According to Wuya's request, the agent took them to see a house with two bedrooms and one living room. The house is spacious and bright, with plenty of light, and a separate kitchen and bathroom.

In the past, Siya Company provided dinner, and you could order two copies to eat back. Now that the two of you are separated at night or on weekends, you must cook, so the kitchen is indispensable.

The agent said: "This house is fully furnished, and it is a wedding room prepared by the landlord for his son. It's just that the woman insists on announcing the divorce when the wedding is approaching. After the divorce, the landlord's son will be transferred to Shanghai to work, and the house will be vacant. "

The landlord thought that the house would be a waste if it was empty, so he thought about renting it out for some money. Of course, people also have requirements, that is, they must take good care of the house, and if it is damaged, they will be compensated according to the price.

Wu Ya was very satisfied with the house, and directly expressed her willingness to rent it out, and agreed to the landlord's request. But she also has a requirement, that is, the landlord cannot raise the house price at will, and the house must be notified one month in advance if the house is to be used by others. If she was asked to move out without prior notice, she would have to pay three months' rent.

It was Tian Shao's reminder to make this request. Some landlords drive people away if they fail to reach an agreement because of price increases, regardless of whether they have a place to live. The black and white words fell down, and they couldn't deny it.

The agent was very surprised. He saw Wu Ya as immature, but he didn't expect to act so thoughtfully: "I have to ask the landlord's opinion on this matter first."

"Okay, then give me an answer tomorrow."

Seeing that she was preparing, Li Xiangxiang was stunned: "Don't watch?"

Wuya said with a smile: "I think this house is pretty good. If the landlord is willing to rent it, you don't need to look at it. If you don't want to rent it, you can look at it tomorrow."

After leaving the complex, Li Xiangxiang said in a low voice, "Do you really want to rent this house? It costs 800 yuan a month, which is too expensive. The room I rented is only 100 yuan a month."

Wuya frowned and said, "There are too many people in that place, it doesn't matter if men live there, but we can't. Xiangxiang, your salary is not low, so there is no need to live in such a poor place."

Li Xiangxiang said enviously: "I only earn 4,000 yuan, so how dare I compare with you. Besides, you make money for yourself, and I have to support my family."

Speaking of this, Wu Ya couldn't help but said: "Your younger siblings are still studying, so it's no problem for you to support them after you work. But why do you have to pay the bride price for your brother's wife?"

Li Xiangxiang also had 4,000 yuan a month, but she ended up being very frugal and sent all the money she saved back. Her parents used the money to build a house, and told her brother about a partner, and planned to get married at the end of the year. His brother's dowry and wedding expenses are all Li Xiangxiang's money.

Li Xiangxiang said: "My brother is old, no girl would marry him if he doesn't give a generous gift. And the reason why he is not married until now is because my parents and I are supporting our siblings to study. It was delayed. Now that I have the ability, I definitely can't let him be a bachelor again."

It is also because of the distribution of wages, the wages are too low, so I came here knowing that the wages in Yangcheng are high. She was lucky, and not long after arriving in Yangcheng, she applied for a job in the company, and her salary gradually increased from 18,000 to 4,000.

Wuya said, "What about after your elder brother marries a wife?"

Li Xiangxiang knew her worry, and said: "The house is built, and my eldest brother has married a wife. Now only my younger brother and younger sister are left to study. From now on, I can send 1,000 yuan a month. The money saved is all Save up."

She's getting old too, and needs to save some dowry money.

Seeing that she had a plan in mind, Wuya changed the subject: "The house I saw just now has two bedrooms and one living room. If I want to rent it out, I plan to find someone to live with. Xiangxiang, do you want to consider it?"

Li Xiangxiang refused without hesitation. Rent of 400 yuan a month, plus water and electricity bills, is too expensive. Making money is not easy, she has to save some money.

The next day the agent gave him a reply, saying that the landlord agreed to her request: "The landlord said that the deposit will be three and one payment. If you want to rent it, make sure that the house and furniture are not damaged, and the deposit will be refunded to you."

Wuya wasn't afraid that the other party would take her deposit. If you dare to bully her, ask your second brother-in-law or cousin to seek justice for her.

After renting the house, Wuya immediately asked two people to clean it. The quilts are all ready-made, just take them, but the pots and pans have to be new.

Moving on Sunday, Siya came with her. She observed from entering the gate of the complex, and walked around the house, she said: "The environment of the community is good, and the security guards at the gate are more conscientious, so there should be no problem with law and order. There is only one bathroom, so it is not very convenient to share with others."

Wuya said with a smile, "We used the same toilet before, so it's not inconvenient."

Si Ya said: "We are sisters, and we don't care about it, but if we rent together with someone, if the other party is stingy, there will be various problems. Fifth, why don't you rent this room and just keep it. If I want to come over, there will be a place to sleep. "

Wuya also had the same idea before, but the rent exceeded the budget and wanted to find someone to bear: "I will explain in advance, if the other party breaks the promise, I will let her move out."

"What if you come across a dog skin plaster?"

Wuya said: "Then find the second brother-in-law or cousin."

Si Ya was relieved when she heard this, and said with a smile: "That's right, if you encounter problems, you can find your second brother-in-law or cousin, so that no one will dare to bully you."

"Fourth sister, don't be too tired. Money can be earned at any time, but if the body is damaged, no amount of money can buy it back."

Hearing this, Siya pinched her nose with a smile, and said with a smile after being slapped away: "Don't worry, I'm sensible. I just want to make more money while I'm young, and when I earn enough five hundred Don't do it, and wash your hands at home from now on."

Wu Ya couldn't help being happy, and said with a funny smile: "You still wash your hands with soup? In the future, your brother-in-law will give you soup to wash your hands."

People who never cook and only know how to eat wash their hands with soup, and people have to believe it when they say it! Anyway, neither she nor her family would believe it.

Si Ya snorted twice and said, "Don't you underestimate people? Just wait, I will definitely be a good wife and mother praised by everyone in the future."

While tickling her, Si Ya said, "How dare you make fun of me, see if I don't tickle you to death."

Wuya smiled and said, "Fourth sister, why don't we make a bet. If you really become a good wife and mother praised by everyone in the future, I will give you a whole set of gold ornaments. If you lose, I will give you the money you had last time." Give me the ruby ​​necklace you're wearing."

After a fuss, Si Ya stopped: "I coaxed the ruby ​​necklace from the eldest sister, so I can't give it to you. But if I lose, I'll buy you a diamond necklace."

Wuya felt that she had won: "Fourth sister, let's make a deal like this."

"Don't worry, every mouthful is a nail."

Si Ya lived here that night, but she left at dawn, and she is too busy to touch the ground now. However, working overtime in the company will make you feel tired, and working alone is full of energy no matter how tired you are.

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