The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1702: 5 Yuan Longfeng Soup

"what are you doing?"

Ye Fei did not answer the question of Yin Yingxia, but took off his backpack.

Where did he carry this rucksack and never wash it? The key is that there are several places that are still online. At first glance, they are cottage products.

Seeing Ye Fei take off his backpack, Yin Yingxia was curious.

He was waiting for Ye Fei to take things from his backpack. Who knew Ye Fei pointed to the large kitchen, and said, "Is there no fire? Pots and pans?"

Silver Shadow: "... what is the pot?"

Ye Fei: "..."

This product knows that talking to such a kitchen Xiaobai is no different from saying to the air.

"It's just for cooking and cooking. Don't tell me Jialan will design the kitchen without knowing the tools of pots and pans?"

"Oh, is that the kind of thing?"


"Just that."

Silver Shadow Man hurriedly described it in the air, but in the end, he didn't say what it was.

Seeing Ye Fei still looked at him with a sullen expression, Yin Yingxia floated directly to the table, and then pressed a place on the table, and saw that this piece dropped directly, it turned out to be a button.

And as the keys were pressed, I saw that the empty table just started to change.

The four sides stretched out, and then the table top began to split and overlap, and finally the appearance inside the table was revealed. Seeing the contents of this table, Ye Fei's eyes were straightened.

"I ... really! Good advanced cooktop!" Ye Fei sighed.

"Stovetop? What is it?" Curious Baby Silver Shadow asked.

"Uh ~ it ’s the place to cook. The stuff inside is too complete. I said, is Jialan Shen cooking and eating when he ’s okay? Otherwise, why would he prepare such a complete set of things? This tool shelf This pile of pots and pans, as well as this chopsticks ... I can be quite sure now that Jialan's ancestors are definitely Earth people, and they are still Chinese, otherwise they would not use chopsticks at all. "

"I don't know, but I've been to your earth. It seems that there are several countries with chopsticks besides Huaxia."

"Those were passed down from Huaxia. Chinese people using chopsticks are the ancestors."

"Oh, what do you do?"

"Leave it to me."

Ye Fei was very excited and very excited at the same time, because Jia Lan's set was really too 666, and he even suspected that it would not be less than the system provided.

It was just after giving it to me that Ye Fei's egg hurts again, and the stove top is sirloin. What do you do without ingredients?

"What's wrong?" Yin Yingxia asked Ye Fei not to move again.

Ye Fei smiled awkwardly, and said, "Are there any ingredients?"

Silver Shadow Man thought about it, then floated to the front of the wall, and then pressed it on the wall, and saw that the brilliantly-colored wall suddenly cracked, and then a huge incomparable bragging popped out directly from the inside. Air-conditioned large freezer.

Through the glass outside the freezer, Ye Fei saw what was inside, but after seeing it, Ye Fei was completely dumbfounded, even more surprised than just seeing the stove under the table.

Because in this huge refrigerator, there are all game products. This is nothing. The thing that most surprised Ye Fei is that many of these game products are on the earth. Some of them are even extinct. This is what surprised him most. The place.

"Where did you get this thing?"

Ye Fei pointed at the game in the huge freezer, and when he asked, his voice was a little trembling, because these things are definitely not allowed to eat on the earth. I did not expect that there were so many here in Jialan.

"Oh, a long time ago, the **** Jialan had devoured a planet called Haotu, but just collected some animals and plants on the Haotu planet before he swallowed it. He said that the planet was somewhat different, The energy is very abundant. He wants to find a planet to revive these animals and plants in the future and create a vast planet. So these things will be frozen here first, which may be the ingredients you said. "

After Yin Yingxia said that Ye Fei was not moving, he tried to shout, and then Ye Fei reacted.

"What planet did you just say?" Ye Fei asked excitedly and nervously.

"The planet Earth."

"Hot soil ?!"

Hearing these two words, Ye Fei's heart shook fiercely, because these two words may not be too much for people on other planets, but they are really incredible for the people on earth. That's what the ancients called the earth, and from the perspective of the preserved flora and fauna, these are all the creatures of the earth before. Can it be said that the vast starry sky has not only countless universes, but also parallel spaces? ? In another space parallel to the earth, there is a planet the same as the earth, that is, a vast land, and Jialan swallowed it up.

If this is the case, then no matter in which cosmic space the earth is, it is definitely a very important star. The first universe, the fifth universe, and now this is linked to the seventh universe, which is also amazing.

But Ye Fei doesn't have time to think about it now. His most important task now is to make some food for Jia Lan. As long as this guy is happy, he may have time to get more mysteries of the universe from his mouth. Because he knows more than people like Elf God and Bingo.

"Yes, Haotu. Can these things be used?" Silver Shadow asked.

He was also worried that if these things were not available, there would be nothing else. Ye Fei couldn't make anything to eat. As a result, one could imagine that there would be no way out.

He has a wonderful relationship with Ye Fei right now. It stands to reason that he is under the control of Jia Lan. He should help Jia Lan, but he does not want Ye Fei to die. After all, if Ye Fei succeeds, then his long-term wish can be realized. Otherwise he doesn't even have an excuse to go to earth, so he's a little nervous.

Ye Fei laughed: "Of course, just use these things."

Speaking, Ye Fei directly opened the door of the huge freezer, and at a glance he saw a huge cobra plate in a square, but at this time the cobra had frozen into a wad, and it was hard.

In a grid next to the cobra, several old hens were almost frozen.

Looking further aside, Ye Fei even saw a huge elephant. This elephant stood there like a statue. Others included pangolins, crocodiles, lizards, and so on.

Seeing these things, Ye Fei had noticed in his heart that these ingredients may be helpless for others, but for him, they are definitely top-level ingredients.

"These things ... then make a table game for Jia Lan." Ye Fei thought.

"How long will this thing thaw?" Ye Fei asked.

This is also a very realistic problem. After all, these things have been frozen too much, and it will take a long time if he wants to thaw.

However, Yin Yingxia said: "It can be thawed in an instant, which is also the feature of this freezer. When you put it in, it freezes instantly. After taking it out, these things can be thawed in an instant, which will save a lot of time."

"Black technology," Ye Fei yelled.

According to Silver Shadow, that freezer is almost the same as the yellow rosewood locker that the system provided to itself.

"Okay, let's make a soup first."

With that said, Ye Fei reached out and took out the huge cobra.

At the beginning, the cobra's body was cold and cold, and Ye Fei didn't care about it, so he took it out directly. As a result, the cobra just left the freezer and saw that a layer of frost on his body melted away instantly, and then ... ... then the cobra is alive.

That's right, it's so amazing.

After this huge cobra came to life, the huge body was entangled in Ye Fei's arm instantly, and then the tail fluttered, and Ye Fei's body was also entangled, and the huge head bite on Ye Fei's nose. Come over.

"My Nima ... help!"

Ye Fei was scared of urine instantly.

No way, this thing came too suddenly. Silver Shadow said just now that this thing will thaw after taking it out, but I didn't say that it will still be alive after thawing. This is too scary. I have no preparation at all. .

It was not until this time that Ye Fei remembered that the ten times of bad luck he had drawn had not passed yet. Guang Jialan had been tortured just now, but it was not his turn now.

Your sister, why did you live?

The speed of the cobra was too fast. With a snoring, his head reached Ye Fei's eyes, and it was too late for anyone to save him now.

Just at the moment, Ye Fei suddenly opened his mouth, and before the cobra's mouth opened, the snake letter came out and spit it out. This article directly bit the cobra's mouth.

Then ... Then Ye Fei bit his cobra's mouth and stared at Cobra, while Cobra stared at Ye Fei with both eyes staring, all motionless.

The cobra also collapsed. Laozi used to bite others. Why did others bite themselves when they woke up today?

Silver Shadow looked at his side and scratched his head, and said, "What should I do next?"

Ye Fei: "..."

Your uncle, are you a fool? What do you say next? Hurry up and help me take this cobra away. Are you still watching the excitement?

"Uh ... uh uh ... uh uh ..."

Ye Fei bit his cobra's mouth and both arms were entangled by the cobra. This product could only use his eyes to turn around vigorously to remind Silver Shadow Man.

But Yin Yingxia didn't know what Ye Fei wanted to express, and the goods were still pointed at Ye Fei's eyes.

"What's wrong with your eyes?"

Ye Fei: "..."

Suddenly, I really want to use this cobra as a whip to draw you to death directly. What do you think of my eyes? Help!

"Uh huh ..."

Ye Fei sweated in his forehead, and he could even feel a drop of liquid flowing from the snake's mouth to his mouth. He didn't know if it was snake venom.

"Oh oh oh, I see."

So Yin Yingxia came to Ye Fei, grabbed Cobra's tail, and then circled Ye Fei's body again.

Well, yes, we went around again.

Ye Fei: "..."

are you crazy!

This product really wants to scold the mother. I haven't seen such a mentally retarded pig teammate in my life. What do you mean to open it up, and what does it mean to go around?

"Uh huh ..."

Ye Fei shook his head vigorously, and the cold sweat on his forehead flowed into his eyes, sour and uncomfortable, but he couldn't care so much, and still shouted to remind Yin Yingxia.

Yinyingxia classmates circled around Ye Fei, then rubbed his chin with one hand, as if trying to figure out what Ye Fei meant.

"Can you get it out?" Finally, Yin Yingxia was right.

Ye Fei nodded quickly.

Yin Yingxia snorted, then grasped Cobra's tail with both hands, and started to circle around Ye Fei again.

Although the cobra's strength is very great, but the silver shadow man's strength is stronger, and finally the rough cobra was pulled from Ye Fei's body.

After Ye Fei's hands were able to move, he caught the seven-inch cobra directly, then his mouth suddenly released, and his hands were pulled outward at the same time. After pulling the cobra's head apart, he severely fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei's body rushed to the table, grabbed a pan and stretched out his hand. When he came back, he smashed into Cobra's head.

Five or six minutes later, the cobra lay on the ground, and his entire head was smashed by Ye Fei.

Now it's not about **** the snake with an artistic sense at all, but **** this abominable guy first to make himself safe.

When the cobra didn't move, Ye Fei was tired and panted. Then I remembered that I had just put a few drops of snake fluid in my mouth and hurriedly asked, "Is there anything to detoxify?"

"What?" Silver Shadow asked with a cute look.

Ye Fei pointed to his mouth and said, "It seems that venom has entered my mouth."

"Oh, it's okay. The gas emitted by the plants in this kitchen can detoxify, otherwise you would lie down because of its toxicity." Silver Shadow pointed at the surrounding green plants and said.

Only then did Ye Fei feel that he was really okay, and Bai was worried.

He kicked the cobra on the ground, and the cobra's body suddenly moved again. This thing will not die immediately. The nerves and induction are still there.

As a result Ye Fei jumped in shock, and hurried back.

He has made snake food, and Shonan food tastes snakes. He also uses cobras, but the eye snake and this snake are incomparable at all. If this snake is compared to an adult, the snake used in the past is Newborn baby, too much difference ~ ~ Ye Fei stood in the distance and waited for a while, after the giant cobra died completely, he came over and directly put the cobra up and put it On the large chopping board, then took a large knife from the tool holder, double-tap, first remove the cobra's head and tail, then open the belly to remove the internal organs, and finally remove the snake skin.

Ye Fei treated the cobra, and it was this kind of snake when it was made into a taste snake, so now it is handled lightly. The only difference is that this snake is relatively large.

Treat the cobra well, and then start processing the old hen.

This snake is too big, so Ye Fei directly killed three old hens to match it.

After all the ingredients are done, first boil the chicken with boiling water. After skimming the float, put it and snake meat in an oversized basin. Then Ye Fei opened his schoolbag and took out wolfberry and longan from the inside. Jujube, lotus seeds and litchi, after thinking about it, took out a section of iron yam, peeled, washed, cut into sections and put them into the pot.

After all the ingredients are ready, find a large steamer under the guidance of Silver Shadow Man, then put the basin in, directly open the fire to start steaming, wait for the water in the pot to move slowly, and then turn on the small fire slowly.煨.

When Ye Fei was making this dish, Yin Yingxia kept stretching his neck to look at his bag. In the end, he couldn't help but asked, "Why do you have everything in it?"

Ye Fei laughed: "It's convenient to go all the way when you go out."

"Oh." Yin Yingxia whispered, and after a while floated over again, pointing to the steamer and asked: "What's the name of this thing? I will answer when Jia Lan Shen asks for a while."

Ye Fei didn't want to, he said directly: "Five Yuan Longfeng Tang!"

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