The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 420: The **** truth (part 2)


The director hesitated for a moment, and finally tremblingly told the story under the star warrior's gaze.

"My lord, it has been three months since we have recruited new qualified workers. All the people who got off the transport ship were women and children, sick and disabled. We, we can't help it—"

With that said, the director lowered the data board in front of the star warrior.

"The accidents caused by unqualified workers have also risen sharply recently. We have done our best..."

As a result, I only watched it for a minute. Ustad immediately closed the data board anxiously, then turned to the foreman and said:

"On behalf of the battle group, I thank you for your efforts. This situation will not last, I promise."

"My lord, with your words, we are relieved."

After getting the data he wanted, Ustad hurriedly returned to the warband monastery.

At this moment, Soshyan is also busy in the battle group commander's room.

"If necessary, use the genetic seeds of the Eighth Army to form a secret company."

Soshyan examined the message that Brother Said left before he went to sleep.

This idea has to be said to be too bold, so that the astral knight who has been on the edge of heresy can almost be completely characterized as a traitor, but he knows that this is respected out of practical considerations.

After all, it was more than one hundred precious genetic seeds, but after strict inspection, it was confirmed that they were not contaminated in any way.

Although Valer is a **** heretical traitor, he has to say that his technique of preserving and processing genetic seeds is first-class, much better than any pharmacist Soshyan currently has.

But he must also assess the risks of doing so.

Soshyan turned the pen in his hand, lost in thought.

"To be determined first."

It was difficult to make a decision for a while, so he planned to postpone the matter first.

Another thing is to hire professional explorers to find the planet Talos described. There are countless worlds in the empire, many of which have similar characteristics, so professionals need to find them.

After dealing with the matter, Soshyan, who was unarmored, leaned back on the chair and let his body relax for a moment.

But on the desktop, there are piles of files and approvals waiting for him to go through them one by one and write down his own opinions.

So he only allowed himself to relax for ten seconds, and then picked up the pen again.

The room was very quiet, and through the two huge dark glass windows behind you, you could see the outcropping training ground where the soldiers gathered outside.

They are training in tactical coordination, and Soshjan wanted to see it in person.

But at the moment there are so many things, Soshyan can only be forced to do work that he is not very good at.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and then the voice of the servant came from the brass horn.

"Your Excellency, Commander Ustad requested a meeting."

"Let him in."

Thirty seconds later, the door of the room was knocked.

"Come in."

The door was pushed open, Ustad strode in, and then stopped one meter in front of the desk, with his legs close together, and a standard military salute.

"Report the battle commander, the second company commander, and Ustad, who have completed the task you assigned, went to Starport to build the dock, and learned about the reasons and details of the delay. This is the data I got, and I The report is also inside."

After speaking, he handed a data board to the table.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Soshyang smiled at him, then leaned out and took the data board in his hand and activated it.

Ten seconds later, the smile on his face disappeared.

Five minutes later, he put the data board on the table and leaned back, looking very depressed.

"It seems that the problem lies with us."

Ustad still stood straight.

"You did a good job. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to understand how things got to this point."

Soshyang squeezed a smile, then waved his hand.

"Go back to Lianli first."


After Ustad left, Soshyang sighed, covering his eyes with his right hand, and tilting his head back, leaning on the back of the chair.

In fact, the data and reports collected by Ustad can be summed up in one sentence-

The rapidly growing Astral Knights battle group is about to squeeze the planet dry.

Soshyan had already had this hunch for a long time. Nathan 4 is his homeland. He knows this very well. Although this planet has a long history, it is by no means the kind of highly productive world-just look at that. The natural environment knows.

The planetary governors of the past generations did not aim to vigorously develop industry, and there are not too many minerals in the planet. The main trade products of Nathan 4 are mostly small commodities, such as textiles, which are the main economic pillars.

As a military organization, the demand for materials and manpower for the Star Knights is naturally boundless. If it is a normal full-fledged battle group, it would be fine, and it will not cause huge pressure on the planet in a short period of time.

But the current star knight is a broken and recovering battle group, and a patient who is wounded needs more than a normal person.

To make an inappropriate metaphor, the astral knight is a wounded warrior, lying on a cow, squeezing blood, cutting and eating meat with a knife to restore strength and wounds.

The materials needed to maintain a battle group and rebuild a battle group are not of an order of magnitude at all.

A long time ago, the planetary governor had already hinted to Soshyan that in order to supply the battle group, he had repeatedly increased taxes on civilians and nobles.

Moreover, the Astarte Order has a lot of daily supplies, and the materials needed for equipment maintenance on the Nathan 4 cannot be produced at all. They must be imported from other planets and castings at high prices. This has caused the planet’s original trading system to almost collapse, and a large deficit has made the government’s finances. The deficit keeps soaring.

But this is not over yet. If it is normal as the battle group's home planet, Nathan IV would not have such a heavy burden-according to the usual practice, a normal colony planet is enough to support a battle group.

According to the imperial law, once a certain world becomes the home planet of the battle group, it will receive special tax exemption rights, exempting all tithes.

The point is, although in fact, Nathan IV became the home star of the Astral Knights, but the Astral Knights were removed from the Terra Council a long time ago. They are no longer in the records of the active battle group, Nathan IV. It is naturally impossible to apply for the special tax exemption.

This is equivalent to the people of Nathan 4 who have to bear the imperial taxes while also supporting the war regiment.

Ustad’s report shows that the planetary government has not even made up the large number of qualified workers needed by the shipyard, and can only make up the number of women and teenagers between the ages of 12 and 15!

In this case, even if the working hours are increased, the progress will inevitably slow down.

Not only that, due to the repeated increase in taxation on the planet, the trade deficit is getting bigger and bigger, and the government's fiscal deficit continues to rise. As a result, the rations that can be provided to workers have not increased but decreased!

Ustad called out the ration quota for the shipyard workers before the Astral Knights came, and found that the current ration quota was nearly 40% less than in the past.

Many workers died due to starvation and fatigue, which also led to many accidents and even more serious casualties.

Moreover, he also investigated the deaths of some child laborers, which was extremely shocking.

The manpower and material resources of Nathan 4 have been pushed to the limit.

The Star Harbor Shipyard is still like this. Soshyan can't imagine what the planet ground looks like.

"What have I done..."

Soshyan, who was covering his eyes, murmured in pain.

The pictures of the children who were injured and disabled, the sad faces of the women who lost their husbands, the numb and desperate expressions of the workers... all of these are like sharp knives pierced into Soshyan's two hearts.

As the commander of the battle, he naturally hopes that the battle group will recover as soon as possible, because this is his responsibility.

But this is also his hometown, and he never wants to see the former beautiful homeland become a purgatory on earth.

Soshyang began to reflect. He realized that he was too impatient. Many things that took twenty, thirty, or even fifty years to complete, he wanted to complete within three to five years.

The price of such a leap forward is layer after layer of corpses of the people in the hometown.

After being silent for about ten minutes, Soshyang put down his hands, straightened up and picked up the data board on the table, and wrote a series of commands.

"All warships under 70% of the construction progress are suspended, the collection of materials is suspended, the recruitment of mortal auxiliary troops is suspended, the armory is maintained at a minimum combat readiness, all exercises that have not entered the execution stage are cancelled, and the ration quota for mortal servants and auxiliary troops is reduced by one third. , The surplus rations will be paid to workers as overtime work compensation, and all those disabled due to work will be paid to the warband monastery as servants, and only engage in low intensity work...

After writing this, Soshyang almost collapsed on his chair, and he realized that the astral knight must have a more stable source of supplies.

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