The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 309: Auxiliary promotion secret

Most of you are waiting to see the typo revision.

Zhang Yue and Starlight Little Snake Baka talked about the sea of ​​the universe, and Zhang Yue was amazed that there is such a vast world outside of the heavens.

"Now you tell me this scum who is just about to advance to the middle level. It seems useless." Zhang Yue said, those things about the sea of ​​the universe, at least until after the main **** can be exposed.

"Boy, please be fortunate. With me, you must be a master god." Starlight snake Baka said, in the endless years of the sea of ​​cosmos, he has obtained countless secret methods for enhancing strength, even if there is no one. Those who are talented in cultivation can attack the Lord God.

"Haha, it's better not to do this, or else who will get you the heart of the universe." Zhang Yue said with a smile, and whoever said clearly about the rogue after countless years.

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he began to practice.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, with both hands pinching a gesture surrounded by stars, he was immersed in the huge star map of the spiritual space.

The sky above Zhang Yue's body for a radius of 10 kilometers was all shrouded in a star map phantom, and the strong starlight power radiated in the star realm.

In the star map phantom, a star appears in the center of the void. If you look closely, there are eight rows orbiting around the star.

This is a star map that Zhang Yue set up after careful consideration, centered on the solar system, and listed all around.

The sun in the ancestral land of the human race is the first lesson Zhang Yue wants to visualize the stars.

At this time, in the huge star map phantom above Zhang Yue, the void area centered on the solar system began to slowly become solid.

Starlight Little Snake looked at the huge star map phantom in the sky, and muttered: "I didn't expect this kid to have such a high level of gift for the laws of the starry sky."

"Is that right? After entering the Star Territory in the future, this kid will be more like a fish in water."

"This starting point is much higher than when I was."

Starlight snake Baka suddenly thought of something, and said to Zhang Yue, "Boy, I forgot to tell you, take out the star stone when practicing."

"This will help you advance to the middle level."

As soon as he finished speaking, the star chart phantom above Zhang Yue disappeared, and the starlight snake who slowly opened his eyes and looked at it, as if looking at a scam.

Zhang Yue took out the star stone and said to the vanishing star Baka, "How do you use this stuff?"

"Just keep it by your side, he will automatically overflow the starlight energy, enough for you to advance to a higher level." Starlight Little Snake said.

"Understand, what else needs me to take out." Zhang Yue asked, for fear that he would be asked to take out something again.

"Well, you, galaxy water essence, drink a bottle before practicing."

"I have an auxiliary secret method for advancing to the middle level, which can improve the purity of the soul with the help of "Ten Thousand Stars: Yu Jue"."

"There is also a magic map. You can use your shield mountain crystals to arrange it so that you can cross steps."

"and also··············"

"Stop." Zhang Yue stopped in time.

"As for the secret methods needed to advance to the middle level, how many kinds do you know." Zhang Yue asked.

Baka, the little starlight snake, froze for a moment, thought about it very seriously, and finally said slowly: "30647 kinds. They are all boring knowledge I received in the sea of ​​cosmos."

Even if he killed him, he wouldn't say it was a secret method he had obtained by devouring a large universe.

"Can you pick a few more powerful auxiliary secrets?" Zhang Yue said.

"Don't tell me, I really have a secret method."

"The top race, the phantom clan advances the secret method."

"It's a set of three secret methods of life, soul, and spirit. It doesn't require high conditions. It's mainly a test of will."

"It hurts, you should be able to hold it."

Starlight Little Snake Baka said, and gave Zhang Yue the triple secret method.

Zhang Yue felt a lot of things in his mind. After checking the spirit, he exclaimed: "You are more painful, forcing the spiritual soul space?"

"let it go."

"No, I can make it through."

Zhang Yue sat cross-legged on the ground again and began to portray the secret methods used for promotion in his spiritual space.

A day later, Zhang Yue stood up tired from the beach.

"Damn, one day is finally over, Kabbah, don't let me down." Zhang Yue said.

"I am a strong man who has lived for an unknown number of epochs, how could I lie to you." Starlight Little Snake said.

"hope so."

Ten days later, a virtual star map with a diameter of 30 kilometers in the sky slowly condensed over Zhang Yue.

In the center of the star map, a star gradually became brighter and more solid.

Just as the last one was about to be completed, the secret method in Zhang Yue's mind was activated. In an instant, Zhang Yue's whole person began to burn, and the star in the center of the star chart above Zhang Yue became brighter and brighter. There is a tendency for the spiritual body to manifest.

A boundless pain sensation came out of Zhang Yue's mind and gradually shifted to other parts of the body.

It felt like being put to death by Ling Shi in a raging fire, which was even more painful than Zhang Yue's acceptance of "Ten Thousand Stars Zhenyu Jue".

Zhang Yue wanted to faint immediately so that he would not have to bear the pain.

"Persevere, don't sink, or everything will be over."

Just when Zhang Yue was about to be unable to hold on, the voice of Baka, the little starlight snake, first entered Zhang Yue's ears.

"Is this a **** thing human experience, it hurts too much."

Zhang Yue, who was about to faint, recovered his sanity.

At this time, the three flames were surrounded by Zhang Yue, tempering his physique, spirit and soul.

The star stone in the palm of the hand shines brightly at this time, and the endless starlight energy is transmitted to Zhang Yue, and finally to the phantom of the star map above Zhang Yue.

The star in the center of the star chart is shining like the sun at this time, and it begins to slowly manifest in reality.

"Zhang Yue, you are holding on for 10 minutes, and you are about to succeed soon." Starlight Little Snake said as he looked at the star that was about to manifest successfully.

"I can't hold on for a Zhang Yue in the three-color flame said with a grim face. At this time, he is no longer a human being, and all his flesh and blood are refined by the three-color flame, spiritual and soul They are all suffering a huge look, and the star map above their heads is still running.

"Then where does the strength to speak come from?" Starlight Little Snake said, stupid boy, it is enough that the life potential has not exploded until now.

"Boy, go through it at all costs, the strong one didn't break through countless times of Nirvana and countless lives and deaths."

"Compared to what I will face in the future, this pain is a fart."

"Remember, stick to your heart and don't perish."

Zhang Yue didn't listen to others, but the last sentence don't sink into his ears.

Has burned out and started to burn the skeleton.

There is only a trace of spirit left.

The soul is only the core part left.

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