Chapter 1445 Three Ah Extra Story (24)

When she was sleeping at night, Wu's mother took off Wu Peng's clothes and saw more than a dozen bruises on her body. When she heard Wu Peng's cry of pain, she couldn't help but shed tears.

Wu's mother said: "The third child is too cruel."

Father Wu reprimanded him: "If this child is disobedient, he will have to beat him, and his memory will be long after he is beaten. He is busy now, otherwise he will take care of him for a few days."

As soon as Wu Peng heard it, he yelled no, and Wu's mother asked him to say a few words when she saw it.

What people didn't expect was that that night, Wu Peng had a nightmare, waving his hands and shouting, "Don't come near me, you bastard, get out of here."

Mother Wu was startled, and after slapping him awake, she said, "What nightmare did you have?"

Wu Peng said: "I dreamed that my third uncle was chasing and beating me with a big stick. I was so scared. Grandma, I don't want to live here, I want to go home."

After comforting for a long time, Wu Peng fell asleep again.

Because Wu Peng tormented them in the middle of the night and didn't sleep well, the husband and wife didn't get up until after six o'clock. After washing, they went to the front yard, and heard the pleasant sound of the piano there.

Father Wu asked Wu Zhengqing who was sweeping snow in the yard, "Who is playing the piano?"

"Miaomiao is practicing the piano."

Father Wu was very surprised and asked: "It's only six thirty, and the child is up to practice the piano?"

Wu Zhengqing smiled and said: "She started to learn piano at the age of six. At that time, she said that if she wanted to learn, she had to study hard and not waste money. This child really likes it, and has always insisted on it."

I practice piano for an hour every day during school, go to the teacher's place for lessons on Sunday, and then go home and practice for an hour and a half. "

In fact, Miao Miao still has a bit of talent in dancing, but not in piano. It's just that Wu Zhengqing and Sanya saw that she liked it so much and sent her to learn it. Anyway, I never thought that eating this bowl of rice in the future would satisfy her wish. After three years of persistent study, I learned very well.

Father Wu thought about Wu Peng, who slept until after nine o'clock every day during the holidays, who often had a temper, and who had to be fed at such an age. Father Wu felt that it was imminent to reform him.

While eating breakfast, Wu's mother took the initiative to say: "Pengpeng is still sleeping. The child is growing up now, so he should sleep more."

Wu Zhengqing has no problem with this. Anyway, there is no need to be hungry during the holidays, so you can sleep as long as you want: "Dad, Mom, Sanya and I won't be back until evening. Miaomiao will go to the dance teacher's class later, and I will be with you in the evening." Let's come back together. You can eat by yourself at noon."

There are aunts at home who don't need them to do things like buying vegetables and cooking.

Father Wu asked in surprise, "Why are you going to dance instead of learning the piano?"

Wu Zhengqing said: "Miao Miao has learned dancing and piano. I think the child has specialties, and there will be more choices in the future, and the child also likes it."

Wu's mother felt that it was a waste of money to learn these things. When she grows up, she can find a stable job and marry a good family. But she also knew that Wu Zhengqing loved Miaomiao, and her attitude towards her was not as good as before, so she thought about it and didn't say it.

Sanya first sent Wu Zhengqing to the police station, and then drove Miaomiao to the dance teacher's place to practice dancing. In the middle of walking, Miao Miao suddenly shouted: "Mom, my room is unlocked, do you think Wu Peng will come to my room again to make a fuss?"

Yesterday Wu Peng broke Miaomiao's toy. She was very angry, but she just watched him get beaten up.

Sanya smiled and said comfortingly: "Your father just beat him yesterday, so he shouldn't dare to enter the house again to cause damage."

Having said that, Miaomiao still doesn't want Wu Peng to enter her room and cause damage. There are not only clothes and bedding in the room, but also books and many other things: "Mom, why don't we go home and lock the room? Otherwise, I don't worry."

Sanya said: "We will be late when we go home now, and the teacher will criticize you then."

Miaomiao didn't want to be criticized by the teacher, and said that she would go home after the dance class.


Wu's mother went back to the house and found that Wu Peng was already awake. While dressing her grandson, she said to Wu's father, "What kind of piano and dance are you learning? If you don't join the art troupe in the future, it's a waste of money."

Father Wu said: "It's fine if the young couple are willing, don't talk too much."

Wu Peng asked: "Grandma, what is a piano?"


Miao Miao returned home after her dance class, and she was relieved when she entered the house and found that everything was fine inside. But thinking that Wu Peng was so bad, he ran to the toy room to check, and they were all intact.

Sanya patted his head, said with a smile: "I told him that he didn't dare, so don't worry now."

Miaomiao felt a little embarrassed, so she quickly changed the subject: "Mom, I'm hungry, let's eat!"

Sanya opened the door and came in by herself just now, which means that her aunt is not at home, and she didn't see her in-laws guessing that she must have gone out: "It's almost twelve o'clock now, let's go to your grandma's to eat."

During the winter and summer vacations, Li Guihua will bring her children to live here. There are only four houses next to the school, enough to live in, but not as spacious as here.

Miaomiao nodded in response. Because she was going to the piano teacher in the afternoon, she went to the piano room to get the score.


Sanya was startled when she heard Miaomiao's scream, and hurried in, and immediately became furious after entering. I saw the keys of the piano scattered all over the floor, some of them were broken in two, the surface of the piano was also dirty, and the music stand and the pedals were also broken.

Miaomiao cried loudly: "Mom, why is my piano, my piano like this? Mom, how will I play the piano in the future..."

Sanya was also very angry, but she still held back her anger to comfort her daughter: "It's okay, I'll find someone to fix it later. If you feel bad after using it, mom begged my aunt to buy you a new one. "

Although she was promised that she had bought a new one, Miaomiao was still very sad, and there were still tears on her face when she went to Li Guihua.

When Li Guihua saw her, she put her arms around her and asked, "Oh, what happened to my sweetheart? Who bullied you?"

Miaomiao hugged Li Guihua, cried and said, "Grandma, my piano was broken by Wu Peng."

"Grandma, Wu Peng broke my toy yesterday. Grandma not only didn't scold him, but also scolded me. Grandma, I don't like grandma and Wu Peng. I don't want them to live in my house."

Li Guihua's face sank instantly, then she looked at Sanya and asked what was going on.

Sanya was also very angry, but also a little regretful. She shouldn't have expectations for Wu Peng, Miao Miao should have turned back home after reminding her, and she didn't care if she was a few minutes late for dance class.

The reason why Sanya didn't go back was because she felt that she went home on purpose and locked the door of her room, so that when Mother Wu found out, she would say strange things again. Thinking that one thing more is worse than one thing less, I never thought that Wu Peng could break the piano.

Seeing that she was silent, Li Guihua thought about Tian Shao saying not to quarrel in front of the children, so she called a little bit to bring Miaomiao into the house, and then asked coldly, "Where are your parents-in-law now?"

"I'm not at home, I don't know where I went?"

Li Guihua couldn't help scolding: "I don't know, I don't know, the child has been bullied like this, and you don't know how to deal with it? Did you lift the roof of your house, and you still don't know anything."

Sanya was so scolded that she dared not speak.

Li Guihua scolded and scolded, but also knew that Sanya was difficult to do, after all, it was her mother-in-law who had the natural advantage: "Forget it, I don't count on you."

But if he wanted to bully Sanya and Miaomiao, he had to ask her if she would agree or not.

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