The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 421: Legacy of the 8th Army

Nivarus awakened, but there was no war at the moment.

During his long service life, he has learned a lot, one of which is to control his anger and only explode when needed.

It was not needed at the moment, so he controlled his anger.

He analyzes, scans, and judges.

After a few seconds, his judgment is as follows——

He was in his iron coffin, his iron coffin was waiting to be transported, and perhaps it was only the irregular operation that occurred during the handling that awakened him.

There was no war at the moment, which disappointed him.

He used the methods he learned to control disappointment and anger.

In addition, he realized that he also needed to control anxiety.

Anxiety is similar to fear, and fear is a weapon he used in the past, but now he firmly rejects fear.

Therefore, he is more anxious.

Nivarus was a soldier of the Eighth Army and was also a company commander.

From the decades he received genetic modification to his death on the battlefield, he was fearless, not at all.

No matter what he faced, even the final death itself, he never felt fear.

When he talked to the tech priest for the first time after his death, they told him that the situation would change from now on-his remains are no longer able to maintain, too much organic tissue has been gasified, and he can no longer possess what ordinary people have. That kind of life.

However, because of his courage and dedication, as well as his suitable physique, he will be given an honor-his remains can constitute an organic core of semi-mechanical and semi-biological existence.

He will become a fearless mecha.

As a flesh and blood person, Nivarus once thought that the Dreadnought Mecha was a prison.

Only those unlucky ghosts will be pulled back from the edge of death and placed in an unmatched war machine.

But as a son of the Eighth Legion, this kind of thing does not conform to their style and thinking. More often they would rather die freely. Most of the Eighth Legion’s fearlessness is punitive and compulsive.

Dreadnought mechas are an important component of the army's combat effectiveness, and they will also suffer battle damage. Therefore, when the iron coffin is free and suitable candidates appear on the battlefield, new mechas will be built.

Nivarus didn't want to become fearless, but this was the original body's decision, and he couldn't violate it.

So, he was trapped in a box forever.

During the initial renovation, the tech priest told him that he still needs to make some adjustments.

The first is mental adjustment.

Any fearless, even the oldest ones, were once a novice, and they need to change the mode of action of being a healthy human in the past.

Secondly, the tech priest said that he would lose many things that are natural to the body, such as sleep.

Fearless only sleeps when he enters a dormant dormancy, he will experience-or he will not experience a long dormant period, because they will ensure that he sleeps most of the years, and only when he needs to fight, they Will wake him up.

The tech priest said this was to relieve pain.

All fearless, once implanted in the iron coffin, will feel more or less continuous pain.

The sad remnant body was wrapped in a semi-mechanical and semi-organic net, connected to a conductive fiber system, and sealed in an armored iron coffin.

The analgesia that Fearless could accept before his death is impossible to achieve, so there is no way to suppress pain.

For the same reason, the mood swings that Nivarus had never felt before began to bother him-he would experience anger and rage.

Although the fearless mech gave him destructive power, he still missed his mortal body.

He will hate his death, regret the status quo, and have nothing else in his heart, until he hates this cold and empty second life.

In order to avoid these sufferings, pains and anger, he will spend a lot of time in deep sleep.

They also said that he might be attacked by fear, especially in the early stages.

The tech priest explained that this was due to the tremendous changes he had experienced—his consciousness had been detached from the kind of mortal linear timeline that he could recognize or understand.

In fact, the long dormancy can be said to have freed him from time itself.

Fear is a concept that has nothing to do with interstellar warriors. It is just a self-regulation of the mind for this extreme fate.

Nivarus will learn to control and use it, just like anger.

In the end, the fear will disappear into the invisible, and he will be as fearless as he was when he was a legionary soldier.

But it takes time.

His hormones and biochemicals will be carefully adjusted gradually, he will receive hypnotherapy and adaptation fine-tuning, he will be taught by his colleagues, those ancient divine fearless have been used to this weird fate.

He once asked those tech priests.

"As a combat brother, although I am mortal, I will never give in. Now you say I will feel fear? Then why call me fearless?"

"This is what we call anger."

The priest of technology replied at that time:

"You will adjust, sleep will help, start the hibernation program."

"Etc., etc!"

This is the last conversation between Nivarus and the priest of technology.

After that, he officially became a glorious and fearless in the Eighth Army, using an outer mecha of the Contemptist model.

They awakened him many times afterwards.

In Istawan, in Samara, in Saguarsa...

There are too many places and too many enemies. He can't remember where he has been or who he has fought. He only remembers that his shell has changed again and again.

And the fearless contemporaries almost died, only he was lucky to survive and became the oldest fearless in the Eighth Legion.

But for him, it was nothing more.

The last time he awoke, Nivarus probably only remembered that he was fighting a group of red-armored enemies, under the deck of Cursed Echo.

According to the numbers on his built-in timer, he has been dormant for two years.

In the past two years, he has had the same dream the most, a dream about murder. Perhaps it was not a dream, but a memory of his past.

The sun shines through the clouds and shines over the vibrant city of Piamon Irabat.

On the shoulder-to-shoulder streets, people raised their heads with thunderous noises.

The low clouds above the city were dyed with rich amber.

The Stormstone, their flagship, showed a dazzling appearance.

The news of the war spread in the sky, and when their protectors rode horses to meet the invaders, every Piammon was praying that they would continue to be free.

Suddenly, there was a deafening noise from the flagship, trees swaying, and newspapers flying.

When the heroes of the Storm Rock battle triumphed, Piammon sounded such a horn. This is the voice of victory, and it is the voice that every Piammon man and woman remembers in their hearts.

When they heard the call for victory again, cheers erupted from the city.

People began to celebrate, the invaders had been driven away, and the Piamón’s future belonged to the Piamón themselves.

At this time, something fell on the ground.

At a corner, people suddenly stopped the carnival. They craned their necks and looked at their compatriots at the intersection.

Something fell from the sky, smearing flesh and blood on the rock.

Soon, another thing fell, the cheers stopped abruptly, and a sudden alarm took its place.

Then there was another... one after another...

The crowd began to scream, they all raised their heads, panic and confusion distorted everyone's faces, and a crimson cloud was leaning down from the Storm Rock.

More bodies fell, and the citizens fled in all directions.

They panicked and stepped under their feet the compatriots who could not dodge.

A woman screamed because a corpse hit the roof of her car, and the skinless face was staring at her.

The corpse, the skinless corpse that rained down, and the laughter of the Night King--

"Brother Nivarus."

A voice awakened him, but there was no war at the moment.

He analyzes, scans, and judges.

The locator system read the information in the thinking space and told him that his iron coffin was in an unfamiliar space.

He wondered why he was awakened.

Is it a non-standard operation? The stevedore shook his iron coffin? Terry and Vermont are not far from him, and they are dormant in their iron coffins.

Is he misplaced? Or is it some kind of abnormal waste code that caused his thinking system to become fibrotic and activated?

Nivarus didn't know, and there seemed to be no tech priest nearby.

Is this normal?

He feels trapped, he feels anxious, and fear will follow.

Afterwards, Nivarus noticed that the dormant system was trying to drag him back to his coma, and they tried to free him from the pain and anger.

Nivarus suddenly remembered what he wanted to say to the tech priest.

They are wrong.

Fearlessness is not pain.

It's silence, nothingness, and deep sleep.

It is the kind of imprisonment that cannot be escaped.

"Brother Nivarus."

The voice became clearer, and then his visual system was activated externally, and a face, an unfamiliar and familiar face, appeared in front of him.

It was a sly but determined face, and the lightning-like scar on the corner of his mouth made the man seem to be smiling strangely all the time.

He remembers this face, but his brain is very confused.

"Company Commander Nivarus."

The voice is clearer, the face is more familiar, and the memory follows.

"One. A company commander Yago Savitarion."

He finally found his memory.

I also know why I woke up.

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