The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 443: Dead end

As the fighting nuns retreated steadily, another situation began to appear on the chaotic battlefield.

In the fierce battle, some of the rebels began to exchange fire with each other.

In order to fight for the spoils and the honor of killing the nuns, some cultists fought, and Nasir Waterk's red pirate, "Big Brother", was only obsessed with his goal.

Willets and her sisters withdrew from one line of defense to another in an orderly manner. The tyrant's men attacked each other in order to capture or destroy a nun alive. Each monster wanted to win the honor of darkness for itself.

The battle has become a competition between barbarians. The nuns guarding the psionic storehouse are slaughtered. Each nun is using sacrifices in exchange for precious seconds for her companions.

As time went by, the heavy explosive bombs slowly fell into silence, and the flames of the multi-tube fusion gradually disappeared.

But neither side of the melee in the cabin noticed that at the subspace node of San Shiboles, an unnatural disturbance began to appear——

"I can't go back anymore."

After running for about eight minutes, Willets found himself in the darkness of the cabin. Behind her was a cell with the highest security level, where Jiroubia Knox was kept.

In the smoky corridor, she could see the shadow outlines of the red pirates, who were advancing, stepping over the bodies of the nuns.

"Retreat to the cell!"

Velez called to a sister beside her.

In the next second, the nun who had not had time to reply was interrupted by a bomb.

The few remaining nuns threw down their exhausted ammunition weapons and retreated. Willetts shot the red pirate hastily and saw the explosive bomb bounced off by the armor.

Then the pistol clicked, telling her that the worst time had come.

"Damn it!"

Willets roared angrily, and a burst of explosive bombs hit her, causing her to bend over and roll to avoid her.

In the process, she has been trying to contact the judge.



About thirty seconds later, the inquisitor's voice appeared on the radio, and the communicator could hear that the bridge was quiet, completely different from before.

But Willets didn't even have the mind to ask what happened, she now only had her own task in her mind.

"Inquisitor, do me a favor."

"What is it?"

"Tell Captain Teyake to close the psionic limit shield on the cargo deck."


Willets was raising his hand to cover his face to prevent being injured by the sparks from the explosive bomb.

"We can go on chatting and wasting time, or you can do something, judge, no matter what tools we use, we can do the work that the emperor has entrusted to us."

At the other end of the communicator, Captain Teyak was clearly opposed to this.

"Do as she says."

Then she heard the inquisitor's order, which silenced Captain Teyak's protest.

"...... The technician is about to close the isolation equipment."

After hearing these words, Willets retreated to the cell of Knox the Witch. She had already seen the outline of the red pirate and some of the heavy soldiers of the cultists.

The crimson armor plate of these renegade Astartes is pitted, the shoulder armor is full of nails, and the helmet wears sharp horns, surrounded by their terrifying leader-Nasir Waterk "Big Brother".

Under the iron-blood suppression of the leader, the melee within the rebels has stopped. When he walked forward, Willetts saw a pair of power claws—the tips of the evil claws were emitting dark energy.

Half of Nasir Waterk’s face is missing-this is the only "gift" left to him by the Barbados War, replaced by a bionic and optical lens, and he is now staring at Vile with a grinning like a wolf Ts.

Velez blinked, and she suddenly felt relieved. Through the hand holding the wall, she felt the tremor of the generator disappeared-the device that restricted the psionicist was turned off.

"I admit that you played well, but you can end the bloodshed immediately, woman."

Nasir Waterk growled in the corridor.

"Hand over the witch named Jiroubia Knox and her mutant relatives, I can make you die faster!"

Willets' suspicion was confirmed, and the red pirates did not know how to find a black ship full of exiled psionics in this galaxy.

This thought makes the nun feel cold behind her back, which means that there must be traitors and inner ghosts on the ship, and only they can send the specific location of the black ship to the tyrant.

She thought of Jiroubia Knox-but her mouth and limbs were tightly locked, and she was locked in the darkest deep compartment of the black ship.

Could it be that she used some psionic means to contact the Red Pirate?

Although he cannot speak now, the psionicist must understand that it is obviously better to serve the tyrant of Badab than to be the emperor’s fuel.

Willitz looked up at the terrible "big brother". Knox would be a gift from Nasir Waterk to the Badab tyrant, a psionic weapon.

"Are you coming to rob our goods?"

"of course."

"You're welcome, it's yours."

As he spoke, Willets walked through the dungeon door to the cell, then pressed a switch and slammed the door made of special soundproof material.

In an instant, the painful cry of the imprisoned psionicist filled the cell.

Throughout the cargo deck, the psionicists are experiencing the process of reawakening their power, without any restrictions, they are free to use their terrifying abilities.

The Red Pirates team realized what had happened, but before they acted, the door of the cell was suddenly blasted off, hitting the Red Pirates and smashing them against the wall.

Some psionics vent their anger in this form while others use psionics to pull the traitor in half, and flames sprayed from the cell, swept the corridors, swallowed some red pirates .

After a while, the Chaos Interstellar Warrior was besieged by the psionicists, and the screaming figure running around was clearly visible under the muzzle flame.

Through the communication channel, Willets heard the voice of fear she released.

The unrestrained psionicist, full of anger and hatred, sends a fierce attack on everyone nearby.

With completely unlimited abilities, the wizard not only attacked the red pirates blocking their way, but also killed the surviving Star Whisperers and Stormtroopers.

Willetts heard their painful deaths. She heard the psionicists arbitrarily retaliate against their jailers. She told herself that sacrifice was necessary and there was no choice-these people were offering their emperor. Out of life.

But she was still heartbroken.

When Willetts turned and returned to Jiroubia Knox's cell, the remaining two nuns were pressing the weight of their full body armor on the thin metal door.

The cell door could not be locked from the inside, and Emilyanna Anatole stood with her nun, and the flamethrower pointed at the door.

Then the nun captain lifted the witch from the chair and punched her.

Since boarding the black ship, this illegal psionicist has been unaware due to drug and psionic restrictions.

However, when all this disappeared, she became a beast again, struggling constantly, the muscles on her face twitching constantly, and her mouth wanted to get rid of the metal halter.

Because of these actions, Willets went up and slapped the opponent.

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