The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 442: Black Ship Fighting

Now that the situation is now, you can actually think about it. This must be a premeditated and planned attack, and the opponent must also have specific goals.

On the black ship, the most valuable is definitely the "cargo" in the cargo hold.

Willets' **** lips curled up.

She would never let that happen, even if she sacrificed her life!


Then Willets greeted the missionary Ranjera loudly.

"You are responsible for this."

Ranjera waved his **** chainsaw sword, expressing understanding.

Around him, the Stormtroopers were jumping to the enemy to help the torpedo fire only beams of pressurized lasers, cutting the cultists into pieces.

At the same time, the nuns of the Ebony Holy Grail used multi-tube heat to turn the cultists into liquefied flesh and the red pirates into burning slag.

The battle was **** and merciless. The tyrant's thugs divided and surrounded the Stormtroopers in groups and shredded them, while the Chaos Space Warriors threw the nuns and the Stormtroopers viciously on the deck with superhuman power.

"Captain Desiree!"

Willets turned and shouted to Nastasia Desiree:

"You bring two teams and come with me."

He dared not draw too many nuns from the defense of the hangar. There are too many enemies here, and they are spreading feverishly on the hangar deck. If here is captured, the result will be catastrophic.

As Willets and Desiree and the nuns of the two teams trot all the way down the decks, their faces were shaded red by warning lights.

Many Stormtroopers and nuns voluntarily joined them along the way, but Willets refused them.

The location of these soldiers also has a large number of imprisoned psionics, which must be protected.

In addition, the red pirates are attacking them from all directions, and soon these outposts will be under siege. She prefers to block the enemy in stages so that the acquisition can be delayed until reinforcements arrive.

"Speed ​​up the march!"

When the nuns marched to the left, Desiree gave this order.

The nuns immediately carried the heavy explosive bomb, the multi-tube fusion and the flamethrower on their shoulders, and then galloped along the aisle. Velez also reloaded the pistol, while the senior nun Desiree waved her crackling noise. The power dagger leads the way.

In less than ten minutes, the nuns could hear the roar of the chain saw sword on the tail, the roar of the Astarte blaster, and the scream of the Hellgun.

"The garrison!"

Willetts yelled over the radio:

"Report the enemy."

No one answered the communicator, but she could only hear the shots of the laser gun.

When they reached the lower cargo hold, Desiree opened a hatch.

In an instant, the debris of the ship flew past them, and Willetts could feel the great attraction brought by the loss of pressure.

"There is a damage to the hull."

Desiree told Willets aloud that the nuns knelt down and waited for orders.

In the front, the steam from the vent pipe had leaked. Although this did not seem to be enough to endanger the ship, it still worries Willets.

Through the open hatch, sparks flew from the damaged cable, and the groan of metal breaking and tearing reverberated in vicious changes. It was obvious that the upper structure of the deck was damaged.

A wrinkled nose cone of a jumping torpedo passed through the bulkhead. Its rusty surface is decorated with hanging marks and skull symbols, and laser beams are constantly hitting it.

"get ready……"

Sister Desiree said to the nuns as she walked.

When it was said that it was too late, a chaotic interstellar warrior suddenly jumped out of the shadows and attacked them. The **** chainsaw sword in his hand roared, and the sound of the weapon was blocked by the noise caused by the loss of pressure. Up.

Before she could reflect, the chain saw sword penetrated Nastasia Desiree's body, cutting the fighting nun in half from head to toe.


Amid the painful screams of Willets, the red pirate who committed such atrocities appeared in a **** mist.

His armor was mottled with blood covering the original red and black patterns. The chains of the belt clinked with skulls. The power armor was full of needlepoints and hooks. Some hooks were integrated with the armor, and the shoulder armor was full of that. A sign of murder.

At the same time, another Chaos interstellar warrior rounded the corner, aimed at the corridor with a sturdy explosive pistol, and quickly killed the two nuns.

They plunged into the front and back shots at once.

"Let them feel the emperor's ruling!"

Full of grief and indignation, Willett gritted his teeth and launched a counterattack first.

Several heavy bombs pierced the red pirate who attacked them from behind, the heresy staggered for a while, and the tainted armor was beaten into a mess.

Afterwards, a fusion of heat hit his chest directly, turning his chest into a disgusting paste and sticking to the wall.

When the heresy who wielded the chainsaw sword and killed Sister Desiree turned to Velec, the nun bent over and slammed her slender and powerful thigh to the right, hitting the heresy with her thick heel. On his head-the whole movement is smooth and smooth, without any flaws.

The Red Pirate was kicked, his body tilted a few centimeters involuntarily, and the chainsaw sword turned to touch the wall, sparks flew everywhere.

Velec turned around and stood, grabbed Nastasia Desiree's sword, and pierced the red pirate's back deeply while roaring.

The power system of the red pirate power armor began to fail, and he immediately swung the chainsaw sword back at Willets, but because the power armor lost power, he looked awkward and desperate.

He had no chance afterwards, and the nun's pistol had been aimed at his head.

"Go to die! Go to die! Go to die!!!"

Willets fired explosive bombs at him one after another, and the bomb pierced the heresy's head severely.

Suddenly, a shock pushed Willets forward to the red pirate who was dumping-another torpedo hit the black ship.

Willets could hear the roar of the ship's guns.

"come back!"

She ordered her voice to become hoarse in the smoke.

"All come back!"

The dilapidated cabin on the other side was flooded by the Chaos Interstellar Jumping to help the torpedo brought more and more enemies.

As the red pirates stomped forward, the chainsaw sword screamed and spun to kill.

Willets fired at the enemy with a pistol-covering her comrades back.

"Withdraw from the warehouse,"

Willets knew very well that only her nun and the black ship’s garrison could not resist three attacking interstellar warriors at the same time. She needed to use the narrow corridors and the layers of the dungeon.

The deck where the psionics were stored quickly turned into a **** full of flames and electricity. The fire broke the darkness on the deck. The Stormtroopers tried their best to defend various strongholds and outposts, and used the **** spear to turn the giant in blood-red armor into one. A ball of light.

Red pirates and fanatical cultists rushed into the narrow corridor and continued to advance in the dungeon without lights.

Chaos interstellar warriors became the hate magnets of the Storm Soldier's light guns, but they didn't care. Instead, they used the chain saw sword and the chain saw axe to chop the cultists and the storm soldiers equally.

However, the nuns brought more trouble to the Red Pirates. They turned the corridor into a sea of ​​fire and used heavy explosive bombs to turn the hall into a shooting range.

The nuns of the Ebony Holy Grail made them fearless of the evil of the enemy. They gritted their teeth, fought bravely, dealt with enemies and heretics with absolute determination, and wiped out heretics and ferocious traitors with blood and weapons.

But this alone cannot reverse the situation.

Wielet's sisters died one after another, being swallowed by the huge number of cultists on the deck.

Their blessed power armour was beaten to pieces and fell under the furious chainsaw sword.

In the billowing toxic smoke, there is blood, destruction, and chaos everywhere.

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