The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 2016: Blood of Molten Steel (Part 2)

Hearing Hashett's words, Olanios behind the bunker immediately stretched out half of his head to observe, and quickly found the firepower point. It was an unfinished light tank, not an excellent work of the Empire at all, but a crude garbage truck. , but it is enough to withstand guns and small artillery, and there are **** and profane slogans on the armor plate.

As if he had noticed Olanios, the muzzle of the multi-laser lighted up, and the rain of lasers crackled on the metal surface when the opponent retreated to the cover.

"Armor-piercing rocket, make some holes in that barricade."

The sound of the communicator is distorted by interference.

"As ordered."

Moments later, three soldiers with rocket launchers approached the target from the right.

"The anti-vehicle team is in place."

At this time, the defenders seemed to have stabilized their position. They also turned on the lights in the central control building. The searchlights penetrated the smoke and shone near the bunker where the commandos were hiding.

"Cover fire!"

With an order, everyone stood up and shot. First, the searchlight was shattered, and then the unlucky heretic was knocked down. At the same time, several grenades flew out and landed near the tank, causing the heretics to dodge one after another.

Amidst the chaos, the sound of a rocket launching came, and accompanied by bursts of thick smoke, the light tank burst into a bright white light, and the surrounding metal made a rattling sound as it expanded and ruptured.

Then there was a huge roar. Even though it was so far away, Hayes's ears were filled with the sound of buzzing, but he didn't flinch at all.

The unfinished tank was engulfed in smoke and flames, along with the multiple lasers on it.

After that, the central control room was eerily quiet.

"Rush in and kill everyone inside."

The commandos showed their stature and approached the central control building from both sides. Olanios was the first to rush in, and directly knocked down a guy who was trying to sneak behind the door, causing him to fall to the ground.

Another shot was fired at the second one.

"Demolition team, set the fuze, count down to three minutes."

Most of the enemies either ran away or died, but the situation was still urgent, because there were more enemies rushing here, and the sound of hurried footsteps and cursing could be heard at the entrance on both floors.

"Hold on! The flamethrower team hold on first!"

At least one minute must be counted down before the melta bomb can be sure that it will not be dismantled.

When the stick bug triggered the flamethrower, heat gushed out in front of him, many traitors burning and screaming.

But soon, the flamethrower went out, and what had once been a horrific torrent of flames was suddenly a few dying, staccato sparks.

"The fuel tank is empty!"

Putting down the flamethrower, Stick Bug tugged at something on the fuel tank, then grabbed the pistol on his belt.

"Withdraw! Run!"

Everything went according to plan, which was simple, use the flamethrower first, hold off enemy counterattacks for as long as possible, and once the flamethrower is empty, they surprise the enemy with other means.

The easiest way to do this is to strap every grenade they have on hand to the fuel tank of the flamethrower, which, while empty, is a useful source of extra shrapnel even without fuel.

Soon, the grenade exploded with an impressive roar.


Suddenly, the stick insect who was about to run back to the bunker suddenly fell forward, and a pool of blood burst out from his knee.

The others hurriedly used firepower to cover them. Hayes and Peak rushed forward and dragged each other back to the central control building. In fact, not only was he injured, but the stick insect pressed a hand on a gunshot wound on his stomach. , while the other hand was still tightly gripping the grip of his lasgun.

Peak was frantically bandaging his almost broken leg.

"It's all right Jung! You'll be all right! You've been lucky!"

Hayes' tears pooled in the breathing mask as he tried to squeeze the hemostatic gel into the wound on the opponent's abdomen.

Jung, who has always been called the stick insect, stretched out his hand and took off the breathing mask. His narrow and pale face squeezed out a characteristic smirk, but the blood kept gushing from his mouth. Hayes suddenly realized that, The opponent suffered a penetrating wound, and there was also a bullet hole in his lower back, which means that Jung's spine may have been damaged, or even broken.

"Hayes, I'm...not good at math..."

Jung gasped, and took out the expedition manual from the training camp from his arms.

"You... fill it in for me... Venus..."

"time to go!"

At this moment, Olanios' voice sounded.

"It's the last minute!"

Hayes turned his head.

"Jung he..."

Olanios glanced at Jung, and finally said softly:

"May the Emperor bless him."

Jung put the expedition manual in Sehes' hand and gave it a slight push.

"Let's go... Didn't you say that I am very lucky, you see I am so thin, the probability of being hit is at least 50% lower than... other people..."

This sentence was a joke that Jung often said, and sometimes he took it seriously, and Hayes would smile after hearing it.

But he couldn't laugh now, so he could only take the expedition manual, turn around and leave.

Jung picked up his gun and struggled up the ladder leading to the upper floor, dragging a long trail of blood on the ground.

He seldom talked about himself with the people in the regiment. In fact, everyone thought he was a fool who was caught from the bottom nest. However, Jung only had a slight mental retardation. He was even born in the middle nest. An older brother, a younger brother and an older sister, and their parents are all in small businesses. Although they are indeed a little stupider than their peers, and are often ridiculed as "retarded" or "dumb", they are not as stupid as everyone thinks.

However, the fate of their family changed after the expeditionary force arrived, because a distant cousin of theirs seemed to be involved in the heresy crimes of a certain nobleman, causing their family to be implicated as well, or a fine enough to ruin their whole family In the end the nest is fined, or a child is offered to "expiate" in his stead and become an expeditionary soldier.

Jung knew that his parents chose him not because he didn't love him, which is a cruel choice for any parent.

He also knows that his brothers and sisters are worth more than his dumb self—

He never meant to complain, but at this moment, he was just a little regretful that his last letter home probably couldn't be finished, and he couldn't go home to see Cammy who always liked to run out of the cage and get into his quilt.

At this moment, all the thoughts in his mind began to fade away, and he only remembered the nursery rhyme when his mother fell asleep with his arms around him the night before he left...

【Mr. Egghead Big Egghead~】

He tried to stand up, but he couldn't feel it from the waist down. He could only hold the railing with one hand, the gun under his arm, and the hot pipe with the other.

Then he heard footsteps below, noticed something, let go of the pipe and sat against the railing, raising his gun.

【Mr. Egghead sitting on the wall~】

Soon, a figure appeared at the corner of the stairs, and Jung pulled the trigger The opponent fell down screaming, but the enemy was not alone, but his gunshots attracted more enemies.

【Suddenly someone startled~】

With the roar of the grenade and the sound of curses from the enemy, Jung continued to climb, one of his arms was also broken, the gun could not be used, and the grenade was thrown away.

【Mr. Egghead stumbles~】

He didn't know why he continued to climb, maybe it would be closer to his family.

【The king's horse, the king's soldier~】

The timer for the melta bomb hit zero, and Jung collapsed on the last step. When the flames of the explosion illuminated the stairs, his mother's last lyric with a crying voice accompanied the tears that fell on his face. The cold touch repeated in his mind.

[I can't put the eggs together~]

【I can’t put the eggs together again~】

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