The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 363: Kneel with him

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Seeing this scene, standing next to Kong Yuanwei, a man who always smiled and did not speak, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and quickly stepped forward: "Ye Xianshi, I think this is a misunderstanding, Kong Ershao what he said is Mr. Kong. of……"

This man was in his twenties, with extraordinary temperament, and he just came out. Someone called him to break his identity-Wei Yalong, the young man of the Wei family, brought him to Kong Yuanwei.

Wei Yalong watched with cold eyes before, gloating with pleasure. Now seeing that Kong Yuanwei is having problems, things are going wrong, and it is even more overwhelming. On the surface it is to persuade him, but in fact he wants to further stir up the conflict between Ye Chen and the Kong family.

As a result, before Wei Yalong finished speaking, Ye Chen snorted coldly and waved his arms: "Since you are so loyal, just kneel with him."

A great tremendous force suddenly pressed Wei Yalong on his body, directly pressing him to kneel next to Kong Yuanwei, helping the hole Er Shao shame together.

The audience is dead!

All are silent, no one thought that this would be the consequence. Ye Chen's fierce shots did not care about everything. This is even more overbearing and decisive than when he was in Chengjia in southern Jiangsu!

"This is Master Ye Xian's domineering power. Do it if you don't agree."

I don't know how many people are horrified. Many girls and children look at Ye Chen with their eyes open. Since ancient times, women have worshipped the strong, and Ye Chen has undoubtedly shown extraordinary power.

At this time, only the crazy roar of Kong Yuanwei kneeling there was left in the venue: "Ye's surname Ye, don't think that you have a little skill and don't know that the sky is high. Wu Sheng is a fart in my Confucian family? You don’t have the qualifications. You dare to hurt the young man to kneel, just wait for my Kong family to come and tear you into pieces."

Ye Chen's expression didn't move, just a faint reply: "I'm waiting."

Then he walked leisurely towards the dining table and pulled Cao Xinxuan to continue picking food.

In the end, Feng Shanhe and others were left standing in the same place with big eyes and small eyes, not knowing what to do.

At the same time, in a hotel in Northern Jiangsu Province, an old man in luxurious clothes is playing chess with a young and elegant young man, and the old man, Shen Shenming, is Shen Shenming!

Shen Tianming laughed while playing chess: "Jiaming, sincerely your Confucian family, I received the old man, but Ye Xianshi is the King of Nine Heavens, but it is not my Shen family, it can be moved."

Kong Jiaming smiled respectfully: "Master Shen laughed, who doesn't know your Shen family, is the first family to follow Ye Xianshi, your son Shen Hanlin, is one of his very important men, help me Kong family It’s certainly not difficult to convey the respect."

Shen Tianming said with a smile: "This is not easy to deal with. Old Master Xu from Yanjing Xu's family also called me. After all the good things, I must apologize to Ye Xianshi for him."

Speaking of this, he touched his beard and chuckled: "Ye Xianshi is in charge of everything, and the old man is too old for me. I'm afraid I can't pass so much news. What should I do?"

"This old fox."

Kong Jiaming swears in his heart, but still smiles humbly on the surface. After all, the Shen family is the closest family to Ye Chen. If these later comers want to establish a relationship, they can only bow their heads and ask for help.

He was about to speak, and suddenly received a call, his face suddenly changed suddenly.

"what happened?"

Shen Tianming slightly puzzled, he raised his sword eyebrows, a breath of majesty came to his face. Ordinary people stood in front of him and were shocked by the fear of the gas field.

"It's nothing. My brother, who wasn't able to do anything, caused trouble again in northern Jiangsu." Kong Jiaming sighed.

"Oh, the second son of the Kong family, I've heard it." Shen Tianming just nodded his head and said nothing more.

He admired Kong Jiaming very much, but it does not mean that he also saw Kong Yuanwei in his eyes. On the contrary, Shen Tianming always hated Kong Yuanwei, a person who was unscrupulous in fighting against his family, but unfortunately this was the internal affairs of the Kong family, and he was not good at interfering too deeply.

The same was true of Shen Hanlin, his grandson before, but fortunately he got the lesson from Ye Xianshi, and lost his way, and the prodigal son turned back. Now it has become the pillar of the Shen family.

In the end, Shen Tianming said, "If there is anything I need to help, despite calling me the old man, in the three provinces of East China, I can still help."

"Thank you Grandpa Shen."

Kong Jiaming just responded politely. Based on the power and position of the Kong family in China, Kong Jiaming didn't encounter any troubles. He also believed that he could always solve it if he went out. But every time he wiped Kong Yuanwei's **** like this, he felt helpless.

After he left the hotel, he got on a car with a Yanjing license plate. Although the car was low-key, the series of six and eight on the ticket was daunting.

"Aron, what's going on?"

As soon as Kong Jiaming got into the car, he frowned and asked his bodyguard and driver.

"The second young master was invited to a reception by the younger family members of the Wei family. It was a meeting of the younger generations of major families in northern Jiangsu and Hexi. He somehow offended a person of high status in the East China United Chamber of Commerce. Now the second young master Being forced to kneel there, the young and the Wei family were beaten in a coma, unconscious, life and death."

Kong Jiaming tapped his fingers on the armrests of the car seat, and there was a sneer on his face: "The Wei family is using Yuan Wei as a gun. It is estimated that he is grumpy, so he was specially led to the reception."

Kong Jiaming was so clever that he almost understood the words of the bodyguard.

The Wei family is an old Hexi family, and Wei Yalong is even smarter. How could he bring Kong Yuanwei to such a party for no reason, and it was the people of the East China United Chamber of Commerce who provoked it?

This was obviously because the Wei family wanted to boycott the East China United Chamber of Commerce, and did not dare to offend others, so they pushed Kong Yuanwei out to fight. Who knows that the high-ranking of the chamber of commerce is not so annoying, not even selling the Confucius' face.

"However, the second brother is my Confucius family after all. It doesn't matter if he plays Yuan Wei, and he can even say that he deserves it. But the kid actually forced him to kneel, that is, he didn't put the Confucian family in his eyes."

Kong Jiaming smiled coldly: "What does the Wei family say? If they don't give me an explanation this time, don't blame me for not knowing the grandfather and Wei's fellow classmates."

"The head of the Wei family has already rushed past, and I don't know if I can calm down."

Along pressed his hands firmly on the steering wheel, his eyes were still, and his eyes looked straight ahead and replied.

"Huh, we have also passed. I'd like to see, what kind of divine dragon can be brought up by a East China Union Chamber of Commerce, even my Confucian face dare to refute."

Kong Jiaming snorted coldly, eyes slightly closed.

In his mind, this so-called joint chamber of commerce is really worth paying attention to, only the Shen family, and the Shen family is soaked in the light of Ye Xianshi, and leaving Ye Xianshi, what is a chamber of commerce?

His Confucian family could make this so-called joint chamber of commerce completely ruined with just one sentence!

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