The Creator Adventure

Chapter 12 - 「Different Element of Flame」

After Ren saw Squalo and Reiju starting to play with the water that Squalo made from his quirk jumping around from one platform to another like a circus performer Ren can only smile looking at both of them especially Squalo because he's playing with Reiju while training to control his quirk and decide to start his activity too. "Satte~ let's see what I can do with my ability~"

| Ren POV |

Hmmm...I got 3 ability for now, [Creation] [Dying Will Flame] and [Appraisal] but I already know about Creation and Appraisal so all that's left is only Dying Will Flame. I know how to use and control the flame but I still don't know what my flame type, because in the status I only got the [Dying Will Flame] and some explanation about it.

I know [Dying Will Flame] got 2 types of flame but each type got many branches of element and the most common type is Dying Will Flame of the Sky because they exist inside every living thing meanwhile Dying Will Flames of the Earth still a mystery because the flame only exists within the Simon Famiglia in the anime and the funny thing is their flame rivaling the Flame of the Sky.

Meh~ it's no use thinking too deep about's probably just some plot for the anime itself at least I know about it even if just a little bit. For now, let's check the Flame of the Sky. After ten minutes of checking, I finally understand about the Flame, but still, I did not expect that I can use All of the Flame of The Sky and a little bit of Flame of The Earth. [Guide please show me each of the explanations about the Flame.]



|||| [Dying Will of the Sky] ||||

[ Orange: Sky Flame ]

Sky Flames are the most comparable to actual flames, as it can burn objects and release heat. Bearers of the Sky Flame are said to be exceptionally rare, and most of the known users commonly possess great insight. its characteristic, Harmony, represents a state without contradiction nor flaws in which the balance of the whole is maintained. The Harmony characteristic allows it to combine with other types of Dying Will Flames to create a new one, The Sky Flame was also shown having the ability to petrify.{Characteristic: Harmony}

[ Red: Storm Flame ]

Storm Flames are highly offensive, primarily used for attacking. With its Disintegration characteristic, it causes anything that it touches to decay and break apart, including other Dying Will Flames. It can also minimize the effect of other Flame-enhanced attacks or breakthrough other Flames. {Characteristic: Disintegration}

[ Blue: Rain Flame ]

Its Tranquility characteristic allows it to weaken anything it touches. It can be used to slow down the opponent's movements or attacks. One proficient in the usage of the Rain Flame can use its Tranquility characteristic to such a degree that anything entering a certain barrier will be completely immobilized, effectively breaking a machine or killing a human rain Flames are also able to be frozen. {Characteristic: Tranquility}

[ Yellow: Sun Flame ]

Sun Flames has the power to induce and improve the efficiency of any type of activity. It can increase the rate of blood flow and cell regeneration, making it optimal for support roles such as healing and strengthening individuals. Sun Flames can also stimulate muscles and joints, increasing the user's body functions drastically. {Characteristic: Activation}

[ Green: Lightning Flame ]

Unlike other Dying Will Flames, Lightning Flames are in many ways more similar to electricity than actual flames. The Lightning Flame is known as the toughest flame due to its characteristic, Hardening. Lightning Flames can be employed to solidify and increase the firmness of objects. By themselves, the Flames can be used defensively by projecting a solid barrier and offensively by cutting like a sharp blade. It can also be used to electrocute like actual electricity. Also, when a Lightning Flame is "lit", a buzzing sound similar to that of electricity is heard instead of the common Flame sound, which is associated with fire. {Characteristic: Hardening}

[ Indigo: Mist Flame ]

Mist flames generally possess a relatively weak density level, and, consequentially, a weak offensive power. Softer Mist Flames are easier to use and control in activation rate and effectivity. Hard Mist Flames are of a greater level of density, resulting in a darker, foggier, stronger, and more compact appearance. It can be used to create realistic illusions, easily fooling the senses. The created real illusions can be used for either escaping or rendering the opponent vulnerable for an attack. Stronger illusions can also affect bodily functions, such as surviving through injury with illusionary organs and limb, etc. {Characteristic: Construction}

[ Purple: Cloud Flame ]

The Cloud Flame carries the ability to increase and multiply. As such, it is suited for anything that involves an increase in size and multiplication of numbers. It is highly advantageous when performing techniques involving a large area, such as creating a cyclone or an impervious force field. Coincidental or not, Cloud-attribute has the ability to pull out and/or absorb the Flames of an enemy and if someone doesn't have any flame the flame can absorb their Stamina. {Characteristic: Propagation}


||| [Dying Will Flames of the Earth] |||

[Shape Fire: Earth Flame]

Earth Flame users can manipulate the local gravity to any extent. This power was misconceived as a form of telekinesis due to the user's ability to manipulate objects by carefully maneuvering the gravity around them. It can also be used to immobilize and impair the movement of targets. The Earth Flame appears to be the counterpart of the Sky Flame, both looking like actual flames in appearance and in symbolism. {Characteristic: Gravity}

[Shape Leaf: Forest Flame]

Forest Flames are shaped like countless leaves forming sharp edges. Forest Flames allow the manipulation of plants. Its user can grow, manipulate, and use all sorts of forest-born vegetation to a certain level. the user can use it to recover all the plants in the 50m area. The user can also use it to create a barbed vine cage and control the plant. The Flame also has the sharpness of a blade, comparable to small, but very sharp knives. that will severely wound the enemies by cuts inflicted by the Flame. {Characteristic: Realization}


||| [Special Flame] |||

These special Flames do not categorically fit in the array from each flame class, whether from the Dying Will Flames of the Sky or the Dying Will Flames of the Earth.

[ Oath Flame ]

The Oath Flame is a combination of the Earth Flame and the Sky Flame, forming an extremely powerful Dying Will Flame. The Oath Flame has the characteristics of both the Sky and Earth Flame, Harmony and Gravity Manipulation. The user can also use the Earth Flame's Gravity Manipulation to slow down or even immobilize his opponent. {Characteristic: Gravity and Harmony}

[ Flame of Wrath ]

The Flame of Wrath, known as Flame of Rage, is an extremely powerful and exceedingly rare type of Flame, The special characteristic of this Flame is its extreme destructive power which can reduce anything to ashes. The Flame Ferocity will appear only when the user was enraged; thus, it earned the title "Flame of Wrath" to support this theory. Unlike regular Dying Will Flames, there is no need to use a Ring to ignite the Flame. {Characteristic: Harmony and Storm}

[ Flame of Night ]

The Flame of Night referred to as "the eighth element," is a unique type of Dying Will Flames, Flames of Night have the distinct appearance of heavy, inky darkness. It has very high energy, easily overpowering any other Flame currently in use. Its explosive bursts of energy are capable of decimating entire areas. Flames of Night can connect different areas through portals for a quick escape or surprise attacks. The Flame can also coat the user, increasing its base power level. {Characteristic: Light and Darkness}


Well, Damn~ I'm still curious why I don't have all the Fire of the Earth and only possess Earth Flame and Forest Flame but it's not important right now, I already have all the Sky Flame and Special Flame which is the most important for the action.

I don't even need to buy other abilities in the shop anymore because of this one ability with many branches of use, except the ability to find information which is the most important ability to keep. From now on I will focus on using Dying Will Flame which has many uses rather than buying different power again in the shop...I prefer to become a Master of Flame rather than jack-of-all-trade. And also in this world, Dying Will Flame is more than enough so I will use this chance to mastering them and maybe buy another skill set when I go into the otherworld because the [World] Function still Locked for now.

Now I just need to acc.u.mulate gold from the mission to buy another ability to find information from other people first. oh yeah, I forgot to ask something. "[Guide] Am I the only one who can use Dying Will Flame freely without a ring?"

*Ding* [ Host is the only one who can use the Flame without the Ring because the host had the Flame of Wrath which only appear because host get the ability from the [Starter Package I] which made by God of Creator personally ]

*Sigh* Thanks [Guide] with that information I can relax and not worry that someone suddenly uses the same power like us.


[ Status ]

Name: Okamoto ren

Race: High-Human

Title: None

Age: 4

Eye Color: Black

Gender: Male

Height: 107.5cm

Affiliation: No Name Familia

Main Job: Beastmaster

Occupation: None

Companion: Reiju ( White Liger Cub )

Level: 1 (59/100)

HP: 100/100

MP: 5616/5616

Str: 36 (A/N: Normal people(A.d.u.l.t) without training around 100+ - max 10000)

Agi: 49

Vit: 100

Int: 5616

Dex: 33

Luk: 50

Perk: [Indomitable Will]-[Eidetic Memory]-[Adapt Quickly]-[Long Life].

Ability: [Creation]-[Dying Will Flame]-[Appraisal]

Skill: Nature Voice (Passive), Tame (Active: EX), Companion(Active: I), Absorb (Active: I), Camouflage (Active: I).

SP: 0

Gold: 100.000.

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