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With a clear voice, the silly girl ran out of the back hall and saw the body of the place. The little girl suddenly became frightened and instinctively wanted to run to Bai Zhanqi.

Bai Zhanqi bleeds at the corners of his eyes, shouting with tears in his eyes: "Silly girl, run!"

But where is the speed of a little girl faster than Peak Wusheng? Uesugi Qiu also shone, and came to the silly girl, choked her throat, looked at Bai Zhanqi with a smile, "Your daughter?"

Bai Zhanqi was spurted with a gulp of blood and shouted: "You let her go!"

Uesugi also had a clear look in his eyes, and said, "I can let her go, as long as you tell the whereabouts of the star evil sword spectrum."

Bai Zhanqi's body shook violently, almost blurting out the place, but he forced his emotions and forced his teeth to refuse to exit.

"Don't say? Then watch your daughter strangle me alive."

Uesugi also slowly tightened his fingers. The silly girl had been turned straight and her eyes were struggling. The struggling amplitude was getting smaller and smaller. Bai Zhanqi rushed to try to save her daughter, but was turned over with a knife and stepped on the ground.

"Stupid girl, stupid girl!"

Bai Zhanqi shouted exhaustedly, raised his head desperately, but could not see his daughter at all.

Uesugi also said coldly: "I will count five more times at the end. If you don't say it, you will wait to collect the corpse for your daughter!"






Bai Zhanqi closed his eyes in despair, but at this moment...


Everyone only felt that a gust of wind was drifting in the lobby. At the next moment, Bai Zhanqi and the silly girl had disappeared from Uesugi.

"Silly girl, are you okay?"

In the stunned eyes, Ye Chen seemed to have done a trivial trivial matter, gently touched the hair of the silly girl, and when he saw the other person nodded, he shrugged and reunited their father and daughter.

Bai Zhanqi held his daughter tightly and burst into tears.

Uesugi also had a fearful look in his eyes, because he had just not seen the speed of this person, so he could not help but put his hand on the handle again and said coldly, "Who are you?"

Ye Chen did not pay any attention to him, and walked straight to Luo Peng, dripping a drop of blood into his slightly opened mouth.

At this time, Ye Chen was in charge of the Emperor's glazed body. Each drop of blood contained a lot of pure water aura, and the water aura was best at moisturizing and healing wounds, so just a few seconds later, Luo Peng suddenly opened Opening his eyes and panting heavily, a carp jumped up.

Everyone around was suddenly dumbfounded. Everyone could see that Luo Peng had already stepped into the Yincao Di Mansion with half a foot, but he didn't expect to be rescued by Ye Chen with such an understatement!

Ignored in this way, Uesugi was also very annoyed, but when he saw Ye Chen's means, he was also startled, and his eyes revealed a greedy expression.

He pulled out the katana sharply and pointed to Ye Chen: "Boy, I don't know who you are, but if you belong to me..."

Who knows that Ye Chen still ignored him, and then went to Gu San Niang said: "Little girl, who do you learn from this skill?"

Although Gu San Niang looked old and old, and was old enough to be Ye Chen’s mother, but he called out the little girl without any pressure. Seeing Ye Chen’s fairy emperor, all the people on earth are His younger generation.

Gu San Niang froze for a moment, but thinking of the other person's ghostly body style, he did not object to the "little girl" and said, "Yes, I learned it myself."

Ye Chen nodded and said, "It turns out that, if I guessed right, you should be eager to achieve success in a short period of time, and have continuously practiced several subordinate martial arts exercises. As a result, the meridians, qi and blood have been messed up. , And eventually broke his body, it became like this."

Hearing this, Gu San Niang’s expression changed, and the title of Ye Chen changed at once: "Senior, can you cure my illness?"

No wonder she is so excited, that woman doesn't love beauty? For this fat body, Gu Sanniang traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers and searched for famous doctors from all over the world, but could not find a solution.

But today Ye Chen has just demonstrated such a magical treatment skill, and just glanced at it, he said that his illness is inseparable, and it must be a hermit!


There were only a few words, and Gu Sanniang suddenly showed her ecstasy. She had just asked to speak, and she saw Ye Chen raise her hand at random, and pressed it on her heavenly cover.

This palm looks extremely slow, but it gives everyone a sense of unavoidability.


The next second, Gu San Niang screamed and collapsed to the ground, her pores all began to ooze black and greasy, full of foul and filthy things, it looked like mud.

All the people around her frowned and covered their noses, but Gu Sanniang, who was suffering from an astonishing pain, showed a joyful color, because she saw that her big hands, which were originally fat and rough, were gradually becoming white and delicate, revealing the past Come in style.

In the end, when Ye Chen withdrew her hand, Gu San Niang had changed from a fat ball that was strenuous to talking, and turned into a graceful, beautiful and mature young woman.


Gu Sanniang knelt sobbing at the foot of Ye Chen, chopping her head non-stop and said: "Your great grace and great virtue, San Niang will never be forgotten.

Ye Chen waved casually: "There are too many people who want to be my cattle and horses. You can't be numbered, so be a good man."

At this time, Gu Sanniang was completely speechless and could only cover her clothes. Although her clothes were like wide mosquito nets for her now, if she let them go, she might slip directly. Go to your feet and let yourself go.


At this time, Uesugi, who was repeatedly ignored by Ye Chen, finally broke out. He burst into a bang, and the long knife in his hand suddenly struck the air, slashing heavily towards Ye Chen's neck.

"Desperate sword flow, mysterious mystery Yan Yan!"

This is the fastest way of all his sword moves. It turned out that everyone did not react, and the electric light flint to the side of Ye Chen, suddenly let everyone take a breath.


"Ah, there seems to be a fly calling."

Ye Chen grumbled impatiently, flexing his fingers, and hit his opponent's blade with his fingernails. It stands to reason that such a move is very stupid. Ordinary warriors don't talk about their fingernails, I am afraid their entire fingers will be cut off.

However, Ye Chen had already become a glazed body of the sea emperor, and his body was harder than diamonds. With a slight flick, he actually made a "ding" sound, and he was completely unharmed, and Uesugi was also from the air. Was knocked down and retreated several steps in a row.

His face suddenly appeared horrified, and when he looked down, his right hand holding the knife had cracked and blood was splattering!

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