On this day, when Wu Ya arrived at the company, Li Xiangxiang dragged her into the corridor: "Tian Fu, have you rented out that room?"

Wuya shook her head and said, "No, what's the matter?"

She didn't put up an advertisement for renting, so the co-tenants would not feel at ease. She told several people she knew, and if there is a suitable one, she can introduce it.

"Can I rent another room?"

Wu Ya said of course, and then asked: "What's wrong with you? Suddenly you have to change houses."

Li Xiangxiang lowered her voice and said that someone knocked on her door last night. She thought she had gone by the wrong way and said through the door that she had gone by the wrong way, but the other party not only didn't leave but also started to knock on the door. It was she who called for help loudly, and a kind elder brother came out from the building and drove the person away.

Speaking of this, Li Xiangxiang said with lingering fear: "If that elder brother doesn't come out, my door will be knocked open. Tian Fu, I dare not live there anymore."

Wuya was shocked when she heard this, and hurriedly said: "I'm moving today, I have to call a few male colleagues to help, so as not to run into that person again."

Li Xiangxiang asked for leave in the afternoon and went back to pack her things. Wuya has to make a report, which has to be handed over to Director Lei in the afternoon, so she can't go back with her.

Wuya said: "Xiangxiang, find someone to go back with you!"

Li Xiangxiang felt that nothing was wrong: "People come and go during the day, they dare not."

Speaking of this, Wuya asked strangely: "You have lived there for more than four years, and you haven't had any problems! Why did someone knock on the door last night?"

Li Xiangxiang explained with a bitter face: "The law and order was good in the area before, because there were people covering it. Last week, I heard that the person had an accident and was arrested, so it started to become chaotic."

Wuya felt inconceivable: "If that person is caught in the forefoot, will the area be in chaos?"

She felt that it was necessary to tell the eldest sister about this matter. This law and order is related to tens of thousands of people, and it is also closely related to these migrant workers.

Li Xiangxiang nodded and said, "On the day I was arrested, I saw many strange faces when I got home from get off work. I used to go home to sleep until nine o'clock in the evening. The downstairs was very quiet, but some people were howling at night these days."

But it was the first time he came knocking on the door in the middle of the night. And she lived there for more than four years, and she had never seen anything like this before, so she was really terrified.

Wu Ya was worried for her: "Since you found something wrong, you should move out quickly!"

"I want to tell you, but I can't."

Wu Ya said: "It's about your own safety, why don't you talk about it. Forget it, it's meaningless to talk about what happened. You don't want to go back alone, it's too unsafe. Let's go together after get off work, Then call a few more people."

Li Xiangxiang hesitated for a while, but listened to the persuasion.

Wu Ya was still worried, and called Quan Xiaogang and his friend. With five young and strong young men accompanying her to move things, she felt that nothing would happen.

In the house Li Xiangxiang rented, the bed and cabinets and other large items were provided by the landlord, who mainly packed bedding, clothes and other daily necessities. However, the things were burned again, and three large boxes and three woven bags were packed.

Quan Xiaogang handled things very well, knowing that she was moving, he borrowed a pickup truck from the company.

When they were loading things into the car, Quan Xiaogang noticed a man staring at them. But the five tall and burly young guys, the other party didn't dare to do anything.

After leaving that place, Quan Xiaogang told Li Xiangxiang what he had just discovered: "You are being targeted. Fortunately, you made a quick decision to move out today, otherwise you would be in great danger."

Li Xiangxiang was stunned: "I'm being targeted?"

Wuya was also a little scared when she heard it, but fortunately she remembered the elder sister's reminder that she must live in a place with good security: "You have a high salary and are good-looking. If you cook raw rice and cook it, you don't have to do anything and lie at home. Someone has raised them. Such a big temptation is worth the risk."

Quan Xiaogang glanced at her quite unexpectedly, knowing quite a lot.

Li Xiangxiang couldn't help shivering when she heard this. Those people, those people are not even as good as those who farm in their hometown. To be ruined by these people... She couldn't imagine the consequences.

Wuya hugged her and said comfortingly, "Don't be afraid. In my neighborhood, outsiders have to sign and register when entering, and there will be security patrols in the middle of the night."

Hearing this, Li Xiangxiang felt a little relieved.

Quan Xiaogang and the others moved all the things upstairs to Li Xiangxiang, put down the things and said, "It's getting late, you should go to bed early."

Li Xiangxiang said he would treat them to dinner.

Quan Xiaogang did not refuse, but today is not enough: "Forget about today, you still have to tidy up your things! Let's go on Sunday, we can get together on Sunday."

Although Li Xiangxiang is frugal, she also knows the ways of the world: "Okay, then Sunday, you must come then."

After sending the person away, Li Xiangxiang hugged Wuya: "Tian Fu, thank you. If you hadn't persuaded me at noon, I would have gone back alone."

"You are not afraid of going back alone. You go back and pack your things and close the door, and they don't know that you are moving out. And there are so many people in broad daylight, and someone will definitely take care of you if you call for help."

Speaking of this, Li Xiangxiang thought of the big brother last night: "Tian Fu, I have to thank this big brother very much. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't know what happened last night."

Wu Ya did not approve of her going back: "You have to thank this big brother, you can buy things and ask someone to deliver them, but you don't want to go yourself."

That place is dangerous for them now. Because he was afraid that his younger sisters would be cheated, Tian Shao not only showed them the anti-abduction brochures, but also told them about men's dirty tricks.


In the evening of the next day, Wu Ya called Tian Shao in the public phone booth and told about Li Xiangxiang: "Eldest sister, these people are too scary to knock on the girl's door in the middle of the night."

Tian Shao was silent for a while and said: "So you must protect yourself when you go out. The apartment you are renting is not bad, but don't go out at night. If you have to work overtime and no one will send you back, live in the company. Don't go out at night. .”

Yangcheng is difficult to manage because of the mixed population and high mobility. This was caused by objective reasons, even Tan Yue couldn't help it.

After Wu Ya responded, she said, "Sister, don't worry, I usually don't work overtime. If I really haven't finished, I'll go early the next day."

She has been in the company for almost two years and has never worked overtime, and she will go home when the time comes. There is absolutely no need to save for the next day what can be done during the day.

"If someone bullies you, go to your second brother-in-law or cousin. Don't carry it yourself. There are some things that you can't handle."

Wuya said depressedly: "I told my cousin Sankui about this last month, and he asked me to quit my job and go back to Sijiu City, but I didn't agree."

Tian Shao smiled and said: "Your cousin is also an old antique, I will call and scold her later."

"No, big sister, I know my cousin is doing it for my own good.

She knew what Sankui meant. Sijiucheng is not only safe, but also has a big sister and a big brother-in-law who dare not bully him without eyes. In fact, she also wanted to go to work in Sijiu City, but the wages there were too low, and even foreign companies were a bit worse than here.

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