressive towards me. How do I change that? Then it's stomach grumbled, it must be hungry! That's right... I can give it food!

I look around in the Sky Poison Pearl and find some good, fresh meat (I found out that food doesn't go to waste in the pearl). I give it to the cub.

"You like that, don't you? If you follow me, I will give you plenty of food... what do you think?"

I kind of felt stupid for talking to a beast, a cub no less, but it seemed to understand me.

"Alright... let's go!"


The merchant handed over fifty purple profound coins to Dai Fang.

"Thank you for getting me to Oldtown, Silver Cloaks. Your leader... I hope he survived."

Dai Fang laughed.

"Hope? The Silver Calamity can smite down any beast with his mighty Sky Piercer! He does not need hope!"

Lei Kun nodded, "He will return in a day or so, no need to worry."

The merchant was prepared to go on and trade in the market.

"A day...I shall await his return."


Ahh, the air of Oldtown. It's good to be back. Hopefully, I don't have to go through that dreadfully long hundred-day training when I return to the Sect. If I do, I might just leave the Noble Rogue Sect and join another sect or... focus on the Silver Cloaks and become a world-famous mercenary! The options for a Dragon like myself are endless...

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