The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 2017: full metal case

At the same time that the foundry suffered a massive power outage due to a series of explosions, Arni immediately commanded the troops to launch an attack. The 310th Infantry Regiment of Abu Bakari, who had been lurking for a long time, immediately rushed to the parapet wall. At this time, the defenders were still working hard. To deal with the enemies that appeared inside, they were unprepared for the army that suddenly appeared outside.

This allowed the 310th Infantry Regiment of Abu Bakari to rush under the protective wall with almost no losses, and blasted open the alloy gate with a melta bomb, and then the Cerberus armored vehicle rushed in first, and began to spray a deadly torrent of flames.

At this time, the commandos had been forced to the last corner of the assembly area, where there were some large containers, and they relied on these huge metal objects as cover to shoot at the enemies surrounded in three directions.

Hayes listened to the distant explosion and felt the floor shake under his feet.

A part of his mind pictured the face of the stick insect at the last moment in an instant. Sitting on the ground, he opened the other party's expedition manual, but there were no words in it, only some lifelike pencil drawings, such as a furry stick insect in a cage. Rodents, Hayes remembered that Jung said that they were called Kami, and they were pets he had raised since he was a child. There are also women who are cutting vegetables with a knife in the kitchen, middle-aged men who direct people to move things, and girls who are playing on swings. …

Hayes never knew that Jung had such skills. His impression always seemed to be dull and stupid, just like the way he was trained by the instructors in the new barracks.

He turned a few pages, and when he came to the record page, he saw lines of text. Jung really carefully recorded every comrade who died according to the instructor's instructions, but he didn't have a gold star, and neither did Hayes. It seemed that they never had. Get this sticker.

On the list on the back cover, Jung had already punched five holes, but he would never hit a sixth again.

Peak on the side squatted down to change the magazine, and comforted:

"Hmph, Brother Hayes, heh, the pastor said, honorable sacrifice, heh, you can return to the throne, Brother Jung must also—"

Hayes had a burst of mania for no reason, and he immediately growled:

"Jung doesn't want to go to any throne! He just wants to go home! He just wants to go back to his mother!"

Suddenly, an explosion exploded near the bunker where Hayes was hiding, and the fragments even flew onto the expedition manual in his hand.

At a certain moment, he was so angry that he pulled off the breathing mask.

There is steam, smoke, ash and wildfire everywhere.

There were corpses everywhere, and some of them were left with only blood shadows on the wall under the force of the explosion, and even the metal floor was lifted.

Even though the internal and external difficulties, the stubborn heretic defenders are still stubbornly resisting.

Hayes stood up, holding his gun tightly, and two dozen shadows emerged from the shadows in front of the bunker, their armor gleaming in the factory lights.

The young soldier gritted his teeth and fired three shots in a row. The blood mixed with the dust in the air was evaporated by the heat. Immediately, two traitors fell to the ground, and their guns fell silent.

But a comrade-in-arms beside Hayes also fell, and his dying screams stopped as abruptly as gunshots.

Suddenly, a stun grenade was thrown over the barricade and nearby, and Hashett immediately threw it back, adding a grenade of his own.

Moments later, the Traitor was blinded and killed when two grenades detonated.

As Hayes fired to vent his growing anger, a whirlwind of sound shattered the air, and as a member of the machine gun squad he immediately recognized its source.

A heavy logging gun.

"Lie down!"

Hashett yelled, and Hayes immediately hid behind a piece of ruins. Heavy ammunition left craters around him, and he heard some screams and curses.

Hayes tried to look up. The stump gun wasn't loaded on a support frame. A big man was holding it, staggering along the ground, letting the barrel heat up as he strafed the commandos.

The gunfire was deafening, but the silence when it suddenly stopped was very clear.

The stump gun cracked from the barrel and exploded in the hands of the big rebel, who screamed, but that scream died away as the bullet crushed his head.

Weapons produced by heretics are not always reliable.

Then, he saw a sneaky figure on the side, it was an enemy, and he didn't know what the sneaky figure was doing.

The sound of the heartbeat was booming in his ears, and Hayes felt that all sounds were loud and clear, all colors became vivid and bright, and nothing else could affect him.

He is very angry and he wants to kill someone.

The boy was speeding through the barricade, and he couldn't stop, not stop, not only because he might die, but because he might run away.

At this moment, despite the hail of guns and bullets around him, he seemed to be an interstellar warrior wearing full metal armor, rushing forward without fear.

"Where are you going! Hayes! Hayes!"

Hashett's nervous call was also forgotten by him, and Hayes jumped all the way to the side of the sneaky guy behind the bunker. There was still some blood of the injured people on the bunker, and there was a big hole in the floor. Jagged, like a big open mouth.

Hayes shot straight away, and then kicked a guy with a laser gun into the hole with his knee. He clearly heard the sound of the opponent falling to the ground and the scream of bones being broken.

Then he turned to another guy, who seemed to be just a boy, with a dry and thin face, he had thrown away his weapon and kept waving his hands, speaking a low Gothic that Hayes didn't understand, but The opponent is wearing the uniform of the enemy, and that is enough.

Hayes hit the man's face with the **** of his gun, breaking his nose. The man let out a crying scream, and instinctively waved his hand to block, but Hayes only thought about killing the enemy at this time, he kicked Putting it on the opponent's side, at the moment when the boy arched in pain, he stepped on the opponent's neck, and when the opponent opened his mouth, he stuffed the hot muzzle of the gun into the opponent's mouth.

White smoke came out of the opponent's mouth immediately, and the person was crying and shaking in pain.

For some reason, Hayes felt a sense of vengeance when he saw the painful appearance of that person who was almost the same age as him, and a grotesque smile appeared on his face.

a little while...

Let the **** **** suffer a little longer...

Suddenly, a laser shot through the man's head, and his movement stopped. Hayes turned his head and saw Hashett.

"You don't want to die!"

Hashett pushed him down, but the situation had changed at this time, and the call sign of the friendly army could already be heard—

"Kill the heretics!"

"For the Emperor!"

Those traitors who besieged them all ran The commandos who survived the catastrophe sat on the ground one after another, some were silently collecting the bodies of the war dead, and some did not intend to stop. Shouting the same slogan, they chased in the direction where their attackers fled.

The leader, Olanios, didn't give any new orders, and he just sat on the bunker, looking exhausted.

"Kill the heretics!"

Hayes jumped up again, ready to go after the enemy too, but Hashett grabbed his arm.

"Why are you crazy!? Just wait!"

Hayes turned his head abruptly and stared at the other party.

"Why stop me! Isn't this what the Emperor asked us to do! Kill the heretics! Kill the enemies!"

After that, he shook off the astonished Hashett's hand vigorously, picked up his gun and chased after him all the way.

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