The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1703: What a hardworking and hardworking kid

Five Yuan Dragon and Phoenix Soup!

Gan cuisine.

This is a famous dish in Xijiang Province, China. It is not only delicious, but also extremely nutritious.

There is no yam in the authentic Wuyuan Longfeng Decoction, and the reason why Ye Fei added a section of yam is mainly because of the gastrointestinal problems of Jialan.

Although Ye Fei said that he brought all the things with him, in fact, he didn't bring any of them. All the oil, salt, sauce and vinegar were purchased from the system, and they were sold to him after communicating with the system for a long time.

Although this Wuyuan Longfeng soup uses some common ingredients, after all, these ingredients are quite good, especially the oversized cobra, Ye Fei noticed when making it, the snake meat is not because the cobra is large. It grows old and becomes wood, on the contrary, the meat is still very tender, and even the gravy in the meat is very rich.

Not to mention the three old hens, the meat of each one is just right, plus the top ingredients used by Ye Fei, several kinds of ingredients are fused together, as the mist on the steamer appears, a strong The aroma began to diffuse directly into the large palace-style kitchen.

Flutter ~

Ye Fei's eyes patronized the steamer, and he didn't pay attention to the Silver Shadow Man. He didn't look at the Silver Shadow Man until he heard a sound, only to find that the Silver Shadow Man was climbing from the ground.

That's right, the child fell off the surfboard again.

After standing up from the ground, Yinyingxia didn't even get on the surfboard, but slowly came to Ye Fei's side, his eyes were staring at the steamer, he sucked his nose, and said, "What is this smell? ? "

Ye Fei then remembered that the poor child couldn't tell the type of taste at all, because he had never eaten at all, and to say something awkward, could Yin Yingxia now distinguish between fragrance and smell?

"Scent, how?" Ye Fei said with a smile.

Silver Shadow didn't speak, but turned around the big table twice, thoughtfully: "This taste is not bad. This is the first taste I smell. I like it. It tastes good. ?"

Listening to Yin Yingxia saying this, Ye Feiguang wants to laugh. Is this the first taste you smell? Isn't it? You should have smelled another dizziness and disgusting smell beside Jialan just now?

"Of course it can, and it's very delicious." Ye Fei laughed.

"Can I take a bite?"

"Yes, but it will take a while."

"it is good."

With that said, Yin Yingxia climbed up to his surfboard again, and then hovered quietly beside Ye Fei waiting.

"You said, why do you put in so many things, they will have such a taste?" Yin Yingxia asked humbly like a schoolboy.

Not to mention, Ye Fei had never seen anyone ask this question before, but it was hard to stop him.

"Each kind of food has its own special taste, some sweet, some salty, some fragrant, some stinky, and some spicy and sour. This is what we as the common people say, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty. Basically any food we eat These are the combination of these flavors, just like the scent we smell now, it has the aroma of chicken, and the aroma of chicken is mainly composed of three kinds of aromas, including sulfide aromas, including The taste of thiazoles, thioketones and thioethers, as well as nitrides and oxides, such as pyrazines, aldehydes and ketones. The last aroma is the aroma of fatty flavors. These three aromas When mixed together, it becomes a source of meat aroma. "

Ye Fei finished talking, and found that Yin Yingxia had no movement.

Turning around, Ye Fei almost hit his head on the steamer in front.

I saw that Yinyingxia didn't know where to get a small book, and was taking notes seriously.

"Isn't it? I said, do you want to be so serious? You just have to remember this kind of thing, do you need to take notes?"

Silver Shadow Man looked up at Ye Fei and said, "This is knowledge. I don't know. I want to write it down."

"What do you write down? Why is it useful for someone who doesn't eat or drink?"

"Yiduo is not overwhelmed. Maybe it will be used sometime. What are the pyrazines you just mentioned? And what are thiazoles, thioketones, and thioethers? What are these words ? "

Ye Fei: "..."

He suddenly found that he seemed to have dug a pit for himself. He thought that he would just pass by, but he did not expect to encounter a serious and real child.

"You don't know how to write these words?"

Ye Fei was so curious, this guy didn't know these words, how could he remember these words? It doesn't make sense.

Who knows that Yinyingxia forwarded the small book in his hand and said: "Draw circles, the characters I don't know are circles, just different circles draw different circles."

Ye Fei was stunned and took the Yin Yingxia's small book. As a result, he saw a lot of circles above. There are many words other than these words. This guy can't write them. They are all in circles. Rock sugar gourd is almost the same.

"Your circle ... how it looks the same, how can you tell which word is which?"

Ye Fei looked at it for a long time, and he was sure that all the circles painted by this guy were no different at all.

Silver Shadow Man took his small book from Ye Fei and said, "Not the same. Look at these two circles. The first one is rounder than the second one. The long and short axes of the first one are the same. The most round, this circle represents the word pyr, and then the second circle has a short axis of 0.1 millimeters less than the long axis, representing the word hydrazine, and then ... what happened to you ? "

Ye Fei covered her face with her hands, and the goods squatted directly on the floor, and he wanted to cry.

He now understands why there are so many languages ​​on the earth, each country has the language of each country, each country has the civilization of each country, and the aliens also have alien languages. He finally knew the aliens Where did the language come from? There is a bunch of goods like Silver Shadow, and everything is replaced by circles. Isn't this an alien language? If he didn't say that the ghost could understand?

The difference between the long axis and the short axis of each circle is only 0.01mm. Who can see such a little length with the naked eye? Do you think everyone's eyes are magnifying glasses with a ruler?

"Okay, you can use circles instead. I'll tell you how to write it, but you don't understand it."

Ye Fei waved his hands weakly, and he didn't want to correct it for Yin Yingxia. How can this be corrected? As soon as you correct that he no longer knows, it is better to use his "circle" instead.

Fortunately, at this time, the Wuyuan Dragon and Phoenix Soup is OK, otherwise Ye Fei doesn't know how to let Yin Yingxia torture him for a while.

"Is that okay?" Yin Yingxia saw Ye Fei with a black face to lift the lid of the pot, and quickly put away the small book, asked the fragrance.

Ye Feiyin said, he didn't want to care about Yin Yingxia anymore.

When the lid was lifted, a cloud of steam rushed out and brought out the aroma of Wuyuan Dragon and Phoenix Soup. The entire palace was dominated by this aroma.

"Why is it stronger than it was just now? It ’s bad, my belly is calling, am I sick? I have never had this in my belly, it ’s broken, why do I feel like my belly is empty? ? After that, I want to eat these things you made, but I'm afraid that Jialan God blame me, what should I do? "

Yin Yingxia muttered by himself. After a while, Ye Fei ’s head almost hurt. This is a basket of words. This one should go to team with impermanence. I believe that two people can absolutely say a dark day every day Moonless.

Where have you got so many exclamations? It ’s bad, it ’s broken, it ’s over, you want to eat, and you ’re hungry!

The pot in the pot is too big. Three old hens, a giant cobra, plus other materials and water, can weigh more than 70 to 80 kilograms.

Ye Fei was okay when you put it in the pot. After all, the basin is not hot, but now you will let him bring it out. It's a bit bad. The basin is hot, the key is too heavy.

"Troubleshoot, can you bring it out?"

Yin Yingxia looked at the bowl, and then looked at Ye Fei, and said, "Why are you wrong? If I didn't guess wrong, this bowl should be hot."

"... Can I still use you if I can handle it? Yes, this basin is hot, so I want you to help me."

Ye Fei really didn't expect that Silver Shadow Man was such a **** good. This is too grindsome. Let you take it for you, why are there so many nonsense?


The elf **** gave a whistle, then grasped the edge of the basin with both hands, easily lifted the basin out, put it carefully on the table, and muttered again.

"I didn't guess wrong, this pot is really hot."

Ye Fei: "..."

This article gave a silent glance at Silver Shadow Man, I don't know why, he really wanted to punch this guy's face with a fist, they had no revenge, but he just wanted to strike Silver Shadow Man.

The basin was placed on a table, and the ingredients inside the basin were eye-catching. The chicken was cut into pieces by Ye Fei. Each piece is now extremely tender and tender, and it has been cooked and rotten. The snake meat is even more brilliant Such as jade, several red dates, lotus seeds, longan, and litchi and wolfberry are garnished in it, so that the whole soup's face value soared again in a moment.

Several sections of yam that have been steamed lie scattered in the basin, like little fat dolls.

The scent was like lightning, rushed into the nostril of Silver Shadow Man, and split directly into his brain.

"I ... I really want a bite," Silver Shadow said again.

Ye Fei raised his head and looked up.

"What are you looking at?" Silver Shadow asked.

"I'm watching if there is a camera."


"Can monitor our stuff remotely."

"No, we don't need that thing, I can sense any object and movement beyond ten thousand meters, and the Jialan **** can perceive the place beyond ten thousand meters."

"Then what else do you drink? He knows everything when you drink it. You can pass it on, and I'll do the next."

Speaking, Ye Feifei sprinkled a little pepper on top of the soup, and let Yin Yingxia take the five-yuan Longfeng soup.

After the silver basket man left, Ye Fei came to the front of the huge freezer and looked at the pile of ingredients. This product was afraid to start, whether it was a crocodile, a giant lizard, or an elephant tiger brown bear. He couldn't manage any of them after that, of course, except for violent kills.

"Hemp eggs, I have never been so embarrassed in making food. I actually wanted to run when I saw the ingredients." Ye Fei mumbled.

He turned to look at the door, and then thought, "Forget it, wait for Silver Shadow to come back and do it, and let that guy pack up these things."

With that said, he was not in a hurry, walking around in front of the freezer, looking at the tiger, looking at the lion, and then reaching out and touching it, it felt very exciting.

"Why don't you make the next meal?"

Just as Ye Fei touched Hapei, a voice came from behind, scaring Ye Fei.

"I rely, you can't take a sound while walking?" Ye Fei said, staring back at Silver Shadow Man.

It was only after he finished speaking that Silver Shadow Man came without sound, because this girl couldn't stand on the ground and stepped on the surfboard.

"So what ... Help me get this thing, oh, by the way, die." Ye Fei pointed at the frozen lizard and said.

Lizards, in the eyes of many people, are definitely a terrible animal, especially giant lizards, but the existence of a duel with lions and tigers can be said to be a mess.

Silver Shadow didn't even see this thing at all. As soon as he reached out and took out the giant lizard, the frost on the lizard melted instantly, and the giant lizard was resurrected, but he didn't wait for it to react. An energy ball appeared in the middle of his hands.

Ye Fei knew at a glance that something bad was about killing a lizard. Did you throw out the energy balls? Aren't you hitting mosquitoes with cannons?

"Wait a minute!"

Ye Fei hurriedly stopped, but the result was one step too late.

Boom ~

Silver Shadow's energy ball was thrown directly in front of the lizard, and then ... then a giant lizard had half left, the head disappeared completely, the ghost did not know where to explode, and there was no blood at the scene. Found to evaporate directly.

Ye Fei: "..."

This cargo was standing there with a twitching mouth, and silently mourned the giant lizard for three seconds in the heart. It is estimated that this is the deadliest and most powerful lizard, and it can be bombed to death by the energy ball of Silver Shadow. Alive.

"Did I get too heavy?" Silver Shadow asked weakly when he saw only half of the lizards.

Ye Fei rolled his eyes, he didn't know what to say, you know how heavy it is? This is just a lizard, not a powerful enemy. Do you need to throw energy balls? Why don't you fry the whole kitchen?

"Can it still be used?" Yin Yingxia asked Ye Fei not to speak again.

Ye Fei came to the lizard to take a closer look, and said, "You can use it. I originally wanted to make a roasted dragon. Let's make braised pork now."

No way, the whole dragon is incomplete, how to do it? Can only be cut into pieces for braised.

"Eat this thing? It looks disgusting," Yin Yingxia muttered.

Ye Fei scooped up the remaining half of the lizards ~ ~ and threw them on the big table, saying: "Lizards, this kind of thing is a very ferocious beast in the eyes of many people, especially on our planet , A giant lizard much smaller than this can fight lions and tigers, and some people eat poultry and even humans, but this thing is actually a very top game ingredient, we have several continents on the earth, almost There are countries that eat lizards on every continent. "

"It goes without saying that Africa is a continent that eats everything except food. The Americas, lizards are definitely an indispensable meat food in Moses. They can even eat chicken and pork, but they must not. There is no lizard meat, and the mystic people are willing to eat even the lizards. To say that the most crazy country to eat lizards is still in our Asia, especially Southeast Asia. It is a nightmare town for lizards. Lao Wo , Philippines, Miandian, these countries can eat the lizard extinction, whether it is a giant lizard or a small lizard, catch and eat, and the most famous lizard eating country is a local tyrant, that is, Saudi Arabia, lizards It ’s the top cuisine in their country, and it ’s as exciting as roasting a camel. The East Japanese nation uses lizards to make miso soup, and the professional attitude of eating lizards in the Indian countries is like treating art. "

"Wait a minute, all in all, lizards are definitely a kind of delicious food that many people can't give up. Of course, our country also has it. Nanhai Province is also a big lizard eater, especially roasted whole dragon is definitely a delicious food."

Ye Feiyu introduced to Yin Yingxia. Looking back, Yin Yingxia took out a small book and began to remember. Ye Fei shook his head and cried with laughter.

"What a hard-working and hard-working kid." Ye Fei muttered in his heart.

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