On the afternoon of October 3rd, Zhao Jinshan and the others, with more than 500 children and comrades, were visiting the Temple of Heaven when they received a call from Mr. Xu of Huafu Mingju. Zhao Jinshan said: Hello, Mr. Xu, your company has been with us for the past two days. How was the event and celebration going? Mr. Xu laughed and said, Chairman Zhao, our Huafu Mingju Real Estate Company is already very popular. Thank you very much for the promotion plan you and Minister Gu Jiali helped our company do. When our company held a lucky draw event for home owners who had purchased homes on the National Day, we selected 14 lucky winners among more than 1,300 home owners who had purchased homes. Each of them received a bonus according to the plan you planned for us. Everyone is very happy. This matter was spread the day before yesterday afternoon and yesterday morning. It was on the Internet news. It was also publicized and reported according to your publicity plan, and it was publicized overwhelmingly. From noon yesterday to yesterday afternoon, more than 2,700 customers from provincial capitals and other places came to buy our Mingju properties in Washington, and only 1,237 of our remaining properties were sold out. By last night By nine o'clock all our remaining houses were sold out. Moreover, the owners who did not have time to sign the contract and pay the deposit for the house purchase yesterday came one after another at around six o'clock this morning and started queuing up at our company's sales office to wait to sign the contract and pay the deposit for the house purchase. Chairman Zhao, when you come back from your trip to Kyoto, I will invite you, Minister Gu Jiali and the six publicity officers of your company to have a group dinner to celebrate. All the remaining houses in our Washington Mingju Real Estate were sold out within one day. It was only because of the guidance of you and Director Gu and your team that there was such a rush to buy. In addition, I have the second good news to tell you, which is that our company's sales center is recruiting foreign investment to open small commodity wholesale market stalls. From the announcement the day before yesterday to the end of this morning, all 200 shop stalls have been sold out. They are all signing contracts one after another, and customers are signing contracts and paying store deposits one after another. And today at noon, all five shareholders of our company's board of directors and more than 600 employees of the company came to me and said that everyone in the company would greet you and Minister Gu Jiali after you return from the National Day holiday. Another good news is that your fellow countryman, Brother Xiao Wang, and his wife are working as a cashier in our company. Although she is pregnant, she is also very active and conscientious in her work. She has been very tired these two days, but she has been gritting her teeth and persisting in working, even if we asked her to rest, she would not rest. This morning, my company's shareholders and I forced Miss Shasha to the lounge to rest, fearing that she would be exhausted. She is a very dedicated girl. Moreover, the five shareholders of our company's board of directors have decided that, in accordance with your guiding ideology, Chairman Zhao, our company will hold an all-employee meeting tomorrow afternoon. Bonuses will be awarded to the real estate sales employees who participated in the celebration. Only by giving everyone a good treatment can we retain everyone's hearts. We will also promise that during the Spring Festival holiday this year, our company will also learn from Chairman Zhao and lead all employees of the company to travel to Kyoto. At the same time, after our company returns to work on October 8, we will also learn from your Jian'an Real Estate Company to hold a cadre-mass gathering to bring the company's board of directors leaders closer to the leaders of various departments and employees. Our company also needs to hold a cadre-mass gathering, and then we will invite Chairman Zhao and the seven heroes from your company's publicity department to come over for guidance, hahahaha. At this time, the voice of Mr. Pan of Zhongtian Lijing Real Estate and some other real estate company CEOs came out on the phone. Everyone shouted, Chairman Zhao, you are the great savior of the real estate industry in our provincial capital. We are waiting for you to come back from your trip to Kyoto. Our province The City Real Estate Association is here to help you. Next, everyone, including our Zhongtian Lijing Real Estate Company, will start preparing for our real estate company's activities according to your guidance.

At this moment, Zhao Jinshan suddenly saw Tietou and Murong Jin, including Zhao Xiaolong and three young men, more than 30 meters in front of him, arguing with more than a dozen young men, and then they started fighting. Jinshan ran over quickly. But when Zhao Jinshan ran to the scene of the incident, it had only been more than 10 seconds. The dozen or so particularly unscrupulous men in floral clothes, including four foreigners, had already been killed by Tietou, Murong Jin, and Zhao Xiaolong. Knocked to the ground. Zhao Jinshan saw his nephew Xiaolong fighting with those people among them. Xiaolong punched a foreign man and knocked him away more than three meters and fell to the ground. When Zhao Jinshan ran over, he found that the middle-aged man who was knocked out by Zhao Xiaolong was at least 1.9 meters tall and weighed more than 200 kilograms. He was lying on the ground, vomiting blood and could not move. At this time, the security guards, patrol officers and other staff all ran over, pulled Tietou, Murong Jin and Xiaolong aside, and then walked towards the other nine young men and four foreigners who had been knocked down. President Jiang and Tang Meijuan kept pulling Tietou. Tietou wanted to rush over and beat those people, but was stopped by the police officer next to him. Zhao Jinshan hurriedly walked over, grabbed Tietou's arm and said, what on earth is going on with Tietou brothers? Why did you start fighting with these people while I was on the phone? Tie Tou was so angry that his fists were clenched and trembling. He glanced at Zhao Jinshan and said, Brother, these drunkard bastards just came here to tease my sister-in-law, senior sister, and nephew Murong Jin. Zuo Chunhua said, yes, junior brother, we saw you talking on the phone just now and we are waiting for you here. While we were all chatting, the four foreign men came over after drinking too much. I don’t know which country they were from. He said in blunt Chinese, beauties, you are so beautiful, we will treat you to dinner and invite you to karaoke in the evening. We will give each of you a tip of 10,000 yuan. As long as you beauties accompany our brothers, we can give you more money. At that time, we saw that they were all drunk people and ignored them. We wanted to walk away, but one of the foreign men came up and grabbed Murong Jin's arm. Several other men also came over to the elder sister-in-law and wanted to pull her back. It was because of this matter that Junior Brother Tietou, Xiaolong, and Murong Jin got into a fight with more than a dozen fish, turtles, shrimps, and crabs. It was not worth my while to do it myself. Tang Meijuan also said that these people were teasing us. At this time, the police officers came over and asked what happened. At the same time, the onlookers also said that it was these more than ten drunken hooligans who were teasing these few people. Beauty. We just recognized that this beautiful woman is the fairy sister who flew down to save a little boy from the Great Wall the day before yesterday. She didn't even take action. These drunkards who drink too much have to be beaten to death. Then the police sergeant leading the team said, all parties involved, please go to the nearby police station office with our police officers to make an inquiry transcript. In addition, if any tourists are willing to go with us to the police station to give witness statements, please come with us to the police station. Make a transcript of the inquiry. Other police officers went up and handcuffed all the thirteen men who were knocked down, and put them into a police car and took them away.

At this time, hundreds of people from the Jian'an Group Company nearby all said, Drunkards like Chairman Zhao have drunk too much and don't speak human words. If they don't do human things, they have to beat them and teach them a lesson, otherwise they don't know how to write the human character.. Zhao Jinshan said,"Comrades, let's continue to have fun here. We, the parties, will now go to the police station with the police to make inquiries and records, and then a few tourists will go and give witness statements." In addition, all colleagues and family members of our company, please do not go to the police station to give witness statements. Because you and we are on the same team, it is not appropriate to give witness testimony. I would like to invite other onlookers who are willing to go to the police station with us to give witness statements. Please go with us to the police station to make an inquiry transcript. Thank you. At this time, dozens of people stood up and shouted,"We are willing to prove to you, these beauties, that it was these drunken bastards who molested these beauties. We voluntarily went to the police station to give witness statements." Then dozens of people followed Zhao Jinshan and the others to a nearby police station to take questioning notes and witness statements. In the end, the local police station conducted administrative detention on the fourteen illegal persons after investigation and discussion based on the circumstances of the incident.

The two foreign men and a domestic young man who were knocked down by Zhao Xiaolong's punches seemed to be seriously injured. There were also several other people injured by Tietou and Murong Jin who were also seriously injured. The policeman who led the team was also injured. Chang Dao first sent several lawbreakers who had vomited blood and were seriously injured to a nearby hospital for treatment. Several police officers then handcuffed nine of the more seriously injured people into police cars and sent them to the hospital for treatment.

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