After Zhao Jinshan led everyone to the police station, Tietou, Murong Jin, Xiaolong and more than 30 onlookers left the police station one after another after taking questioning notes and witness statements at the police station. After everyone arrived outside the police station, Zhao Jinshan invited more than 30 tourists who gave testimony to have lunch together. Everyone said, thank you Chairman Zhao, you, the national husband and the flying hero, we are lucky enough to meet you today. It is also a great honor, but you led a group to Kyoto to visit and encountered these hooligans harassing your relatives and friends in the scenic area. It is appropriate for us to come over to provide witnesses and testify for your relatives and colleagues. We will not go to have lunch with you. It’s time to eat. If we go to have lunch with you, our purpose of providing witness testimony for your relatives and colleagues will be problematic. When any of us have the opportunity to travel to the provincial capital in the future, we will visit Chairman Zhao. By then, you will be there After receiving us, everyone laughed. Zhao Jinshan left his mobile phone number with the people who were testifying, and everyone left after saying goodbye to them.

Zhao Jinshan led Tietou, Murong Jin, and Xiaolong back to the Temple of Heaven Park and played with everyone for a while. At noon, when everyone went to Dawanju Restaurant, a century-old restaurant in Kyoto, for lunch, Zhao Jinshan's cell phone suddenly rang. When he got up, he took out his phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar Kyoto phone number. Zhao Jinshan answered and said, hello, who are you? A very deep voice came from the phone opposite and said, Chairman Zhao, can't you even recognize my voice? You, Zhao Jinshan, are now a big shot in business and politics. It seems that I am no longer able to reach you, Chairman Zhao. When Zhao Jinshan heard the rich voice on the phone, he suddenly thought of a person. Could it be Director Ao of the War Department? Zhao Jinshan immediately stood up, walked to the side, stood at attention and said, are you Chief Ao of the War Department? A laughing voice came from the other side and said, Zhao Jinshan, you little bastard, do you still remember me? Zhao Jinshan said quickly,"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Chief Ao, Ao, Chief Ao, I was wrong. Only then did I recognize your voice. I admitted my mistake to the old chief and asked you to forgive me." Director Ao said, Zhao Jinshan, you little bastard, you Ao Ao Ao, you are such a fart. I just saw online news on my mobile phone. There was a video of a drunk male tourist molesting several lesbians in the Temple of Heaven Park scenic area. I Suddenly I saw you, a little brat, coming to Kyoto for a trip, but you didn't even call me or come to visit me. You really have hardened your wings and want to fly, right? Zhao Jinshan said quickly,"I'm sorry, Director Ao. It's the National Day holiday. I'm leading a team to travel to Kyoto. I'll tell you the truth. I, Zhao Jinshan, don't have the face to see you." I also want to visit you. It was you who received me and awarded me the highest-level special medal. Zhao Jinshan will never forget this kindness for the rest of his life. Chief Ao said,"Okay, don't talk to me anymore. You are having lunch now. You can immediately put down your bowls and chopsticks and come to me at the headquarters of the War Department. Let me have two drinks with you. I want to see you too." How is your boy's recovery? There are still some things I want to talk to you face to face. Just be prepared to be beaten and scolded. I must teach you a lesson today, little bastard. Zhao Jinshan said quickly,"Okay, Commander Ao, my subordinate Zhao Jinshan will go to the headquarters of the war department to pay a visit to you right now. I will arrive within half an hour. If I fail to arrive, I am willing to be punished by military law. After saying this, both of them said After laughing loudly, Director Ao hung up the phone.

Zhao Jinshan walked to the dinner table and said, Senior Sister, Brother Tietou, you two are responsible for protecting everyone's personal safety. I am going to see an old leader soon. I don't know when I will come back. In the afternoon, you will take everyone to the Temple of Earth and the After visiting the Grand View Garden, just go back to the Kyoto Hotel where you are staying in the evening. If I come back early, I will call you. I will come to find you wherever you are. After saying this, Zhao Jinshan hurriedly ran out of the hotel door, called a taxi, and went straight to the war department headquarters building. Just when Zhao Jinshan was about to arrive at the headquarters of the war department, his phone rang again. Zhao Jinshan took out the phone and saw that it was his old classmate Li Xiaodong in Kyoto. He quickly answered the call and said, Hello, Brother Li, When you called me, did you know that I came to Kyoto to travel? Li Xiaodong said, Brother Jinshan, I have been taking care of my father in the hospital these days. First of all, I want to thank you for lending money to my father for medical treatment. My father's surgery was very successful. Now my mother and I take turns taking care of my father in the hospital. I didn't call you to tell you that you were safe. I'm sorry, Brother Jinshan. Zhao Jinshan said, Brother Li, don't be polite to me, we are good brothers. I originally wanted to see you at the hospital to visit my uncle at noon on the 5th, because we are going back to the provincial capital on the 6th, have a day off on the 7th, and go to work on the 8th. Li Xiaodong said, Brother Jinshan, I’m calling you just now because I saw a short news video on my phone. It showed a few foreigners and Chinese hooligans playing hooligans, bullying people and molesting lesbians in the Temple of Heaven Park scenic area. I saw you in the video, so I called to ask if something happened to you? Zhao Jinshan said, Brother Li, there is nothing wrong with us here. The drunkards who caused the trouble were beaten and injured by my nephew, Chairman Tie, and Junior Nephew Murong. They have now been criminally detained by the police station in accordance with the law. Their injured people have also been sent to the hospital for treatment. Li Xiaodong said,"Okay, brother Jinshan, please do your work first. Let's meet and chat on Friday afternoon." After saying that, the two hung up the phone.

At this time, the taxi stopped on the roadside parking line 100 meters away from the gate of the station headquarters. The taxi driver said, hello, sir. The office building of the war headquarters is in front of us. There are cordon railings for any vehicles. You can't get close, so I can only send you here. You can walk a while after getting off the car. After Zhao Jinshan paid the taxi fare, he said thank you, then got out of the car and walked to the war department guard box. When Zhao Jinshan came to the first guard post cordon, two armed policemen stood at attention and saluted and said, Sir, please stop. This is a military important area and you are not allowed to approach. Zhao Jinshan said, hello comrade, I am here to pay a visit to General Ao. Please tell me that Zhao Jinshan has arrived at the gate of the War Department Headquarters and is here to pay a visit to General Ao. The guard and armed police soldier glanced at Zhao Jinshan and said,"What's your name, please?" Zhao Jinshan said my name is Zhao Jinshan, and the armed police guard said, please show your ID card. Zhao Jinshan took out his ID card and handed it to the guard and armed police soldier for verification and review. After checking Zhao Jinshan's ID card, the armed police soldier said, Hello Mr. Zhao, Chief Ao has just informed us to receive you here. Now please follow us to the war department headquarters building to meet Chief Ao. Zhao Jinshan then followed the guard. Armed police soldiers walked into the war department headquarters compound. Along the way, Zhao Jinshan entered the war headquarters building after being inspected by three gate guards and armed police soldiers, and came to the door of Chief Ao's office. The guard officer shouted and reported to Chief Ao that Comrade Zhao Jinshan had arrived to ask for instructions from the chief. I only heard a heavy and loud voice coming from the room saying,"Let that little brat come in."

Apology statement: I have been hospitalized for more than half a month due to illness, so I have been unable to update the chapter. Please understand this from the platform leaders and readers. I recovered and was discharged from the hospital yesterday. From today on, I will work overtime to make up for the updated chapters I owe. I hope everyone will continue to pay attention to my novel articles. Thank you [Baoquan][Baoquan]

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