The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 279: What is Sword God

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Silence, silent silence spread in the lobby.

The people took a deep breath, as if they were the ones who had been slashed with the sword, and the masters such as Luo Peng and Bai Zhanqi were stunned.

An underfinger that understates it will also repel Uesugi Qiu at the peak of the Wusheng. What means is this? One finger? Six Veins Excalibur?

Their minds were imaginary, but in fact, Ye Chen just flicked his fingers at random.

Uesugi Qiu's hand shaking also kept shaking, looking at Ye Chen in horror: "You, who the **** are you?"

Ye Chen didn't answer this question, but said lightly: "Is the sword **** behind the attack?"

However, Uesugi Qiu was not asked by him, or he had his own unique understanding of this question: "The so-called behind-the-scenes attack is just a pretext for the loser, and only you, a group of Chinese warriors who are full of morality Would think so."

He talked about it without hesitation, obviously, deep in his heart, this is what he thought: "Does a martial arts master who has been practicing martial arts for decades defeats a fledgling little ghost head, and he is also said to be bullying , Won't it win?"

"If I got the Star Evil Sword Spectrum, I can beat the heroes of the world with one sword and one sword, and I would be eligible to become a sword god!"

"Oh, that's right." Ye Chen pouted, his face full of contempt. "That's fine, at least after I win you, I won't be treated as a bully and a victory."

"Sneak attacks behind me are not referring to your means of combat, but whether you have the courage to face the strong one. Like you seeing the strength of the other party above you, you dare not face the enemy directly, only The guy behind the attack is destined not to be a strong man."

Hearing here, Uesugi also angered in vain and said: "Since that is the case, pull out your sword! Let me see if your skills are as bragging as you are!"

However, Ye Chen was motionless and said lightly: "Then your sword, where is your sword?"

This inexplicable question, however, shocked Uesugi.

There is indeed a samurai sword in his hand, which is the sword of the island country, but... this does not mean anything.

After thirty years of studying under the sword fighter Ito Musashi, and diligently practicing hard every day, even a person with a low talent should have an insight.

Uesugi also deeply understands the difference between a person with a sword in his hand and a person with a sword in his heart, because he also cultivated to the state where there is no sword in his hand and a sword in his heart.

A moment later, he tapped his chest with his right hand and said, "My sword, here."

This inexplicable dialogue made all the warriors in the lobby understand that they couldn't understand it. Only Bai Zhanqi and Luo Peng could hear a hazy idea.

But then Ye Chen's words made everyone stunned. He used a nearly rogue tone and said lightly: "Then my sword is also with you."

"what did you say?!"

This time, even Sugiaki couldn't understand what he was talking about, and other people even showed some inexplicable expression. If Ye Chen had just shown amazing methods, I am afraid someone would swear.

Ye Chen said lightly: "The sword in your hand is either the sword in your heart. You think it is your own thing, but it is not yours."

Uesugi Qiuya, at this time, already a little bit angry and smiled, said angrily: "Not mine, is it still your failure?"

"Alas, after all, ordinary people are still ordinary people, and their horizons are only that point."

Ye Chen shook his head, looking at his face, it was almost like a child who lost interest in toys, it made people shudder: "Forget it, do it, when you lose, you will naturally know what is going on. ."

"Relax, I don't need you to say, I will do it..."

Before Uesugi’s words were finished, the whole person rushed out like a sharp arrow from the string. This is also his intention. Usually, when people hear the other party’s words, they will think that he will do it after they have finished speaking. , But wouldn't think he would start suddenly when the words were normal.

Although this trick is simple and shameless, it is really effective. When in the island country, I don't know how many long-known swordsmen have lost this hand.

And this move is also the strongest move that Uesugi can use.

"Desire to sword flow, forbid the mystery•Three Ways to the Moon!"

This sword is the ultimate killing skill that Uesugi also learned from Master Ito Musashi, and it is also the sword he learned from evil to kill. This sword was cut out, and even faintly possessed the power of the **** realm!

Suddenly, the sound of the sword breaking through flesh, suddenly!

After blinking, Uesugi also reappeared, and the samurai sword in his hand, somehow... even penetrated his own heart...

"Do you understand now?" Ye Chen stood at the same spot, didn't move for half a step, and no one saw what she did in that instant.

But that's not important anymore. What's important is...Usugiaki did understand some things when he disappeared...

It turned out that there was a higher level of realm above the "swordless realm"; the person who reached that realm had no sword in his hand and no sword in his heart.

The real sword **** does not need to ask, nor does it care about "where is the sword."

At the last moment, Uesugi also smiled, a bit miserable in the smile, but there was no regret in his eyes.

For a swordsman, he can die in the hands of opponents like Ye Chen, and can understand his own insignificance and the true meaning of the sword through death... then he is absolutely dead and regrettable.

"It turns out that this is... the sword god..."

After exhausting his last energy, he spit out a few words. Uesugi also fell into a soft body and fell heavily on the ground, carrying his sword, his ambitions, and his dreams suddenly disappeared.

At this point, the warriors in the lobby were completely stunned. They could not keep up with Sugiaki's speed from beginning to end, let alone Ye Chen. How did he move and how to exercise his power, It is completely unknown.

After a while, Bai Zhanqi took her daughter to Ye Chen, kneeling on one knee and saying, "Thank you, Engong, for your help, may I have your name?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "It's just a meal. Although this kind of grace is not what I want to suffer, Ye someone who has gratitude must pay back."

"Someone Ye..." Bai Zhanqi's mind flashed a few thoughts in a flash, and suddenly exclaimed, "You, are you Ye Chen?"

Everyone around, widened their eyes in amazement when they heard this.

"Ye Chen? It was Ye Chen who killed Qiu Lingyun?"

"It is said that it is the youngest Wu Sheng in China for thousands of years, and now it seems to be well-deserved."

"Gosh, I am afraid that he has reached the threshold of the **** realm because of his profound cultivation."


Listening to the comments of the people around him, Luo Peng's countenance changed, and suddenly he said, "Master Ye Xian, I have something to ask for next!"

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