The Creator Adventure

Chapter 13 - 「Bullied?」

After one hour of checking and learning his ability, Ren stood up from the bench under the tree and walking toward Squalo and Reiju.

||| Ren POV |||

"Squalo~ oiiiii~ Are you enjoying playing so much with Reiju that you forget the time? if you don't want to train then it's okay~ maybe I will continue learning about my ability again." I said with a smirk.

"Wait!! it's not fair waka~,I want to practice molding my water to form any shape I want it to be" Squalo said. "Hahaha~ but you already training while playing with Reiju, right? Why would you even need to practice anymore." I said with a chuckle.

"Eh~ but it's different If I only molding the water into the platform and to shape that I want," Squalo said pouting. "I know~ I know~ you can practice there...but don't destroy anything from the park ok? if you want to test how hard the water you compress into a weapon then you can test it near the forest~" I said and Squalo immediately running toward the area leaving me and Reiju alone.

"Yosh~ Reiju now what are we going to do?" I said happily.

"Tag~" Reiju growling.

"Ehhh~Tag again? but I can't use the water to become a platform like Squalo" I said. which I can obviously but I don't want to because I'm still lazy right now after learning about the Flame. "B-But I want to play tag with you~." She said while looking down after hearing me.

"Aww~ don't be like that, How about this...I give you ability because we are companion..." *gulp* Is she understand what ability is? I hope so..."hnnn~? really~? but how? " She said. Ohh it seems she understands what ability is and catch the bait, but she confused about what I mean when I said I will give her an Ability.

"Yeah~ I can...I got my Quirk yesterday come here~ I give you something good" I Said with a smile and Reiju immediately come to my side. "Yay~ love you ren~". Hais I wonder if she's really an animal and not Human Transmigrator...but that's impossible because Deus said what happens to me is a miracle that happens only in millennia years or even more.

Well, I guess its nothing weird if God of Creator himself who gave me this setting with a nice family, good subordinate and he even grants all my wish. "Hmm...Let's see I want to test something first to you, is it okay~?" I said. "mm~ if it's you it's okay~." She purring while rubbing her body on me.

"Okay then..." I said and then touch her body "[Absorb]"


[ Absorbing one ability from the animal Host can choose which ability he want to keep]

[Night Vision]

Night vision is the ability to see in low-light conditions. Whether by biological or technological means, night vision is made possible by a combination of two approaches: sufficient spectral range, and sufficient intensity range.

[Claw Retraction]

The user has/can project/retract razor-sharp claws of energy, bone, metal, keratin, etc., from their fingertips/hands/fists/feet for various (mostly offensive) purposes.

[Enhanced Sense]

Enhanced Sense-making the user has extremely accurate senses, allowing them to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel better than an average member of their species.

[Predator Instinct]

Predator Instinct] making the user possesses predatory instincts, allowing them to become masters of hunting and tracking's useful but It seems I can't absorb the skill of animal itself like Primal Roal...But I can absorb the trait on the said animal. I don't need Claw Retraction even though it is unbreakable because I planning to use Flame for the action. I also don't need enhanced senses for now because I don't want to hear or smelling something which is normally torturing if the Human smell or hear them.

[Choose: Night Vision]


[ Host choose the Night Vision...integrating the said ability 1%...17%..23%..70%...Completed] Okay nice, thank you [Guide].

"Well thank you Reiju~," I said happily.

"Mmm? why?" Reiju confused because I suddenly said Thank you to her.

"Nothing~ I just got something good from you, then are you ready? I will give you the ability okay?" I said. "Always ready!!~" she purring excitedly.

After I see her become excited like that I immediately open the skillset for Reiju in the companion menu and gave her Dying Will Flame but whenever I want to give her the ability I can't put it on her skill slot.

*Ding* [ Host cannot share the whole Dying Will Flame or any ability you had to Host beast companion you can only give them one of the element or category inside the ability.]

Eh~ I can share them my ability but not the full version? Che~ fine transfer the Sky and Storm Flame to Reiju. With the Sky Flame she can petrify her enemies like medusa with just roar and with the storm she can destroy/decay hard material or anything that blocked her way so no one can block her., I will save 2 slots for later if I find a suitable skill for Reiju

*Ding* [ Integrating Dying Will of Sky and Storm to host companion beast 1%... 26% ... 59% ... 82% ...100%...Integrating the skill to the Host companion Reiju (Ligre Tempesta Di Cieli) Success. ]

"Do you feel something different Rei?" I said with a curious tone. "Brrrrauuurrr~ ?" She said which mean 'Yeah I feel something good inside me...what is it Ren?'.

"Try to imagine Fire appearing in your Paw or Head," I said while smirking looking at her, After she heard me Reiju immediately nodded trying to do what I told her, this still feels a bit weird talking to animal hehe but it's fun~ I wonder what other people thinking about me when they suddenly see me talking to animal on the street hehe~.

Reiju trying hard to follow what I told her but suddenly we can hear someone shouting and laughing near the house outside the park. "Hahaha!! Your quirk is gross you know~" "Just die already, you lizard girl~" "Ew...don't look at me with that eyes...gross~" " Hey~ Hey~ look...that's her detached arm...Gross~" Ahhh typical bullies huh? quite cliche and the victim is a girl who's the same age as me.

Come on...I mean what are you doing to a child...Elementary School student bullying Kindergarten that's not funny and their word though, are they not learning morals or anything from school? or is it just their parent too lazy taking care of their child...*sigh* I guess I should stop it huh?.

"Reiju...Can you stop for a moment, we help that girl first and after that, you can do it without anyone disturbing moreover you can't concentrate when it's so loud right?" I said with a smile. "Understood we will save the girl~ but we can do whatever we want if something happen right?" She said tilting her head.

"Yeah that's right~ don't worry we can beat them even if something happens hehe~ let's go~," I said with a smile after looking at Reiju also want to help the girl.


[ Status ]

Name: Okamoto ren

Race: High-Human

Title: None

Age: 4

Eye Color: Black

Gender: Male

Height: 107.5cm

Affiliation: No Name Familia

Main Job: Beastmaster

Occupation: None

Companion: Reiju ( White Liger Cub )

Level: 1 (59/100)

HP: 100/100

MP: 5616/5616

Str: 36 (A/N: Normal people(A.d.u.l.t) without training around 100+ - max 10000)

Agi: 49

Vit: 100

Int: 5616

Dex: 33

Luk: 50

Perk: [Indomitable Will]-[Eidetic Memory]-[Adapt Quickly]-[Long Life].

Ability: [Creation]-[Dying Will Flame]-[Appraisal]-[ Absorb I : Night Vision ]

Skill: Nature Voice (Passive), Tame (Active: EX), Companion(Active: I), Absorb (Active: I), Camouflage (Active: I).

SP: 0

Gold: 100.000.

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