The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 308: The Past of Bakar

Zhang Yue sat on Xing Kun's broad back, looking at the infinite scenery ahead.

A star shining round bead could just be held by Zhang Yue's palm.

This is a gift given by Zhang Yuegang when he sat on Xing Kun's back.

"Your kid is lucky. This thing is called star stone, also called star core, which is the material extracted from the star after being swallowed by the star kun."

"This should be his mother's reserved for advanced use." Starlight Little Snake Baka said.

"Is this stuff precious?" Zhang Yue asked.

"According to your price, it is worth 10,000 gods, gods, generally true gods can condense a gods in a year." Starlight snake Baka said, since the last time he recovered a little energy in the star realm, it started Interpret the information of the universe and the heavens.

"Damn, this stuff is so expensive." Zhang Yue said in surprise.

"No, I can't ask for it."

Zhang Yue said that he put the star stone on Xingkun's back and passed an idea to Xingkun, meaning that your gift is very precious and I can't accept it. You can save it for later promotion.

After the message was sent, Zhang Yue received the recovery, which means, this, stone, mother, many, for you.

The short sentence on the side of a child made Zhang Yue smile, which reminded him of his little brother.

Zhang Yue kindly touched Xingkun's head, took the star stone in his hand, and said to Baka, the little starlight snake, "It said that there are many star stones, and they are all left by his mother."

"This little thing is still a rich second generation. It seems that its mother is very strong, at least at the level of the main god, and may also be a **** king."

What Starlight Little Snake Baka said surprised Zhang Yue. This background was too strong.

"Then what the fuck." Zhang Yue asked.

"Who knows, it's probably either in the depths of the star field or in the sea of ​​the universe."


After Zhang Yue wandered in the star realm with Xing Kun for a few hours, he decided to go to practice and complete the final center area of ​​the star map.

"Xiaoxing Kun, I am going to practice, you can play by yourself, I will come back to see you often."

Zhang Yue touched Xing Kun's head and said, during these few hours, Zhang Yue and Xing Kun had a very good conversation.

Zhang Yue told it the outside story, and Xing Kun told Zhang Yue what it had seen in the star realm, including the star dragon that rules the star core in the center of the star realm.


Xing Kun made a reluctant voice, and then asked Zhang Yue where he wanted to fall.

On the shore of the Sea of ​​Galaxy, the star kun slowly fell to the ground.

Zhang Yue jumped off Xingkun's back while driving against gravity.


Zhang Yue waved to Xing Kun who was flying away.


Say goodbye to Zhang Yue.

"This is just less than 20 years after he was born, and he has grown so much. I don't know how old he will be when he is an adult." Zhang Yue sighed.

"It's not much, that is, half of this star realm." Starlight Little Snake said.


"What's the essence of this? If I were in his heyday, your worlds would not be enough for me to walk a few steps." Starlight Little Snake said.

"That's right, after all, your body like a galaxy is qualified to say this." Zhang Yue thought for a while and said, the snake of the universe should be the one that was grabbed by the herder and pulled in half.

Zhang Yue looked at the surrounding environment, the calm sea, the beach full of fine sand, and small strange animals crawling on it from time to time.

He nodded and expressed his satisfaction with the surrounding environment, so he decided to settle down here and prepare to make a breakthrough in the middle-level place.

A villa with Zhang Yue characteristics rises from the beach.

On the beach, Zhang Yue skillfully took out the barbecue rack, charcoaled and heated, and a dragontail fish was quickly cleaned up by Zhang Yue and put it on the barbecue rack to eat before practicing.

A recliner was condensed by Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue stretched out restrained on the recliner, took out a can of beer and drank.

"This is life."

Zhang Yue looked at the sea level in the distance and said.

"Young man, the layout is small, so I'm satisfied." Starlight snake Baka looked at Zhang Yue with disdain. This kid has good talent, but he is easy to be lazy sometimes.

"Do you know what grilled meat is the most delicious in the world."

"You know what is the most beautiful creature in the sea of ​​universe."

"Have you ever seen the tree of stars in the ocean of laws, one leaf is a world, the whole book is the law, that is the Tao."

"Just take a look, you can cultivate hard for ten thousand years."

Zhang Yue looked at Starlight Little Snake with an excited expression, and said with a smile: "You are afraid that I will just be lazy."

"Yes, if you can't advance to the main god, I can't regain my freedom."

"Haha, Baka, you think too much, but I want to lead the human race to the top."

Zhang Yue lay on the recliner and looked into the distance and said that this belief was born after he became a god-level rating. If he is not strong in talent, he may be content with the status quo.

But when he became the most talented person in the human race, the safety of the human race was closely related to him.

"The world race of the heavens, what is the pinnacle, the ability is like the starry sky clan, and it is the ability to bring the tribe to detachment together."

"The fire of a race is eternal, and that is what the strong should do."

Baka, the little snake in the sky, waved his hands excitedly and said that he once wanted to be such a hero, but he failed.

"You look so excited, has it resonated with you?" Zhang Yue said as he looked at the excited Starlight Snake.

"Really, maybe I want you to complete what I didn't do." Starlight Little Snake Baka said suddenly a little lonely.

A bottle of beer appeared in front of the starlight snake,

"Can you drink it? It seems that you are also a person with a story." Zhang Yue said. From the expression of the starlight snake just now, it can be seen that its experience is bound to be endless without a few million words.

A starlight hand held the snake began to change. A little boy in his 10s appeared in front of Zhang Yue and took a sip of the beer.

"Well, the taste is a bit weird, not bad." The little boy commented after drinking.

"Damn, you can be an adult."

As Zhang Yue said, he pinched the little boy's face. It felt good, just like the real one.

"You can comprehend the law of life to the level of the main god," the little boy said triumphantly. This was just a little trick he got when he swallowed several **** queens who majored in the law of life.

"Awesome." Zhang Yue said to the little boy.

"Haha, what's this? I thought I was the one who waved my hand and was able to create a small universe, knowing that I was greedy afterwards, thinking..." said this, the little boy stopped immediately, while still leaning on The kid gets resources and can't let him hate himself too much.

At that time, he had just swallowed a large universe with life, and then met a herder, cruelly carried him in his hands, and threw him into the prison-like universe. Every day he had to worry about whether he would be roasted.

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