Chapter 1446

After Wu Zhengqing got off work, he knew that the piano had been broken, and his face darkened immediately. He got angry at Wu's father and mother: "I just broke a toy yesterday, don't you know how to look at him?"

Father Wu explained: "I was talking with your mother in the house, and he got into the piano room for some reason. When we found out, the piano had been broken."

Father Wu thought the same as Sanya, Wu Peng was beaten up yesterday and should be honest today. It turns out that they overestimated Wu Peng.

"Third brother, just ask a master to fix it."

Wu Zhengqing was angry and annoyed: "There are very few masters who can repair the piano, and they won't come for the Chinese New Year soon."

Father Wu said: "Then please come and repair it during Chinese New Year, and we will pay for the maintenance fee."

Wu Zhengqing felt a pain in the head: "Dad, it's not about the maintenance fee. This piano is Miaomiao's favorite, and it was bought at a high price."

Hearing that the piano cost 20,000 yuan, Father Wu's first reaction was that the husband and wife had too much money to burn. Just looking at Wu Zhengqing's appearance, these words were swallowed back.

"Where are Mom and Wu Peng, are they in the backyard?"

"No, your mother took Pengpeng to your second brother's house to see what is missing. By the way, your second sister-in-law will be here at five o'clock today, and then invite her to come with you for the New Year."

Wu Zhengqing didn't want to see Yan Jia at all, so he flatly refused: "Let her spend the New Year with Wu Peng in his house, Mom won't come back, right?"

Father Wu went to see an old friend today, and did not go with Mother Wu: "She came to Sijiu City this time to celebrate the New Year with you, and she will definitely come back."

As soon as Wu Zhengqing heard it, he said, "Dad, do you know the phone number over there? You go and call Mom, and ask her to bring Pengpeng to celebrate the New Year with Second Brother, and don't come here again.

Break the toys and decorations, and it will be fine if the daughter is appeased. But now that she broke her most beloved piano, her daughter will definitely cry.

Father Wu suddenly became upset, and said: "Your mother and I were not optimistic about Pengpeng and let him break the piano. It is indeed responsible, but it will not drive your mother away."

Wu Zhengqing sighed and said, "Dad, there is something I didn't tell you. My father-in-law and mother-in-law live nearby, and it will take three minutes if we walk quickly. She knows that she will definitely come and talk about it."

"Dad, my mother-in-law's mouth is like a knife. When the time comes to quarrel with Mom, this year will be uneasy."

What he didn't say was that the Tian family was seriously dissatisfied with his mother because he was patriarchal and liked to order Sanya around. It's just that we were far away in the past, no matter how dissatisfied we were, we couldn't go to Northwest to argue or make a phone call to argue. But now that my mother has come to Sijiu City, and she has indulged Wu Peng to make so many troubles when she first came, it is not so easy to be kind to the mother-in-law's temperament.

Father Wu said: "Tell your mother-in-law that Pengpeng didn't do it on purpose. If it can't be repaired, your mother and I will buy another one for Miaomiao."

With these words, Wu Zhengqing felt that he could explain to his wife and daughter.

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps outside. In the blink of an eye, Li Guihua walked in holding Miaomiao's hand, Sanya followed behind.

As soon as Li Guihua saw Father Wu, she let out a yo and said, "So your in-laws are here? Just right, I'm going to look for you too. Why, your grandsons made my Miaomiao doll lose arms and legs when he came. Zhengqing After a beating, he broke Miaomiao's piano in retaliation. His mind was so poisonous when he was young, and he couldn't kill people and set fires when he grew up."

Father Wu met Li Guihua once when Sanya and Wu Zhengqing were serving wine, and he had the impression that he was very talkative. Unexpectedly, as his son said, the mouth is like a knife.

Miaomiao showed a terrified look on her face, and said, "Grandma, you said that he broke my piano because of malicious revenge because my father beat him?"

Sanya was also surprised.

Father Wu was a little angry, and said: "Mother-in-law, please don't talk nonsense. My Pengpeng is only a seven-year-old child, and he doesn't know the severity of his mischievous behavior. Mother-in-law, I just told Zhengqing that this piano If it can’t be repaired, we will pay Miaomiao to buy a new one.”

Li Guihua is really not talking nonsense: "The keys of the piano are relatively easy to remove, but the frame and pedals of the piano are made of iron, which is very hard. If there are no tools, let alone a seven-year-old child, even an adult can do it." not bad."

Sanya really didn't think so much. But if it's true, it's too scary.

Father Wu was also surprised, but he quickly said: "Impossible, he has a bad temper, but he will never be like what his mother-in-law said. Mother-in-law, I know you are angry, but Pengpeng is still a child. A bigger hat would have ruined him."

Li Guihua pointed to the piano room and said, "If you don't believe me, you can go and see the music stand and pedals to see if it's what I said?"

Everyone went in and saw that the piano was indeed as Li Guihua said, not only the keys were cut out, but also the frame and pedals were deformed. It was obviously damaged with a tool, and no one would believe anyone who said it was done mischievously.

After Wu's father entered the room, he stepped forward and broke it with his hands, but he didn't move, and his face changed immediately. It is one thing to be mischievous and destructive, but it is another thing to intentionally destroy it in revenge.

Li Guihua sneered coldly and said, "My father-in-law, your grandson is so revengeful, I don't worry about letting him live under the same roof as my daughter's granddaughter. Otherwise, I don't feel at ease sleeping."

Father Wu said: "Mother-in-law, I will investigate this matter and give you an explanation."

Although Li Guihua was very dissatisfied, Father Wu was reasonable and promised to buy a piano for Miaomiao, so she didn't say anything harsh: "I hope you will do what you say."

Wu's father went back to the second entrance courtyard full of worries, and Wu Zhengqing followed with concern.

Miaomiao looked sad at the broken piano, and said, "Grandma, Mom, I won't have a piano to talk about in the future."

Li Guihua didn't think it was a problem: "I will live with your aunt after the Chinese New Year, and then you can still practice the piano."

First of all, Min Yu watched someone play the piano in Hong Kong City, and she clamored to learn it. When I was in Hong Kong City, I studied very seriously, but after returning to Sijiu City, I lost interest within a month.

After going to a performance, I became interested in guqin again, so I switched to learning guqin. The piano teacher said that she has no talent, but she is quite talented in guqin, then Tian Shao didn't allow her to be hot for three minutes, and was forced to study until now.

Miao Miao also fell in love with Min Yu when she was learning the piano, and then started to learn. Sanya saw that she really liked it, so she asked Tian Shao to buy her a piano. As for Min Yu's, it was left idle.

Miaomiao was in a better mood when she heard that she could go to her aunt's house to practice the piano.

Sanya patted her head and said, "I haven't written the diary today, so hurry up and write it. Let's have dinner after we finish."


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