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"Yes, Master, we will be there in about half an hour."

Along answered blankly, but he sighed inwardly. Kong Dashao really got angry this time. No matter how he confuses Kong Yuanwei, Kong Jiaming's brother is after all. The East China United Chamber of Commerce dare to force Kong Yuanwei to kneel, so humiliating the Kong family, how can Kong Jiaming not be angry?

Along slammed on the accelerator, the speed of the car suddenly reached the limit, and a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes. Others don’t know, but he still doesn’t understand, how powerful is his master’s ability?

The younger generation of Yanjing can hardly surpass Kong Jiaming, and even many elders of the Confucian family are not as good as Kong Jiaming in terms of energy.

"Oh, East China United Chamber of Commerce, you are dead!"


In Aoba Club, the atmosphere is still dignified.

Wei Jialong, the youngest member of the Wei family, knelt there, his head covered in cold sweat, and he dared not say a word, his eyes were spinning diligently, and a deep grudge flashed in his pupils.

And Kong Yuanwei was scolded in the mouth, and finally Ye Chen was really annoyed and slapped in the air. Draw the side of Kong Yuanwei directly, at least half of his teeth. This Yanjing Confucian family's gangsters didn't dare to say a word.

In the whole venue, only Ye Chen was holding a knife and a fork, and slowly arranged to give Cao Xinxuan the sound of cutting things.

Punching Er Shao, and forced him and Wei Yalong to kneel and do such a terrifying thing that Ye Chen seemed not to worry at all. Throughout the court, only he and the careless little girl Cao Xinxuan could laugh. Others had long faced to the extreme, including everyone from the East China United Chamber of Commerce, and even Ji Hualing, all uneasy.

"Uh, Kong Yuanwei hit the iron plate this time. Is Master Ye Xian in Jiang province a good talker?"

Some people are gloating. But more people are frowning: "Ye Xianshi is so reckless in doing things. The Kong family is not the Feng family and the Wei family. This is the real Yanjing giant. Even if it is not as good as the top Qin family, the Xiao family, It’s just slightly inferior. Even punching Yuan Yuanwei is better than letting him kneel and humiliate. This is not only humiliating Kong Yuanwei, but also embarrassing the Kong family.”

"Look at me, the surname Ye is a young man who is too arrogant. He thought that with the name of a Ye Xianshi, he could carry everything? But he didn't know that there was a sky outside, someone outside. If it really stirred Yanjing No one can save him from the anger of the giants!"

Chu Yuxuan shook his head and shook his head.

"Brother Chu, what did the Wei family say? Just watching Wei Dashao and Kong Ershao suffer here?" Chen Qian couldn't help looking at the well-informed Chu Yuxuan.

Chu Yuxuan was about to answer. Suddenly there was a commotion at the door. He glanced over and his eyes lighted up: "The Master of the Wei Family is here!"

Sure enough, I saw a group of people coming from the door. When the middle-aged man with a majestic face and walking like a wind came striding with a meteor, his eyes swept over the kneeling Kong Yuanwei and Wei Yalong. There was a slight pain in his eyes.

He turned his eyes and looked at Ye Chen sternly, "Master Ye Xian, you have done too much."

"Don't you dare to question me?" Ye Chen responded lightly without lifting her eyelids.

"Good." The middle-aged man smiled with rage and his eyes shone with anger, "I am Wei Xiuwen, the head of the Wei family, the chairman of the Tianling Foundation, and the classmate of Yanjing Kong, I don’t know. With this identity, are you qualified to question you?"

The Wei family is an old Hexi family, and the Tianling consortium has tens of billions of assets. Wei Xiuwen has a pivotal position in Hexi, just like Yang Lin in northern Jiangsu and Shen Tianming in Jiang province.

But Ye Chen's eyes didn't sweep him, but he hummed softly: "No."

Wei Xiuwen's face flushed red for a moment, like a ripe tomato, his eyes were blazing.

The juniors who watched all of them also uttered their tongues. They had only heard that Master Ye Xian in East China was extremely difficult to provoke, and once he provokes him, he often endlessly died.

At first, everyone thought the rumors were exaggerated. Looking at it now, even if Wei Xiuwen came, Ye Chen didn't give face. Who else can make this Ye Xianshi look at him?

Wei Xiuwen deserved to be a big man with great success. The city was extremely deep and quickly calmed his anger. He said coldly: "Ye last name, I know you are extremely powerful, have magical spells, what martial arts, and the status is extremely noble in the martial arts world.

"But you need to know that our Wei family is not easy to provoke. You have offended the big family in Hedong and Hexi, and now you want to provoke the Yanjing Confucian family? Are you going to offend the entire Huaxia people? I still don't believe you And this ability to be an enemy to the world."

Sure enough, as soon as Wei Xiuwen said this, the people of the East China United Chamber of Commerce changed their looks.

No matter how strong Ye Chen is, if it provokes anger, how can it be sustained? Even the Xiao family of Yanjing can't bear everyone's opposition.

Ji Hualing glanced around carefully. Sure enough, a trace of anger appeared faintly on many people's faces, and his heart suddenly sighed.

The East China United Chamber of Commerce has been in the limelight this year.

At this time, it is precisely that we should hide our honour and unite most talents. However, Ye Chen shot out and stepped on the Kong family. Incited by Wei Xiuwen again, it is easy to arouse the tragic heart of the rabbits of other families.

This situation can only be described in one sentence, that is, Mu Xiu Yu Lin, the wind will destroy it!

"This time, Ye Xianshi has gone too far." Ji Hualing shook her head and sighed softly, "To follow my words, go and apologize to Kong Ershao and the Wei family. Take a soft one. Let's grow slowly, slowly. So, sooner or later, he can conquer Hedong and Hexi."

"Well, whoever doesn't accept it, just cut it with a sword, if there is Ye Xianshi here, it will be the enemy of the world, and how afraid?" Lan Caier replied coldly.

The senior officials of the East China United Chamber of Commerce frowned as much as possible, and most people still preferred the meaning of Ji Hualing. Lan Cai'er's words, listening to the heroic, but in fact it is just a fool's head, the strength of a person, after all, is limited. Even if it was the three British wars against Lu Bu, then Lu Feng Xianming Jin received troops!

A slight sneer appeared on Wei Xiuwen's face: "Furthermore, you may not know that Kong Jiaming, younger and older Kong Jiaming, is in northern Jiangsu. If Kong Jiaming knew that you would force his brother to kneel, how would you react? ?"

Wei Xiuwen made this remark, and the whole audience was suddenly in an uproar.

Kong Jiaming is in northern Jiangsu? As soon as the news came out, all the scene shook.

As the new generation leader of the Confucian family, Kong Jiaming's name was heard by many children of the family who lived far from Hedong and Hexi. This is definitely one of the most outstanding talents of the younger generation of the major families in China. Many older generations are full of praise for Kong Jiaming.

Unlike his younger brother Kong Yuanwei, even Qin Silong and Mr. Qin once praised: "Kong Jiaming, also a great person!"

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